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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yea I wanna win but I don't wanna work, I'm funny like that. Ha, ha

  2. It's a great song but you wouldn't even vote for it against an unfinished one. PFFT. Your credibility has been dealt a fatal bloooooowww!

    Also Sir Jordanius for some reason wanted me to share this with you: "please let supx and emunator know that i haven't had internet access on a pc all week because i spent the first half of it at a family funeral in miami and the latter half (into tuesday of this week) in st. louis helping my brother move into his new home. so i'm sorry for missing the last szrc and the zelda Oot online meeting. peace, jordan."

  3. The only album I know of that can cause spontaneous wettening is The Wettening
  4. Do you really think I voted for Gario because I don't like my song? I was being a good sportsman, that's all. Up to this point all of the pancakes had been voting for their opponents, not because they thought their own song was worse. Usually both people would vote for themselves and those votes would cancel each other out. Voting for the opponent and having those votes cancel out is a nicer way of doing things. But it also leaves an opponent open to get double points.
  5. Well, the votes are public and people are stating their reasons for voting the way they did. Not much to dissect there. If they get scared off that's probably good, it'll whittle the results down to just the honest voters.
  6. But metal isn't a simple form of music and it doesn't have mass appeal.
  7. It was lame that some people voted against it being "lopsided" but ultimately I'm glad with the way things turned out, I don't know if I could have made a 5th Wisp song and have it be good. Consider me done with Planet Wisp mixes for good.
  8. You know it literally JUST popped into my head, but... you know we're doing FF3 after FF2 right? I mean... your second victory theme could be used for IT. And you could even incorporate some of Battle 1 from FF3 into the mix.

  9. Hehe yeah it'd be like them putting me on the expert remixers list after having "Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings" posted. Expertness shouldn't be determined purely based on posted status. Having said that I think wildfire proved she can get posted with her recent works.
  10. Oh man, this is gonna be the party room. I'd get a room on my own. But I definitely wanna be there. For the party.
  11. You can enjoy LoG without liking metal, here's proof!: Metal "satisfies the lower brain"? What the hell are you saying, Carpocalypse? o_o
  12. If you did a poopy-ass job, that's how! How about instead of asking poopy-ass questions, you just DO ET? I kid. But here it is. 101 Not Awaken - Usa 103 Ordinary People - Archangel 104 Whiz Kid - Jago 108 Witchmakers - Archangel 109 Another Winter - Abadoss 110 Ancient Dolphin - Archangel 112 Raven - Mozzaratti, Rozovian 113 Damn Damn Drum - Harmony, Level99, LuIzA 114 Innocent Sea - k-wix 115 Swivel - Sam English 116 Oh I'm a Flamelet - Brandon Strader 117 Evening Star - Brandon Strader 118 Don't Hunt the Fairy - Sam English 119 Fable - Chris | Amaterasu - name plz 203 Harvest November - mak 204 Few Paths Forbidden - DarkeSword 205 Female Turbulence - Jeffrey Hayat 207 Different Road - zyko 208 Powell - Karth, Meteo Xavier 209 Political Pressure - HoboKa 211 Positive - Meteo Xavier 213 Closed Garden - Meteo Xavier, Jeremy Robson 214 Splash Hop - The OverClocked Plaid Muffins 215 Innocent Water - Emunator, Ergosonic 216 Delicate Affection - TheDeath 217 Three of Darkside - The Joker 301 Can You Fly, Sister? - Jovette Rivera 305 Weird Counterpoint - Rexy 306 Rolling Cradle - Jago 308 High Tension Wire - Nutritious 309 And Other - TheDeath 310 Electric Talk - Reuben Cornell - name plz 311 Religion Thunder - Mozzaratti 312 Angel's Fear - Jovette Rivera, ISAO - Hylian Lemon 313 The Sacrifice part I - Dj Mokram 314 The Sacrifice part II - Theophany 315 The Sacrifice part III - Mozzaratti 317 Farewell Song - pu_freak 318 Breezin - Willrock 320 Long Goodbye - Meteo Xavier rsn#61 Flight From the Holy Land - Sixto Sounds rsn#63 Level Up! - mak 106 Axe Bring Storm - the Dual Dragons 107 Little Sweet Cafe - audio fidelity, flutetopia 202 Person's Die - ilp0 206 Intolerance - The Dual Dragons 210 Nuclear Fusion - The Dual Dragons 212 Meridian Child - beckett007 219 Obsession - The Dual Dragons 305 Weird Counterpoint - Daniel Rosenqvist 218 Last Audience - Rozovian rsn#65 Sleeping - hakstock 102 Where Angels Fear to Tread - HoboKa, Archangel 105 Walls and Steels - pu_freak 111 Hope Isolation Pray - k-wix 201 Left-Handed Wolf - LuIzA, zyko 221 Frenzy - SuperiorX 302 Decision Bell - rBrn 303 Secret of Mana - Dj Mokram 304 Faith Total Machine - Usa 319 Return to Forever - Archangel 105 Walls and Steels - 201 Left-Handed Wolf - 220 Strange Medicine - 304 Faith Total Machine - 307 Black Soup - 316 Reincarnation - rsn#66 Pihyara Flute John Revoredo, Jormungand... and so many others... you guys are great... but where's you go?
  13. I worked metal concerts all summer, worked ONE Country show and went home with a torn deltoid after breaking up a fight in the parking lot after everyone was rowdy and drunk. Country is the worst.
  14. You work in a casino that has metal shows? Damn son.
  15. You work venue security in Canada? And you're just mentioning this now? The way you talked made it sound like you know very little about metal and venue security, I gotta be honest. If you meant Canadian metal communities were dicks then I guess I don't have experience there.
  16. You're wrong and I don't need to show you how, just like nobody actually showed how entire metal communities were dicks. I saw a couple cryptic statements and someone said "I hung around with metal communities all over the world growing up". That's nonsense and I shouldn't have to explain why. A metal community is not 5 dudes who live at a campsite with you and listen to Slayer. I'd go as far as to say people with little to no experience with venue security shouldn't be contributing to that aspect of this debate. Whether you witnessed someone being a dick on the internet or at a show is completely irrelevant.
  17. Plus I want to point out that they're reporting this kid was in a 'metal band' himself (even if it was just a tiny garage hobby thing), so he should have known that what he was doing was wrong.
  18. If it's not too much of a problem, do you think you could re-arrange the tracklist based on progress? Start off all blue, then go all green or whatnot, etc. It'd organize it a bit, make it easier to see what's done, help nearly blind people who see the colors bleed together, stuff like that.
  19. I would agree with you 100% EXCEPT that I can't, for the life of me, play anything in 4:3 these days. The black bars on the sides drive me insane. x_x
  20. You're dumb. You're dumb. You are correct. You are correct. Security are not miracle workers. Many of them don't even have a ton of experience. You can walk in off the street and be hired for the job. They make around $7.50 an hour. They are not to blame any more than the band is. Think of it this way. The stage is West Virginia. The band are holding rifles instead of guitars. Someone trespasses on their property, they've got the right to shoot and defend themselves. Not only was what Randy did the right thing to do, but he barely pushed the guy if you watch the video. He's a weak little bastard, I figure most of the actual pushing came from the security guy. Either way, in that scenario, they were doing the right thing. This guy broke the rules 3 times. I worked security at Mayhem Festival a couple years ago. The bands playing on the second stage I was working were All That Remains, God Forbid, and Trivium. During All That Remains' set, I had just finished catching a crowd surfer who had knocked my glasses off, and subsequently stomped on them when I set him down. They were squashed flat and I was unable to fix them quick enough, so I went back to work without them, barely able to see. One of the fans must have noticed this, because a bit later he ran passed me and hopped up on the stage. I didn't see him until it was too late but 2 other guys caught him my the belt and pulled him off the stage backwards. Someone put him in a headlock and they booted that guy from the venue. All the way out, no second chance. No third chance. So is the band responsible for what happened to this idiot kid? No. Is the security responsible for giving him another chance after what he did? No. This idiot kid is responsible for breaking established rules 3 times in a post-Dimebag Darrell world, and not having good enough balance to land on his feet instead of his head.
  21. The "how to make a remix" panel this time should cover how to make a remix, instead of how to open a daw
  22. They've also released and published dozens of other games in that time that have done a lot worse.
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