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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey, did you go somewhere? Haven't heard from you.. hope all is ok. ;_;

    edit: saw your post on theshizz.. :-( replied there... sorry for bugging so much btw, haha.

  2. Hahah I don't remember, probably something about turtle skills? Hahh... It was funny at the time. :-P Thanks! Make your FF2 orchestra mix REALLY GOOD! ^-^

  3. Woah you have one of those fancy beautiful, chic, chichi*, classy, dap, dapper, dashing, dressed to kill, dressed to the teeth, dressy, fly*, groovy*, high-class, in, in fashion, in the mainstream, in vogue, jazzy, latest, mod, modernistic, new, nifty, now*, ostentatious, polished, pretentious, rakish, ritzy, sassy*, sharp, showy, sleek, slick*, smart, snappy, snazzy, swank, swell, tony, trendy, up-to-date, upscale, uptown, urbane, voguish user titles. Choose your own adjective.

  4. It's not easy being green! :mrgreen:

  5. Just popping in to say instead of covering Bonk, I would be up for covering something more popular or something that 'needs' to be covered, for your album... instead.. of.... being........ selfish.

  6. Your joke was hilarious :D

  7. I am happy... great thread. I hope my song is good enough to pimp the album with on OCR.

  8. Please make the thread for Vampire Variations in Community ASAP, including all the info people need about where it will be released, and a link to the trailer, cover art, etc.. make it look as fancy as is possible on these somewhat limited functionality forums. :-P

  9. I finally got around to opening up them Pendulum samples you sent me 2 years ago. Just wanted to pop in and say thank

  10. Addition to the bio:

    "He once saved an orphanage from burning. Sadly, there were no orphans in it at the time. Only guitars."

  11. Here's my bio:

    "Brandon is very cool and he makes music. All different kinds of music." :-D

  12. Not too fond of the new, less confident 'ocre'. But your friendship is still very greatly valued and appreciated.

  13. Thanks man! You're great, don't ever change that sig :-D

  14. Thank you! :-D You're a great dude

  15. That's coooool! You gonna figure out the track order yourself or is that open for brainstorming as well? :-D

  16. ...pssstt... is there some kind of song/wip zip/folder/etc? cloud storage? i wanna listen :-D

    might not hurt to share wavs, you never know what could happen with hard drives

  17. Thanks a ton for your help, again! :-P

    (I nominate this wall for the official "Thank you" wall)

  18. First mixpost in 5 years? WUT

  19. Your flute is awesooooome.... Wanna play it on a remix of mine? If you can improvise parts? :-D

  20. I sent you a message or at least I think I did, did you get it?

  21. So that remix offer -- are you gonna hold it in your back pocket until you find an opportunity for somethin' big or what? Cause I can tell you right now if you ever had a project going again I'd probably hop on it anyway if I could :-P

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