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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I guess I sorta did the same thing. Which is really disappointing. I feel bad for what happened to Prophecy here but hopefully with the site being more transparent about secret projects, something like this won't happen again.
  2. The goal with remixes isn't to make it MORE AWESOME, but to make it unique or make it 'your own', am I right? Can staff confirm this?
  3. It would be helpful if there was a way to skip to 40 minutes in without downloading the whole thing... or if there was a transcript... or if Larry could share the information here.
  4. This is prohibited by Kickstarter: No charity or cause funding. Examples of prohibited use include raising money for the Red Cross, funding an awareness campaign, funding a scholarship, or promoting the donation of funds raised, or future profits, to a charity or cause. Just saying, it can't be said that this takes the place of the Support OCR fundraiser, that would be against the Kickstarter guidelines. This was a fundraiser for the FF6 album printing.
  5. Hey I just realized BLIND GUARDIAN is remixable on OCR. Can staff confirm or deny this? Here's the song: The song was made for the game Sacred 2 and was featured as an in-game concert, I played the game and pretty much dumped it after seeing that. It had fulfilled its purpose for me. Game released November 11th, 2008 Blind Guardian's album that features the song was released on July 30th, 2010 almost 2 years later! Please confirm this staff please confirm this
  6. Yeah, I think technically people are supposed to get the rights for even freely distributed music. x_x Anyway I have a question: When the Kickstarter is reinstated, will it: A) Start up with the remaining days until August 9th Start with as many days as it had before it was deactivated C) Start fresh with 30 days and 0 pledges
  7. Bane sounds like Deckard Cain Stay a while, and listen!
  8. I volunteered to make an OCR template website, nothing more, nothing less.
  9. It's amazing that this album is so close to done. Where do you stand on artwork / website / trailer? I could at least volunteer to make an OCR template website if you need it. It doesn't take too long but I would need literally all of the information ever published for everyone involved. For a sample check http://encounter.ocremix.org/
  10. No, it's really not. Square-Enix could have snubbed this kickstarter out and had any number of their own official album releases come out in its stead. Be thankful that they are apparently having talks with OCR about allowing this album to take place instead of ordering for the removal of ALL FF content from ocremix.org. It sounds to me like Square is being a really good sport about this right now. I think people should stop with the disrespectful accusations. A company HAS to protect its intellectual property just like ocremix protects the intellectual property of its remixers. Like say, when a random person uploads our music to bandcamp and takes credit for it. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. It's unfortunate that ocremix had somehow not acquired the rights to use the FF6 music already, but now things should hopefully work out well and gosh darn it, maybe we'll get to see the Kickstarter page back up and the album will exist in a physical form. I don't even know if the amount of money made is relevant. They probably would have protected their IP regardless of how much was being made. It does make me wonder though, how did they find out about the project? Did someone blow the whistle?
  11. Is it? Still looks like it's in community to me. Don't worry! I'm gonna do that song. I just need to finish a couple other songs with deadlines (like for Vroom album) first. But trust me I ain't gonna sit on it for a year cause it needs to be done now too. That's a good question. We started production on FF2 basically slightly before FF1 ended, which would dictate that I should start FF3 now. But instead, I'm going to try to get FF2 done production-wise before moving on to FF3. Also I want it to be OCR approved from the start and give pre-existing project members dibs and then open it up for recruitment publicly. I know they're trying to change the standards so that projects need to have a good roster and interest before applying to be official. That doesn't sit good with me this time because I'd like this to really be a solid OC ReMix effort, have it be official and encourage people to participate in it rather than recruit for it manually like I did with the first 2 projects. Does that make sense? FF3 is, I think, twice as large as the soundtrack for the first 2 games, so it will definitely need more recruitment and less strictness concerning the genre, though I do want to keep pushing for real instrument usage and organic sounding electronica. I know that the push for organic only remixes has undone some projects (like Dragon Warrior!) so I'm definitely open to allowing good, engaging music in multiple genres. FF3 will be a melting pot of friendship. And I might start it next year. It'll give me a chance to hype it up to djp or whoever has an open ear at MAGfest.
  12. I think (but am not sure) that this thread should be in the "Projects" section... I'd appreciate it if someone could make the move, if it's to be done, if not let me know. Anyway, a quick update! We got a particularly amazing and beautiful solo piano medley from PacificPoem. This is someone I tracked down on Youtube because I had seen a medley of FF1 through FF3 he recorded for youtube. He recorded an all new version of this medley that is simply stunning and sounds incredible. The performance is very nice with classical nuances and a somber tone that evokes a sense of longing. And we've got.... Galactus Win from Sir Jordanius, which is like a big expansion on Epic Win from the FF1 album. It's crazier and I love that. It is a fittingly zany sequel that includes a bit of the FF7 victory theme as well. It's 99% done, which is close enough in my book to list it as completed -- no hate. People with songs SUPER CLOSE to being completed: IanFitC, KiddCabbage, Archangel, Zyko, BONKERS, PrototypeRaptor
  13. You would need to find an album that is recruiting and submit some of your work as an audition and try to secure a place on that album. If you meant this album, it's too late!
  14. Probably as insulted as your mom when I said she was fat.
  15. This is pretty cool. That first synth lead seems to be louder than everything else. I'd lower that, maybe bring the bass synth up a bit, which would make it seem thicker and let you raise the total volume a dash too.
  16. I don't think they can determine which album is coming out next yet. So it can't accurately be speculated which OCRA- classification this album will be given yet.
  17. Am I the only one who thought Sign of Fortune was going to include some kind of announcement about this in the write-up?
  18. This has you written all over it XD

  19. Yeah, I am severely impatient. I wasn't trying to be offensive by what I was saying though. Sorry.
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