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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. You deserve it!
  2. You're right, no. But you don't have to throw away a car and buy a brand new one if you lost your keys. You can swap out the ignition switch far cheaper than simply buying a new car.
  3. Has anybody received their free Wii Remote Jackets yet? I put my order in around the 4th, and they said it would ship the 15th. I've not received any updates yet.
  4. What? No pokemon trainer? Edit: Nevermind--just watched a gameplay video and noticed he wasn't listed in the selectable players. Nor is Wario, Snake, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Zelda, or Kirby.
  5. You can't beat Bananaphone by Raffi. Man, I totally wish my cell-phone wasn't a 5 year-old dinosaur so I can make that my ringtone. Well, in the mean time, I can freak people out with the song on my stereo or in my car.
  6. I'm sure some people will find a new exploit in Brawl and give it a stupid name that catches on in the noun-verbing form. My money's on monkey-fizzling.
  7. Yeah, you basically need a side business to stay afloat, like pizza-parties with mascots for kids. But I bet that's not the demographic you're aiming at--what were you thinking, 14-21 year olds? You'd probably need to find a new scheme. I've only seen pizza-party places for sub-12 year olds, and a combination of a bar/arcade for over 21. I think your idea is great--there's always a need for a places to hang out for people. Your main concern should be making a solid business model. It should be more than just a place you would hang out--it should be a place everybody would hang out. And more importantly, rake in the dollars.
  8. Darn! Now I gotta go find my Streets of Simcity disk again.
  9. I need Cammy!
  10. What have I been doing to stop from yelling at people going to E for All? Well, I watch a video of somebody else playing Brawl, and I take my Wii-Mote and pretend I am playing it. I even mimic all the actions, as the 8th or 9th time I watch it, I practically know everything I "am going to do." Ok, that's a lie. I just know how to wait like a good little consumer.
  11. It would really break from Street Fighter's roots if it weren't 2D in some fashion. It could even be Smash Brothers-style 2D.
  12. Was a badass? Come on, he is still a badass. Could anybody other than a badass create a game using procedural programming methods?
  13. Man, I was wishing she'd go berserk and fight with a woman's fury. Maybe throw out a few words about Mario's philandering.
  14. I see somebody is showing off their Phoenix Wright cartridge.
  15. I'm counting on you! At the very least, do it for the weighted companion cube.
  16. The Brawl demo is too complete. Even though I'm sure there's tons and tons of extra stuff in the real game, the demo they have has way too much content and is way too open-ended for a demo you can keep. I'd love it too, so please prove me wrong, Nintendo.
  17. Absolutely brilliant. Even if it was a tad short, I don't feel like I wasted $20 at all. Actually, the first I heard of this game, I stumbled on the credit sequence and I immediately had to find the game it belonged to. I read a little about it, and bam, I just had to buy it. Sure, it kinda spoiled the ending, but knowing all of the context, I still smiled.
  18. Umm, where were they listed? The current character selection screen is only for the demo as far as we know or the blocks may shrink as new characters are added, if you were just guessing how many more blocks they could fit in there of the same size.
  19. I'm a big Advance War fan, but I am embarrassed to say I literally just stumbled upon the news of AWDS2 a little bit ago. With all the other games coming out, I guess it lost me in the fray. Plus, I don't come in this thread often, nor have I actively been watching for a new AW. In any case, I really do love what I see from those screenshots. Certainly not soft at all! It looks so much grittier. I like it.
  20. Score! I'm so happy for a new Advance Wars! It looks so fresh... I can't seem to ID the characters. But, I am too happy none the less, even if my old favorites aren't there, I'm sure to find new ones.
  21. I'll bet you anything they only announced Sonic this early and put him in the demo to sweeten the crowd back up after the devastating loss of 2 critical Brawling months.
  22. Advance Wars sprite assist trophy! I am complete! I would just die if Andy, Sami or Nell were playables.
  23. Utterly devastating. Ah well, I will be playing Mario Galaxy as well. I may even pick up that Mario Sonic olympic game to get my Sonic vs. Mario groove on.
  24. Yeah, there is no word on America's release date yet. I believe we were already getting it weeks before Japan anyway. But I couldn't conceive anything that would affect Japan's release yet leave America's unscathed when the game is originally made in Japan.
  25. Hey Guys! I got some amazing news that will rock your socks off! We have practically an official confirmation of a new character in Brawl! If you look at the closely at the newest update... you can see this image near the bottom of the page. Now, if you use Photoshop on that blob in the bottom right corner. You'll need to sharpen, apply Tiles, blur it a little, zoom in, liquify around the top of the blob, and use the splatter filter, you can almost make it out... Yes, do you see what I see? It's official, guys. Mario is in Smash Brother Brawl! Either that or maybe I am seeing Megaman. It's a little hard to tell, but I think we can say it's official.
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