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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey, that list of advice for beginning remixers should really be a community thread, not ask a judge... unless you specifically want answers that only the judges could give. But I think a lot of the community is qualified to answer that question. :3

  2. 2/10 would not eat Looks like you sacrificed meal quality for the sake of making a logo. Is that really what OCR is about? Is that the message you want to send out with this CD? That we can't even remix a freakin' pancake without destroying it?
  3. I agree about Dragon Quest IX. If you like Pokemon and have a history with it, Pokemon X could be good. But you specifically said "MUST Play". There's not a ton of that that I've found so far. Dragon Quest IX is definitely one of them. It's really good. Other stuff is great starting out like Animal Crossing New Leaf, but gets old super fast. All you do is fish to get money to pay off a raccoon then it starts over with an even bigger amount of money you need to pay off. Not much in terms of gameplay really.
  4. 17 days and nobody else has uploaded a mix? Come on guys....
  5. I might be able to pop in too, but let me know in advance if that'd be ok. I do still have to work that night so latest I could stay is 9:45PM EST.
  6. I LIKE IT. It reminds me a lot of classic halc before it went all wub-wub-wub! Love the sound combinations, the pads, the chips, the drum sounds. Good arrangement, really dig this.
  7. That's for me to find out and you to know! Wait... I mean the opposite of that...
  8. Just wondering, since we're going head to head in FFCC this week, do you want to do vocal mixes, both of us? Or should we go our own ways and do whatever we want? You already did it once so I understand if you're burnt out on that. :-P

  9. I'm very excited about my match-up. I fell in love with Lulu's Theme while researching the character themes for this compo. I'mma (try to) bring my A-game, evktalo! The match-ups starting their mixing now are: Hope vs. Lulu (Brandon Strader and evktalo) Edward vs. Zorn and Thorn (Chimpazilla and NovaReaper) Cait Sith vs. Gogo (Esperado and Chernabogue) Reviews. I'm not going to vote early this time. I don't want my votes to in any way influence anyone else's decisions, not that I think they did, just don't want to take that chance. 1. Garpocalypse omg WTF garpocalypse, that metal came out of nowhere! NOWHERE!!! and the production! you've definitely improved! the quiet breakdowns! so out of place! The rhythm guitars, so loud, so heavy! So shreddage! *sobs*! Personally I'd bring the quieter parts up to be a bit more consistent! Lots of dry stuff, dry drums, dry synths, dry leads! I think you could get this one fixed up and off to pass the OCR panel with some good TLC! RAGE REVIEW! That repeat of the quiet part at the end seemed tacked on, but eh! 2. MindWanderer Cool flute, that synth that came in right after was so piercing though. And your following lead synths are waaaay too loud in the mix! Especially that saw at 0:59. Just WHOO, quite loud, good sir. Drums are cool, the kick seems a bit too roomy. I like the flutes when they come back in, but they seem very dry. Sudden drop-offs on the notes, could use some nice room reverb, maybe a subtle echo too. Atmospheric stuff. Not too bad considering your time crunch, nice work. 3. Avaris Bringing the technomanga! The note at 0:37 seems out of key, but I understand its relevance to the source. Dude, you are a high class posted remixer, I don't even think I really need to comment on your production at all. I'm digging the song itself. The Sazh bassline is a bit weird, that time signature just messes up the flow haha! 2:32 so awesome. I hope you sub this someday Such dramatic ending. 4. TheShaggyFreak Oh yes, the ethnic world sounds! I love these. Very nice reverb on them, very atmosphere. The "Bass" instrument by comparison seems to be sitting in a 'different' room, or closer to the microphone than the drums. Just based on how the reverb sounds. The lead flute sounds really great, what sample is that if I may ask? I really do love this one but I think it lingers on the Sazh bassline a bit too long, and then the drum circle bit at 1:42 -- it's good, nice mood music, but there was so much melodic stuff from both sources that could have been worked into this mix. I do hear some tuned clicky notes in the background but not quite sure what they are playing, melody-wise. I like how the lead flute sounds like the lead melody from Sazh. 5. Tuberz McBirthday Sounds like some woman voices, and some high man voices. Can't tell at ALL what they are saying, but I've heard the Wordbuilder thing can be like that. Was hoping to hear some super defined "poop poop poops" out of them. Some of the left woman gets a bit loud. I can hear copious reverb but still the voices seem a bit up close, somehow. Not sure how you'd adjust that at all. Very cool arrangement, much theory, would be better with live singers. Also, important note -- if anyone's thinking of looking ahead at the votes this time around to get a leg up on the following week, you can't do it. Big surprises are planned.
  10. Come on, come on, get 'em while they're HOT HOT HOT!! Officially posting Darkness matchups ASAP, but it's looking pretty clear -- Evktalo, Esperado, and Chimpazilla. Will confirm and post bracket image soon.
  11. Only one way to find out. *recruiting for a Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronn tuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk remix album*
  12. HAW. If you gotta submit sheet music, can you at least export a midi? or maybe an mp3 of that midi? Then at least people could hear it. That'd be a first for one of these compos I think.
  13. You filthy turd, you weren't on here for an entire year. Tsk.

  14. Oh man I gotta do this tonight?! *ragequit* Haha.. I kid. I'll try to get the stuff up and the new matchup info out as soon as I can when midnight strikes. Got MindWanderer, Garpocalypse, Avaris, TheShaggyFreak, and a confirmed noob-out by Hakstock. So if we get an entry from Tuberz McGee, he gets an auto-pass unless Hakstock turns in his 30 secs, which he flippin' should!
  15. AWESOME start my friend!! I can't wait to hear this filled out. Very good! Seems to start slow/sparse, some of the key progressions like for the chorus at 1:14 seems like it lost its power, might have more power if it followed closer to how the original does.. the bassline descends in a strange way. Not sure what to say really, I don't do a ton of dubstep. This is why we need the project subforums.
  16. Quite frankly, April 2014 is impossible any way you try to slice it.
  17. Don't worry guys, he'll just hand it over to me after a while and I'll finish it up
  18. Adobe Illustrator has a trace function that would make quick work out of vectorizing the art. Hopefully someone has Illustrator. Refining should also be "eh" easy enough using the pen tool. sorry I couldn't be more help.
  19. I know it's not me~! Unfortunately. Your gifts are the best. Some shmuck lucked out
  20. Yes let's all review stuff like excited William Shatner Could also double as Nicolas Cage (I can hear it in my head. But I always hear it in my head.)
  21. Yes I got to. I already wrote Winter, and recorded the bass, just haven't got around to doing the acoustic guitars yet.
  22. Hey, the hateworthy dungus here... just wondering, how up to date is that tracklist coloring?
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