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Everything posted by suzumebachi

  1. Level 21 now. Cat form is awesome and holy shit the 30% running speed talent is awesome. I did something extremely retarded though. I ran through WC with some random fgts and... I forgot to loot the Gem of Serpentis. D: D: D: *pounds face into keyboard* edit: how do i get into shadowtwinks?
  2. also, no improved mark of the wild? no guild.
  3. shit what was the name of that jesus box guitar thing that also had a software version
  4. a few quick tips: 1) very rarely in rock music are the kick drum and the snare hit at the same time. 2) syncopation is key. 3) hi-hats on every 8th gets boring quick. if you're gonna do them on every 8th, use velocity to accent the ones on every 4th. some quick examples off the top of my head: (x should be softer than X) basic stuff here BD: X-----X-X------- SN: ----X-------X--- CH: X-x-X-x-X---X-x- OH: ----------x----- generic punk beat BD: X---XX--XX-X-X-- SN: --X---X---X---X- CH: ---------------- OH: X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- more generic crap BD: X---------Xx---- SN: ----X--x-x--X--- CH: X---X-x-X-x-X-x- OH: --x------------- when i get home i can give you some audio examples if you'd like, as well as going over fills etc.
  5. yeah, but good luck doing end game as a feral druid. raid leader: "what spec are you?" druid: "feral" leader: "is that like, healing and stuff" druid: "uhh no" leader: "you can heal right" druid: "not very we--" * druid has been removed from the group also, paladins are so incredibly strong now since their patch. i was sitting in the crossroads when i see some 60 paladin come running through with like 6 gaurds on him. he literally runs right up to the flight master, aggros him and begins to tank the flight master, 2 wyverns, and the 6 gaurds. it took him like 5 minutes, but he fucking solo'd a god damn flight master with 6 gaurds and 2 wyverns on him. jesus. if that's not overpowered i don't know what is.
  6. nice haul you lucky bastard. now you need to learn da funky bass and use it in your music. also, i have a Røde NT1A. be careful with yours, because they are extremely fragile. not just in handling, but they clip very easily and it would not be hard to blow out the diaphragm. basically you need to keep your distance from it when recording vocals. using it to mic a guitar amp would be a very bad idea as well. it is also incredibly sensitive, and will pick up even the slightest creak on the far side of your house. that said, the sound quality is quite acceptable and if you can learn to work with it, it will serve you well.
  7. i first got into music at about 9, but didn't get serious about it until 14. i first started remixing at 16, and got my first remix posted on OCR at 17. i'm 21 now. i feel old.
  8. (Oh really? 1.1 means Hunters can cast mark on already-stealthed characters?) EDIT: NO. RESUBMIT. No. However, hunters are still rogue killers 1v1. Allow me to once again mention Track Hidden. Trees are pointless when you become a giant blip on the hunter's minimap. Also, Flare. And not to mention hunter pets when set to agressive also have a better chance to detect you and break your stealth. My druid is lvl 17 now (Prophetus on Gorefiend). Druids are fun, but without cat form the DPS is so low it's ridiculous. Doing the Samophlange quest in the barrens was a pain because I couldn't kill the goblins fast enough to clear it out so I could reach the control panel and the switches. They literally respawned just as fast as I was killing them. HOWEVER, in the same area, I survived some shit (omfg goblins are aggro happy) that probably only a paladin or a good priest would have survived. Druids are f'ing tough.
  9. old. but still good. if i recall someone compiled a soundfont of the piano recordings there, but i dunno if it's available anywhere anymore. it used to be hosted at the auditorium, but they've recently reorganized and lots of stuff has magically disappeared.
  10. i wish more schools would offer courses on audio engineering and electronic music production etc. there is not 1 program in this entire state.
  11. agh if my account with my 60's didn't get jacked i'd join you guys. (actually it didn't get jacked i'm just too cheap/lazy to renew it)
  12. it does. if you have the audiodock (ie: 1212M or 1820M). audiodock ftw.
  13. >_> i'll be taking that rectifier now.
  14. my brother is currently levelling 2 characters. a mage and a warrior, they're both lvl 57. the extra rest xp makes more of a difference than you'd think, plus you have a better chance of getting into UBRS/Scholo/Strat etc if you can be either a tank OR a mage. in my guild there was a married couple that did this (a priest and a mage). when only one of them was playing, they'd switch between characters whenever one or the other was needed. when they were both playing, they made an excellent team.
  15. my first toon hit 60 at right about 10 days. some people thought that was actually pretty quick. i recall the guild leader saying it took him like 15 or 16 days. but by the time he did hit 60, he had enough money for his epic mount.. which i never did. anyways, i'm on Gorefiend now. look for Atmosphere (Shaman) or Prophetus (Druid). not sure which to level first though.
  16. as irrelevant as a post pointing out how irrelevant it is? or a post pointing out how irrelevant a post that points out how irrelevant another post is? i think i just confused myself. also, DRM ftl. [/irrelevant]
  17. eww WMA *cringe*. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad format, but the DRM stabs it in the chest, turns it into a horse and beats it, places it in a coffin, drives in the nails, and buries it 6 feet underground somewhere outside of seattle.
  18. On Smolderthorn there were a few groups that would cause the other side to pretty much AFK on the spot. Alliance had Transcendance, Exo, and the KiSS "All-Stars". Trans and Exo weren't the best PvPers but they were geared like f'ing crazy. KiSS all-stars on the other hand was quite skilled. Horde had Nightmare's Asylum. 'nuff said. Horde also had Marverick and Crondizzle who were both High Warlord in their time and either one of them (let alone when you get the two of them together) were capable of carrying an entire BG in their favor. Anyways I'm about to go roll on Gorefiend Horde. Dunno what I'm gonna make though... You know what would be cool (but unlikely)? If we all rolled on the same server (like the next time a new PvP server opens up or smth).
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