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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Dumbest question of the thread, but is there a Walmart? haha
  2. This has got to be the best thing ever posted on this forum on 8/5/2010 by mattias hagstrom gerdt everyone buy it now!!~!
  3. Whateva, I do what I want! Respect my AUTHORITAH!


  4. I re-recorded the guitars and stuff for my song because i didn't want you or prot to hurt me in vegas so I'll turn that in to you as soon as I finish mixing it. Edit cause I didn't want to post again... I'll redo the leads instead of trying to cut paste those parts you mentioned. For some reason recording is awkward with phantom power, all of my vocals and acoustic and recorded stuff have been slightly out of time and I don't know how to fix that. It's in Cubase. Any idea let me know. Maybe Prot knows. Apart from that you didn't have any objections, so it shouldn't take too long to finish this when I get back from the Veg. Yeah, I'm calling it The Veg now.
  5. That refridgerator in the comparison video... looks the best for the earlier version of the game. The Xbox version has like 3 frames of animation and no depth to the object whatsoever. Having said that, I did buy this and played it for a day or two. x_x
  6. ....but I could help as a consultant. :-o

  7. I wanted to see Sgt. Pepper with Cheap Trick but the tickets are $150 and NO I ain't PAYIN' no kind of $150 for no ticket
  8. I'm not EXPERIENCED at all but someone might suggest emulating the game and recording it that way might be pretty easy. Then as for editing the video, there's a lot of options out there. If you need help, let me know. I recently got an awesome video editing setup. Exports straight to Youtube-postable video.
  9. Can I get some confirmation on that, you silly gopher goose? I saw you post in the sd3 thread. SURELY you saw my PM. :-)

  10. If you intend to make this an OCR album like you say, make sure you take auditions and that they are up to OCR's quality standards!
  11. The 'original' music from Fallout 3 isn't something I would have considered particularly memorable, but I do recognize a couple of those melodies! I'm also on my second playthrough because I purchased all of the DLC. Started with it and it makes the game a lot easier. It's like maxing out your level 'before' you start the actual game. Anyway, this mix is great and put together well. I didn't notice the piano was all fuzzed out until I read the write-up. My stereo hides some of that stuff, I should have listened with headphones.
  12. Hey dude! I played the demo and haven't been able to purchase the whole thing yet. $15 is pretty steep for an arcade game. I'll get it eventually though, because I really liked it. It made me jump out of my chair a couple times.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih9ye_NLOvk Best Taiwanese symphonic metal band with Taiwanese people in it I've ever heard, and that's saying a lot.
  14. This thread is a great start, but you also need to recruit for the album at other places. I would recommend TheShizz. Then again, they might see the trend of all these new project threads popping up there and be like "wtf?" At any rate, give it a try. Find people you want on the album and actively search them out. Nobody is going to find the thread in this forum. You should use it as a reference to link people to so they can get your information.
  15. I told him. He said "hahahaha, I know Monobrow, tell her my greetings and thanks for the nice comment :-)" But yeah, we've got a final final wav of Let It Beat. Hooray. And my crazy uncle is gone so I may be able to work on stuff for a while.
  16. Man, you're so obviously a numbskull! Hah! I dare say. That's Cloud, btw.
  17. Reminds me of Fallout 3. I HATE THAT ENDING. Oh, here's a series of still photos with Denzel Washington narrating them. Or was it Morgan Freeman? Whatever. Dumbest ending I've ever seen in a modern-gen game, and I've played BABY games with better endings. like Ben 10 or Cloudy with a chance of meatbulbs.
  18. Over at OC Remix, they are putting together something special. It’s The Speed of Sound, yes the Sonic OCR Album and we have a live interview with Halc! .......bastards. Plus why do you have my name listed first on Hogtied, I'm just the collaber, that is Rexy's track. o_o
  19. Is there a recording of the sonic portion of that?
  20. It is VERY short but I really enjoyed it. I think you did a really great job on the music and the conceptual stuff behind the music, such as the titles, and the choice of instrumentation. Congrats, dude!
  21. Micro Update #1: I've got it arranged as long as the original song, and I still haven't put the ending on yet -- being the chaotic parts, and then the closing out blues jam. So it may end up being a minute or 2 longer. o.O I've got to shower and go shopping for my Vegas trip, but I'll work on it more later, of course, I'm gonna finish it off within a couple days. It's more sluggish than the source because I can't play that fast but it'll be good. :-P

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