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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hi... I was gonna make you a video to show how I do stuff cause it'd be too hard to do with images. I've been up for 40 hours though so I'm going to bed, but please be patient! I'll do it as soon as I can and post it in the remix stem thread.

    As for what I did, pretty much highpassed everything hah. Individually, of course, to an extent that cut down on the un-needed bass frequencies while still maintaining the important part of each sound. Then other boosts or cuts higher up to shape the sounds, but from memory it wasn't too harsh on the EQs there.

    When I make sends I just hit "Add FX Channel", then I add that as a send to the channels that need it, I don't really make buses, everything routes to the master

    From what I can tell your biggest issue is recording mono things (like live guitar) as stereo

    that's a huge no no

  2. HINT. HINT. HINT. HINT. HINT. so annoying i should change my avatar asap

  3. Hmm so is the album thing done 100% or do I have time to tweak something? I think City of Angels needs the arpeggio from the source

  4. Hmm well the prayer itself is one thing, don't guess you'd need too much, just make it so it's not too long because if it went over the length of the transition where it would be, there'd be problems eh :-o

    I FORGOT that you were gonna do choir vocals too. They'd have to be super good! Those will have to wait until after the song is recorded more. Waiting on a sax solo from Tuesday too.

  5. Hmm, ok! Interesting. I'll mark it as a Final Fantasy Legend II mix then. :-P

  6. Holy crap, how did you get 34,470 posts? I haven't seen you all over every thread constantly. O_O

    And... what I came here to say.. I'm gonna try recording that new Hurry now, hope I have time. o_o

  7. Holy shit your trailer dude, holy shit

  8. Honestly man not to be a wienerbutt, but would it be easier to just make something like your Phantom Train mix for it and we can give your metal version the TLC it needs to pass with less of a rush? Iunno man you don't gotta worry about being BROOTAL. You'd be surprised how much non metal is on de album. I know you're super busy with xprt bebbe so it's whatever you feel man, ALL up to you!!!! Thank you so muuuuuuuuuch! :'(

  9. honk. hey what's up with the + after your name. halc+ is it javascript function cool(){halc++;}

  10. hoo IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS LOOUUUUD IF IT'S UNMASTERED YO you must be mixing really hot, then trying to master hot on top of that, or did you boost it or something? Unmastered should be hitting at like -4db or so

  11. Hope you don't get AIDs :-o

  12. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, hehe... I'm in a mad rush to get both Teen Agent and my solo album done, one deadlined on the 15th and the other generally needed before Christmas to give to family *at* Christmas. After that, it's all WildArms, baby! ^_^

  13. How are you doing meow-meow? :3

  14. how ASAP is ASAP? :-D I'mma start writing up the sub email soon!

    Also: did you know the pigs got loose on your page? This is cray

  15. How did you start the Sonic Zone remix compo? I want to start a compo when the current one finishes. Just because why not.

  16. How does it feel to grow from an old baby?

  17. how halc managed to have nothing but protodome with how famous halc is, is a mystery to me... a much needed change imo, that kirby icon is poopy

  18. How hard did you cry after the Spartacus finale? BE HONEST.

    I actually had the WORST nightmare the night after watching it.

  19. How long ago did you get the DP email for it? Has it been... years?

  20. How small did you actually make the cover before resizing it? ;p

    Also PEOPLE ain't allowed to print their own silly, OCR has to print them :-) should be easy since it's 1 disc

  21. How you been, Timmy? :-D

  22. how you get 44 likes on your bandcamp page in less than a day?!

    and how did you get that deviantart feller to make arts for ya?

  23. Hrm yeah I'm gonna fix some stuff, like your choir vocals, are too dark/high on the low mids. At any rate I will be subbing it tonight to the panel. If you have any notes to give, please do asap :-)

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