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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I saw that EWQL Free edition torrent recently while I was... doing some.... entirely legal and above the bar internet searching. Was wondering if you had any luck acquiring it.

  2. I saw your flickerfall sig, is that your band? Would you be interested in doing vocals for my solo album maybe?

  3. I sent Jeff the midi/mp3s and all and he said he could do it but he didn't seem to do them before he left. :|

  4. I sent the ff2 album in to projects@ocremix my man :-)

    I hope you dig it. Dunno if the cover can help as visual inspiration but I dig the colors on that.

  5. I sent you a message or at least I think I did, did you get it?

  6. I sent you a pm but I also forgot to mention FF3, if you wanna get in on that, that'd be AMAZING!! But there's a lot more time with that one. :-)

  7. I still don't even know what's going to happen. -_- I was told by the scheduler person that the longer they take to figure something out, the less serious the consequences will be... I did get hurt but it was just pain that went away in a few days.. Yeahhh stinky times. I try to growl and I get a few good seconds but it just makes me cough hard. I don't know why it's taking so long to heal up or whatever, or if I just need to push through this tickle.. it doesn't seem right. :/

  8. I take it the idea of being a village sage talking of the fall and rise of the Magi did not interest you :-(

  9. I think my style is evolving beyond what is acceptable or comprehensible at OCR, but I do want Fairy Battle to pass if it can. As a result I'm kinda trying to figure out how to make the drums less chippy. I may just go with acoustic drums and even acoustic guitar along with the chippy stuff. It still might not be acceptable. I know they're all about "when a chiptune comes along that is produced well blah blah" but that's not how it goes down in the decision forum. :3 And making music is too much work for something to get denied for some arbitrary or subjective reason. I'm trying to figure it out if you want to share some thoughts that'd be cool. I may just go chipcoustic with it. :banghead:

  10. I think you and I should talk and possibly wittle down the tracklist for ff9 a tiny bit more. But I think when we decide on the tracks that are absolute musts, we should hold out until they get covered... I know you probably had the same idea in mind and I'm totally not implying that you didn't think of this already :-)

  11. I think you are the only person on OCR who could make muzak like Mr. Bungle

    IT MUST HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I think your review just now on My Choice is the best review I've ever received or read, and I am very thankful. Hope your life begins to improve as well. Depression stinks. :cry:

  13. I thought I sent you a PM about recording some sagely dialogue for a song... I must have messed up? I was waiting for a response for like a month, haha... It would suck if I accidentally X'd out without sending or something, like I sometimes do on accident. x_x

  14. I thought that TV and Xbox controller were yours, haha...

  15. I thought you misspelled Partol on purpose. I liked it.

  16. I totally did. And then I hit snooze for an hour. Thanks :-D

  17. I totally pmed the wrong link.. it's

  18. I try to get on IRC and it's all like "Unable to connect: Connection refused". What's that about? It's been doing that for a couple days.

  19. I tweeted you a question about vocal collabs :3

    I don't have one ready or even until next year, was just wondering, wasn't trying to put you on the spot ;p

  20. i wanna make it with you

    pm me on aim for details :3

  21. I wanna name our new dead theme mix for ff2 "Eternal Limbo" or something like that which references how the first dead mix has been in judgement for like 2 years

  22. I wanna see them promo arts :-(

  23. I want to get involved. o_o

  24. i want to take over the galaxy with you :cry:

    the way you sampled that bacon is genius. you can't even tell it is bacon

  25. I want to work more with you in the future on songs, pleeaaase... By the way, kitten mittens are hilarious. My cat loves 'em.

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