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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Now I has to ask... Can I send the session back to your for mixin/masterin? Or is that not something you'd be able to do?

  2. nyeehhhhh squidward

  3. O ya well u r a brine shrimp!!!!!!!

  4. OA said he'd probably pass the resub.. let me know what you think. Still willing to change what needs changed. :-)

  5. Oh come on dude! If you knew the changes they wanted for the trailer specifically went against what the plan for it was, you should have

  6. Oh cray, I thought you were going this week. No problem then :-D

  7. Oh hi there chimpazilla :-)

  8. Oh I put it on MY wall. LOL!! Go there and read it! :-D

    And Willrock said you should credit the original composer, who was Junko Tamiya

  9. oh lawd why multiple names it's hard enough to build any kind of following with 1 name

  10. OH LAWWWD Willy Wonka intro is SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

  11. Oh man, I just heard your Sulu impression. That's going on the song for sure.

  12. Oh man, you want growls?! What are you doing to the song?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!??!?

  13. Oh ok. I thought when they changed the standards, I had to have trailer done in time for evaluation... hmmm... no problem then! :-D

    Also if you're worried about cutting the T-shirt I was wearing out for the ff6 thing (if you even got any of it), don't worry... It was specially made for me and the guy who made it passed away.. so there probably won't be any complaints about its usage. Very very sad. :cry:

  14. Oh ok. So I just make up my list then post it there? I'll get on that.. I could use the money... :-C

  15. Oh snap Alan, rofl! You're the director of Dodgeball thing. Send me that Dodgeboobs artwork so I can fiddle around with it. :P

  16. Oh snap, you're Space Ghost


    I expected much hate coming from it.

    I won't get that until OCR Posts the mixpost of it on Youtube.

  18. Oh yeah I know. The mix is a little rough and I'mma fix it. I just gots to fight for my 70s synth. D:

  19. Oh yeah? I don't currently DO teh irc. And I gotta work at 3pm EST. Maybe you could just share some details in PM, such as your thoughts on fairy battle, and current ff9 status eh? :-) I'd appreciate it! Any new songs you're accepting or waiting on?

  20. Oh, you nose it for sure. Teen Agent got a Feb 2 release date so the final deadline is pushed forward a little! I may have time to work on WildArms sooner

  21. Oh. That stuff is easy. Any mention of a person's name on the site should automatically link to their artist page.. The search engines on here make that a quick jorb

  22. Oh.. ok. I was going to paint myself but I guess he could do it. Maybe I'll draw on paper the idea, since it should have more graphics than usual. Then let him spread his wings on it. :-)

  23. oink oink

    another pig runs

    oink oink

    another pig squeals

    oink oink

    another pig poos all over you for not finishing that song

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