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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. At this point the only thing I am sure of is that I am really unhappy with how Kickstarter is handling this situation. I am still hoping that the project becomes activated again. I guess until any type of definitive answer comes from them, there's going to be a lot of speculation. But, I realize that speculating (and sensationalizing) is not going to be helpful. Just wish it would get cleared up already.
  2. dOOd be with your Aunt!

    You can get growls and rock singin' from me and Stevo when you get back. >:]

  3. Oh man, you want growls?! What are you doing to the song?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!??!?

  4. I can record a rocky vocal. Why you writin vocals? Haha. :D

    Ask Stevo Bartz to do it, you know Level 99

  5. Yeah, same.. probably one of the mods going "troll for a day"

    You can't just send something that awesome then disappear from the internet!

    You need to be on here 24/7

  7. Hey can you add ff2 to the approved list (if it is after all...?) and put this in the projects subforum; http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40478

    also: I'm gonna die dude

  8. dOOd how did you make the second youtube loop? I've been trying to find that out for yeaaaars Also LOL
  9. They told me that my pledge was cancelled, what are they going to do un-cancel it? I had a hard enough time getting them to tell me what happened to my pledge, I kinda doubt they are going to email me and be like "Oh hey we changed our minds, the project and your pledge is active again"
  10. I'm sorry for sensationalizing I guess? I'm still feeling somewhat sensational. But for the sake of everyone I shall hold back on the sensationalism for now.
  11. No worries, I don't actually plan on being out of town all that often. :-)

  12. I wanted Ys Origin but now the sale is over and I missed it. Sent from my phone.
  13. I love you.

    Sub it! Then in 3 weeks, sub Epic Win.

  14. Well I finally got a response from Lickstarter about mt pledge. They said their policy is to not comment on cancelled projects and that the pledge was cancelled and I wouldn't be charged, so I guess that's it concerning the kickstarter. From the bottom of my heart that sucks and I'm sorry that happened. I really wanted ff6 album with my songs in it. Sent from my phone.
  15. I didn't mean to scare or worry anyone about that, that's just how I felt personally. It'll probably be fine. Sent from my phone.
  16. Rexy just make a sky sanctuary mix nobody is stopping you or sympathizing with you. Just do it. Sent from my phone.
  17. Even I voted for Us Origin and was upset this morning to see crappy 10 year old buggy motor on there instead... Sent from my phone.
  18. Yeah, I'll wait until we have oanGet fficial response before I unauthorize the donation. Sent from my phone.
  19. I personally don't think so. I've sent in a support ticket with very easy to answer questions about my pledge and they marked it solved without saying a word, and I never got an email about that either. That's why earlier in the thread I said they have bad customer service. I wouldn't be surprised if they never answer OCR's questions and leave the kickstarter cancelled. I half expect them to charge the donations and pocket the cash. They strike me as being very unethical and unscrupulous. I'm not saying they're going to rob all of us, I'm just saying I will be keeping an eye out to see if they do take the $50. Sent from my phone.
  20. How long until we're forced to accept that it has just been cancelled? The Kickstarter people are super bad at customer service too.
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