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    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from fxsnowy in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I am impressed by your remarks you should're in the panel of judges with technical musician words   you are a person with experience Mr. timaeus
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    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Black_Doom in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    So much hype!

  3. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I am impressed by your remarks you should're in the panel of judges with technical musician words   you are a person with experience Mr. timaeus
  4. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Sir_NutS in Journey to Silius remix album by Sir_NutS - Silius : 0373 (Teaser Trailer)   
    Hello OCR Community, I am very very excited to bring to you my upcoming first album, Silius : 0373.

    This is a remix album of Sunsoft's hidden gem, Journey to Silius, which has a special place in my memory, and which had some of the best music in any Sunsoft game, and that's saying a lot!
    This album is mostly a solo effort, but it also features collaborations with Jivemaster and Showroom_Dummy.  I am planning on releasing the album in a couple of months, so I thought I should share with you the amazing trailer (with great custom artwork) by The Coop.
    Bringing this to you is a very special event for me, as it feels like OCR has brought me to this point.  WIthout OCR, this wouldn't be possible.  I am hoping to releasing this at OCRecords (fingers crossed!)
    Let me know what you think, share if you like, and like if you like!
    facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sirnutsmusic
    soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sir_nuts
    twitter: https://twitter.com/PMichaelMolina
  5. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I also want to thank everyone for participating, and—more importantly—I want to thank everyone for making this a drama-free compo. Usually there's at least one instance of someone being a total poop, whining about how people are voting or complaining about other teams'/artists' music. This time around, we had none of that. Everyone was a good sport and supportive of each other. I'm glad that people had fun and were able to learn things and grow as artists.
    Also, just to reiterate something I said a few weeks ago: if you're planning on submitting tracks you made for the SFRG to OCR, please include a source breakdown for the judges' benefit.
    I'd also like to suggest someone (not me) maybe organize an album project using select tracks from this competition. There's a lot of insanely good music that came out of the SFRG, and I think that a pretty good package could be put together and dropped as a proper album (as opposed to the standard archival release I put out of compos). Give artists maybe a week or two to make any necessary revisions, gather updated and remastered WAVs, etc. I can put together some album art too, and we can drop this as an OCRI release.
  6. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    only 9 rounds truth I've had very well with you, for this is the best 2 months of my life, since I became the account in OCReMix Forums first I felt a little shy because many people are not in my country (Chilean) and I used translator because my English is bad but moderately and acostubre me .... I want to congratulate them for their enormous effort and people who suffered were there but never gave up it makes me happy, as Mr. Shariq "DarkeSword" Ansari says "In this competition there are only winners," this has been comment will thank me for reading 
    I want to mourn but my tears dried
  7. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    only 9 rounds truth I've had very well with you, for this is the best 2 months of my life, since I became the account in OCReMix Forums first I felt a little shy because many people are not in my country (Chilean) and I used translator because my English is bad but moderately and acostubre me .... I want to congratulate them for their enormous effort and people who suffered were there but never gave up it makes me happy, as Mr. Shariq "DarkeSword" Ansari says "In this competition there are only winners," this has been comment will thank me for reading 
    I want to mourn but my tears dried
  8. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from YoshiBlade in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    only 9 rounds truth I've had very well with you, for this is the best 2 months of my life, since I became the account in OCReMix Forums first I felt a little shy because many people are not in my country (Chilean) and I used translator because my English is bad but moderately and acostubre me .... I want to congratulate them for their enormous effort and people who suffered were there but never gave up it makes me happy, as Mr. Shariq "DarkeSword" Ansari says "In this competition there are only winners," this has been comment will thank me for reading 
    I want to mourn but my tears dried
  9. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Ghetto Lee Lewis in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    verse 1:
    I'm back in the lab while I brew a new gab with this lyrical jab, concocting a dab of this and that shit that's so fat that the rest will sound flat while they look at just how many addicts we make every day.  They can't keep away it's like crack or cocaine. Am I really okay or am I insane but my drug is this music it eases my pain. I'd take a syringe and shoot straight to my veins, but unfortunately I can't get it quickly enough so just hit me.  Bear with me I'm sickly from listening day in and day out to music I can't get to leave. So is it just me,  or did we hijack this whole compo spontaneously? But seriously, these myths we create will be legendary. It's scary just how far we've come in these weeks, becoming so viral we spread to the streets, with just a few beats from the myth lab.   Chorus:   Rock Hard Mandrills,  Bringing it down, Rock your body, To our hard sound,   Verse 2:   We go triple bard when our mixes bombard, straight from the yard they call us rock hard, we're the man drills, we got mad skills. Bringing dope ass tunes from the streets to the hills so listen to the sound, while we bring the house down, we don't mess around our lyrics are profound, when this whole thing is over who you think will get crowned? cause it's not gonna be just anybody Well let me see, who else could it be who, maverick ashtley? They do the same thing  what, every single week? Comeon don't get hurt but the Rick roll, it gets old. I never wanna lie, just let truth be told. We won't let you down watch our legend unfold You don't have to cry man up and be bold, so lemme say goodbye you punks just got trolled.   Verse 3:   Will Rock here with another clean rap The Rock Hard Mandrills don't give a crap As we make musical songs on OC Remix with lots and lots of really really cool tricks We've got Ghetto Lee Lewis on the keys And I rock shredding my guitar with ease Jason Covenant brings the big epic choirs And all of us together.........????   Man, Will really lost it at the end.  The guy has some anger issues I guess.  
  10. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Jason Covenant in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory:
       The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever.      Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted.      The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people.      Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito.      "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?"      "Both, actually."      "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans.      "So, uh, what're you in for?"      "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed."      "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered.      "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed."      "...An entire jury!?"      "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened.      "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face.      "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders.      "Uh..."      "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?"      "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot."      Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?"      "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality."      McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?"      "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities."      "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape."      "You can do that? How?"      "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now."      "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again."      "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help."      "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming."      "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo."      "What's that?"      "He completely insane."   (To be continued in Part 2.)
  11. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    Final Fantasy II: Rebellion is out! And it is good, listen to it!
    Now the time has come to buckle down and finish the FINAL CHAPTER of our trilogy... 
    Here's some words of inspiration for you.
  12. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Check my phone to see notifications and all speak related Sir_NutS
  13. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    gift for having rick rolled in round 3 (for Maverick Astley)  I have hiccups by eating oranges
  14. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    gift for having rick rolled in round 3 (for Maverick Astley)  I have hiccups by eating oranges
  15. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    gift for having rick rolled in round 3 (for Maverick Astley)  I have hiccups by eating oranges
  16. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yeah, I'm a little tied up

    see you in two weeks, hopefully!
  17. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa reacted to Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Fair warning, you will be (subtly) Rick Rolled again in round 3. Incorporating our third source nicely was actually a lot of fun in this track
  18. Like
    Yosh1PrisMa got a reaction from Cam3leon in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I think the team Maverick Astley is taken very seriously by Rick Astley....  I feel Rick Rolled
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