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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Man, they turned my shift last night into a double. 10:30pm to 2:30pm. Gotta say... I always sort of subconsciously groan when that happens, but I always accept the extra shift. Yeah, it means more munny. But I've been up for 21 hours as of right now. Not so fun. Lots of coffee. At any rate, after Sunday I'm off for like... 3 or so days, maybe more. Definitely send that stuff and I'll take full advantage, could possibly have the song to you in 1 day, depending on the complexity of it. Mixed and mastered.

  2. Masked men are the best kind of men.

    And they're sexy.

  3. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything, by late 2016 there will be so many more Nicolas Cage movies to choose voice clips from XD

    Like, 15 movies

  4. Maybe you should take a VACATION from the PUB!! :-P

  5. Mehh damn it, I was recording and I lost my voice after one paragraph on song 2... I want that darned body pillow! auughh.. I'll have to try again in the afternoon. :|

    edit: Started back up, woop I can't say the word "plasma" that fast. I'll keep trying but I might have to fake it, or slur it as "plaza". :-P

  6. Messaged DS about your forum access, let me know when you're able to see it! Or just post a WIP -- I will see your thread pop up!! Thank you!

  7. meteo don't say bad words, mmmkay?

  8. Micro Update #1: I've got it arranged as long as the original song, and I still haven't put the ending on yet -- being the chaotic parts, and then the closing out blues jam. So it may end up being a minute or 2 longer. o.O I've got to shower and go shopping for my Vegas trip, but I'll work on it more later, of course, I'm gonna finish it off within a couple days. It's more sluggish than the source because I can't play that fast but it'll be good. :-P

  9. More like Splash Woman uses Splash! Spring Man gets Sprung

  10. most of the time i'm just spacing out. doing absolutely nothing, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i bet since i started working here i haven't done a single day of real, actual work

  11. My apologies for not getting back to you yet, friend! Just got off work. Crazy bunch of days. I'll try to get back to you and check out your work when I wake up!

  12. My cat's name is Zut

  13. My dad just got off of a "work all night, sleep all day" schedule so I may have those dialogues to you sooner than you think. But did you still need them? I'm very sorry for the epic delay

  14. My grandpa got sick, so I had to work more days at work + someone called off, so now I'm doing about 6 days a week... life has been stressful but the guitars are on my mind.. will do them ASAP

  15. My kickstarter failed hardcore compared to you mostly because I started mine as a joke, never fixed it, and have no audience. XD

    Any news about your album? It's still good right? :3

    And cute baby. Dang man you lucky.

  16. My next day off!? D:

    Almost done!? D:

    UP3 is gonna be tough! And I wanted to make a DoD entry by the 24th and enter the new FF6 contest by the 28th, maybe you should too! That would be rad! You wanna do that? Heck, you could enter DoD too! It'd take your mind off of things. :-D

    Hmmm I will try to do it... sooon... I work tomorrow and the next day and I'm not sure how things will pan out today, I guess if I am feeling up to it at some point, it could happen. :-D I really need to sleep at a proper time but I don't know how to switch my schedule on short notice... hmmm... uh anyway I'll get back to you! :-D

  17. My plan is to finish writing and recording tonight, and hopefully re-amp on Tuesday, but it might go to Wednesday, since I work Tuesday night, but the PLAN is to get it done within a couple days, wish me luck! And congrats on the BC Trailer ha I guess! It's good! Coming out tomorrah!

  18. My wall misses your ... presence? yeah let's go with that :D

    Also Xenon Odyssey who is this guy -- I must post after him. MY WALL, SON! HOW DARE YOU TAINT IT WITH YOUR.... presence? yeah let's go with that :D

    jordy don't ever hesitate to ask me for wavs what's wrong with you hoart lmao i am very much a pro-wav sending collaborator

  19. Nah mang, I used to have 3 accounts that I had collected since 2002, one would expire and I wouldn't bother to figure out how to revive it and just made a new one. So Liontamer combined my 3 accounts into one called Oinkness. Then later, I asked Liontamer to change my name to Brandon Strader. Just ask Liontamer, he should be able to help you out. :-P

  20. Nah that's ok. You can rework FF3 a bit if you want. Maybe try to make it more prog rock-y or something. I know I need to get on the ball with ff2 but I also need to do two VV2 songs and a halloween song for viking guitar by october 1st, so -_-

  21. Nahhh we don't need none of that, it can be a perfect trilogy without referencing itself :-D

  22. Naw Rockos wants to do that one, Y U NO Dungeon?

  23. Never! Such crassity has no place here!

    Can you pass orchestral stuff on the panel? Might be really hard! :o Could be good for Dungeon though who knows :-D

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