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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. So there's a deal going on in the eShop where if you buy Kirby's Dreamland 3 and Kirby Super Star at full price, you get Kirby's Dream Course for free.
  2. Oi, I was getting scared. I thought this was June 1st instead of June 30th. This means I still have a chance... gosh, I hope I can turn in a finished song by the 30th. I hope you like it too, even though it'll be totally metal.
  3. WTC happened? ...never forget! Sure, buy a Wii U - it's pretty awesome. The added features will be good, honestly. As much crap as I have on my smartphone, it's still pretty darn good at making calls. As long as the core function of the system is good, playing games, which we know it WILL be, there isn't really an issue. You can't say "less is more" if having more doesn't cause any real issues.. can you?
  4. Well you could keep a list of who is interested in it, then bump this when it goes on 50% off sale again. That might be too much effort for you though if you want to get chipsounds now now now now now.
  5. Here's the thing, I think a lot of us who dislike the Xbone right now will probably have one, in say, 5 or so years, maybe 6. When you can buy the console for maybe $200, or you can find it used or with a coupon on Newegg or something like that for even cheaper. Deep discount after several years, it always happens. Then, as games get older, they are also discounted. You could buy Halo 5 for maybe $20 on amazon or some other online retailer. So while it may not be as integral of a part of our gaming lives like X360 or PS3 were, it's still not going to be so bad when the prices go down. We can play our Halo 5 and our Gears of War 7 or whatever number they're up to now and it won't be too bad. It'll just take maybe 7 years from now. And if enough people are set in waiting for it instead of supporting it early on, the prices will likely drop sooner.
  6. Long pic is long (luckily, not so wide)
  7. Except that hating (or loving) on the Xbone belongs on the Xbone thread, and hating (or loving) on the Wii U belongs on the Wii U thread. We don't attack other threads like pirate vessels on the open seas, shooting cannon balls at them. And what he posted wasn't necessarily an attack, but I did feel it was good information to have in the Xbone thread, that's why I pointed it out. Also just because the Wii U sold a few more copies in the UK doesn't erase their downward spiral or the fact that they are really out of touch with gaming themselves, though to be very fair, it has become clear they are quite less out of touch than Microsoft. The biggest fear is that when Nintendo finally catches up to Microsoft and Sony, they'll make the same mistakes MSoft and Sony are making now.
  8. Not sure if SOPA is the best analogy to use, since it always returns and there's always people coming back to it. Or maybe it was the perfect analogy.
  9. Thank you very much! Yar... I try to do all kinds of multi-genre stuff... sometimes it works out really well. :-D

  10. That's great news! I hope you don't try to push yourself though... please be cautious!

  11. I sent them an email and they said we can't even get the $75 deal. It's only for schools and businesses.
  12. Could. Social network importance changes over time... I think Youtube should definitely be up there, there's a few even on my bar that could be removed.. or replaced with something more relevant...
  13. I don't mean to be a bother but the edit profile still has input for ICQ number... I saw it has Steam... so much potential... Version 6 features? Probably? ... There's so much potential for customization of sites in the edit profile area... There's so many NEW sites, like tumblr, youtube, vine? etc...
  14. YES!!! It is a birthday for BONKERS!! Probably THE best remixer I've ever heard, and a great guy. Give it up for the Bonkers. Recent mixpost: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02662/
  15. I really like this a lot. I think if you have some echo on the low choir, maybe pull back on that a bit, as it just seems to smear together, but this is really solid. I think it's really down to personal preference at this point, you did a great job making the samples sound more natural, as natural as you could eh? I was hoping I would be the one to come out with a Ni No Kuni mix on OCR, but I still tried my best to help you out so you could submit this.. I really hope it passes, and I wish you the best of luck. You could wait for a mod review, or go ahead and give it a try.
  16. Hmm? nah. It'd be easier if there was a $20 discount on it. Without needing 10 people.....
  17. Da fuq, you have to get 10 people to spend $75? You realize how impossible this is, right? Count me in.
  18. Ok sorry about all the inconvenience and stuff... I know metal is hard but I sorta expected you to be really super good at it because of your skills and not even have a problem with the panel, but eh. It just proves that you are indeed, human.


  19. Sup wit det magician's tower :-o!!

  20. https://twitter.com/XboxSupport3/status/336924786410278912 Dunno if this has been posted yet but this changes things, doesn't it? http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00CYH2PKA This DEFINITELY changes things
  21. Yeah I dunno what's up with lack of mod review, sorry. But I'll give it another good listen when you have the next version, and hopefully we'll be getting closer to when you could sub it.
  22. Is this true? My smartphone plays music and movies, even Netflix... can't you do that with a 3DS? If you can't what is the point? I will admit though, my phone doesn't play games in 3D.
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