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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. We've got a final wav from Sir Jordanius for the Victory theme. To everyone else! I'm gonna need some audio WIPs or many of these songs will be up for grabs. To anyone circling this project like a vulture, prepare to feast at 11:59pm est on the 1st. If anyone needs an extension, do please contact me ASAP. It's been 6 months, so if anyone needs to drop their claim please let me know so someone else can try their hand at it.
  2. Yeah, this album is really close to done. It's basically just waiting on me, XPRTNovice, and Hat's finale. I'm gonna have to follow up with these people (including myself!) to find out when these songs can be completed.
  3. Bionic Commando album has passed evaluation. I've shared the evaluations in the private subforum. If there are critiques on your song that you feel you can fix, please do so!
  4. For anyone having trouble waiting, I just made this little demo of 'Forever Rachel' using Skrzatusz pipe organ available at www.skrzatusz.net but incredibly difficult to get working (Hauptwerk I mean. The samples are just samples.) https://soundcloud.com/brandon-strader/ff6-forever-rachel-skrzatusz It's not on this album. Ain't even on the bonus dvd. Just something I did to test the new samples.
  5. Gonna let this speak for itself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFpNTcYmid8
  6. We all need complimentary bottles of wine to sip from with our pinkies out before the digital album drops
  7. So it would be an improvement from the usual omg guys I am kidding, haha.
  8. PS4 is gonna be solid right out the gate, I'm gonna get the launch bundle with Knack, seems like they have a solid stream of stuff coming out immediately, they'll even have Drive Club as a free download at launch from what I've heard, not to mention the PS+ benefits, hopefully they keep up the free games like they have been doing on the ps3. ZombiU is a cool game. We need to see more stuff like that as Wii U exclusives. Not exactly like it, but I mean games like that which appeal to hardcore gamers. I'd like to see Nintendo throw their hat into the hardcore gaming ring. Or at LEAST make something like a G-rated Uncharted or a good adventure game, anything really..
  9. You keep asking why I bought a Wii U, so here's my answer. Because I thought it was going to be awesome and better than the Wii. I thought Nintendo was going to learn from their mistakes with the Wii. I thought games were going to be beautiful and in HD, with a lot better graphical detail and quality. I thought the games were going to improve. I thought the Wii U wouldn't be subjected to the shovelware that the Wii was. I thought the third party support would make the Wii U a console to be reckoned with, regardless of the fact that the PC is really the best place to get any third party title. I don't hate Nintendo or the Wii U. I'm just disappointed, and my Wii U is collecting dust like the previous Wii did. I think Nintendo is working on games that appeal to very small subsections of their audience, and the quality is questionable. All of this could have been avoided if I had waited 3-4 years before buying a Wii U instead of adopting it fairly early, so I only have myself to blame there, but Nintendo is also not giving me much confidence that they are going to start producing new high quality games for the system. I want to get Wind Waker HD because I never played the original, and check out the new Wii U Zelda that is in production. I hope they deliver with that. I consider myself a casual gamer with hardcore gaming tendencies, Nintendo and their games should be right down my alley, but there are a lot of oversights that are keeping these games and the Wii U in general from being a really fun system.
  10. I read it fine. Were you legitimately telling him to become a terrorist or were you twisting the storyline of the CoD series? Or were you thinking of a different game? The only one that comes to mind that lets you play as a terrorist is Counter-Strike. But the point is you CAN do things on your own in real life, not that you should. I think people should play whatever game they want to, and the level of realism in the game is not a reason to be against it. The bottom line is that EA provides a good quality product to a huge audience that buys and enjoys the product, and that's really all that matters. I don't hate them for making something people want. And that is one of the things about them that I consider better than Nintendo. We can agree to disagree on any of these points but that's how I see it. http://i.imgur.com/BodE5pi.jpg
  11. Here's a good deal on Wii U Deluxe, used. Probably won't last long. http://www.cowboom.com/product/1376874?utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_source=3562041&utm_campaign=CJ
  12. This is the dumbest post you have ever made. Congratulations. If he wanted to join the military to fight terrorists and emulate Call of Duty, that would be fine. Admirable, even.
  13. Epic. Haters gonna hate, just do what you do and really grind their gears.
  14. How about you dress in a cat suit, eat some mushrooms, and go outside? Sports games aren't the only games that emulate real life activities that you, yourself, can perform. Your logic is as unreasonable as your irrational hate for EA.
  15. Try the good Mega Man game oh wait there is none Nah I'd say try Mega Man X. It's not part of this compo though. Trying to play Mega Man using save states is a major headache. At least MMX you can play most of the way through without using save states, if you know what order to take on the robot masters in.
  16. No kidding, I didn't mean to imply anything or offend with that comment. I only have $7 of usable income until Thursday too. Sometimes it just happens, life happens, and priorities.
  17. I can't show you what it was, that defeats the purpose of SUPREME anonymity. I am too dedicated and specific to allow that to happen. ;-)

    I'm 500% serious about doing Japanese remix of Redemption from Dirge of Cerberus. I just haven't decided what style to do it yet. I was thinking of using vocaloid but that would be a cop out, I need to record the vocals myself. But I could always do both. I guess it will be "to be seen"..... next year :-P

  18. Fixed that for you. I don't think the actual quote is accurate, though. I've subbed a lot of project tracks and they usually get judged at the same pace as any other submission. Sentient Machines was a song I wanted in the FF1 flood, but I had not submitted it to be judged, so it didn't get posted because they weren't sure if it would pass or something, not 100% sure on that detail.
  19. I heard OCR is shooting for July 1st release for the digital album. Not sure if that was supposed to be a secret or not but it was a semi-public announcement sent out to all of the project backers of which there were 2,509 so it's not exactly a secret. Benefit of having backed the project, I guess.
  20. That sounds like a personal problem.
  21. Me too, I heard they got some newb to make it though
  22. Ok, I like "Spirits of Gaia" but I'll go ahead and change it to "Diamonds are a Yan's Best Friend", because that name is cool and silly, and I like it too. So it's settled! I have an updated version uploaded as well, should be the same link as I shared privately before. (Mp3 AND Wav) @KieranCarden: Thanks for the cool name idea!
  23. Nintendo games today just don't feel like they hold much value.
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