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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'm probably teh only person who hears Final Fantasy in those opening notes
  2. It sounds like a MIDI You should definitely send this to a judge, like Vig, though, and see what he thinks
  3. Errr... I had put some kind of image here but the link doesn't work, so I just edited this, sorry for the ugly mess. *shrug*

  4. Seems like a waste of time when he should be going after Voldemort
  5. Aaahh! I've been trying to remember the name of that old game for weeks. Thank you
  6. If you ever wants to get full-on drunk, just have some drinks mixed by Monobrow
  7. happy smurfday mon in honor of your birthday i give you this gift please do enjoy it zebra flip flops enjoy
  8. I love it moar. Ocre's a hoar.

  9. It doesn't make sense that there's no Comix Zone album underway. I'm not saying i'm recruiting for one, i'm just saying I'm surprised there isn't one. I may do a few mixes of it in the future. But the soundtrack is ripe with awesome tracks. Or is it rife? It's ripe and rife with awesome tracks. ReMix request == begin ! moar
  10. Halc should have released this much earlier to help pay for his trip to MAGfest. As a result, the trip is not financially viable for him at this time. There was much sorrow.
  11. Woah halc made an album last year before his computer broke I have to download this asap. Also i disagree with everyone about the artwork. It does look like it was really good before someone dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. Looks dirty and old and stuff
  12. Hahaha yeah, that's the fastest turn-around I've ever seen.. though I'm sure there's probably been faster ones in the past... OCR loves it some chthonic, and for good reason Meat Spin? *dies* Very nice tunage, the kind of which we've come to expect from the artist formerly known as the non-metal chthonic. Also yeah! That lead is like a mouse singing into a tube. I love it.
  13. Would the first song from this be mixable? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjYf94WPV80 It uses a portion of by Bach, but... that's public domain isn't it?EDIT: I'm gonna add this question on just to be a douche, it's more of a general question probably anyone could answer, but anyway... once you have an NSF or whatnot for Chipamp, how do you actually find out the name of the songs? They're all just listed as Track #.. and some of these are purty obscure
  14. DoD at 12:30am on Thursday... bai bai sleep edit: the fux? I didn't realize there'd be all these different events at the SAME TIME... how do I choose what to see and what to pass on? edit 2: sleep is not on the schedule?
  15. Eff that, I have to have this thing done much sooner than March, I'll try to get it to you quickly after MAGfest.

  16. I has a 52" HDTV monitor I was going to get a L desk but the price shot up 100% before I could buy it I use an organ bench for my keyboard / mouse and the MIDI keyboard is on a keyboard stand to my left. :3 The TV or monitor as it were, is on a TV table that has 2 shelves in it, holds my consoles and mini-monitors ROFL the kind that play audio.
  17. Censored Catherine is not amused
  18. fix ur own dam title HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  19. Who was the lucky jooj who backspaced the 0 and wrote in 1 for the Judge Queue thread? Such a big event. 2011, whoo.
  20. To the non-blues... ...I just wanted to say good luck, we're all counting on you Hope this is ready before April
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