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Main Finger

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Everything posted by Main Finger

  1. My track has been submitted. Maaaaaaaaan.... I was having troubles. I ended up making 3 completely different concept tracks before deciding on a final direction which wasted some time. I also had a TON of stuff I worked on that ended up on the cutting room floor even in the track I did go with. In the end I think it turned out all right, but I really struggled this time. Curse you, Crash Man!!
  2. Thanks and good luck to you, too! May it be an epic battle of musical mega awesomeness :)

  3. Just curious.... do people see who did which song when they're voted on? I'm gonna guess yes since at least one person posted a WIP.
  4. Part of me wishes I was in the Mega Man bracket so I could be starting tomorrow. The week of anticipation will kill me.
  5. This sounds awesome. I'm in! Let's DO this! 1) Napalm Man 2) Toad Man 3) Dive Man 4) Gravity Man 5) Jewel Man
  6. Actually ya... I'm really wondering about this too. I finished my track like... forever ago and I've promoted the album on The Mega Man Network (http://themmnetwork.com) a few times, but will it ever really release? I sure hope so.
  7. I'll be at PAX all three days. See you guys there!
  8. with the new people joined we only have a few tracks left! Doubtful Mood, Loser, Game Over (just a riff, maybe could be combined into Loser), and possibly a bonus track of Kaze wo Tsukinukete (the theme from the anime) if somebody wants to do it.
  9. we want to see the WIP tracks by July 1st. Doesn't have to be finished, but we'd like to see steady progress at that point.
  10. http://www.themmnetwork.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rockman_EXE_Complete_Game-Music_Collection_-_Rockman_EXE_1~3_%28album%29 Tracks 1-22 are the first game (the one we're doing). Thanks for the interest. Where can I find examples of your work? Can you send me a link to something you've done?
  11. Not an official OCR project, but according to the rules I can still recruit here. Some of the staff of The Mega Man Network (http://themmnetwork.com) including myself are putting together an arrange album of the first Mega Man Battle Network game from composer Akari Kaida (breath of fire III, Okami, etc). Some of our artists can't contribute as much they originally planned and we need more people on the project. Here is a sample of some of the progress (not all WIP tracks are represented here and no tracks are in a 100% finished state) http://bnproject.themmnetwork.com/audio/netbattle-preview2.mp3 The plan is to release the album for free on The Mega Man Network. If you have any interest in contributing to the project, send me an email at this address: mainfinger@gmail.com and we'll talk. UPDATE: Also if you're interested please email me a link to an example of your work UPDATE2: WIPs due July 1st UPDATE3: with the new people joined we only have a few tracks left! Doubtful Mood, Loser, Game Over (just a riff, maybe could be combined into Loser), and possibly a bonus track of Kaze wo Tsukinukete (the theme from the anime) if somebody wants to do it.
  12. This track is great and anybody who likes it should pick up the CHRONOTORIOUS album and get the full version. The lead synth in this song is freakin' dynamite!
  13. I'll be at PAX all three days cuz I go every year =P
  14. I'd have taken more than one track, but I'm too busy working on 3 other albums not including this one >_< The other ones aren't for OCR though. Wily Machine was definitely one of the my top choices under Strange World, though.
  15. just PM'd. lol... don't worry, the song I have on OCR is like 8 years old and in no way reflects my current quality =P *fingers crossed*
  16. DELETED: this was meant to be a private message =P

  17. lol! Yup, that's my remix I made over a year ago. Honestly, I agree with you about everything you said. The mix really isnt anything special. I admit, I suck, it's just kinda fun to make music and even funner when you can get a proffesional site like this to post it^_^ I think my newer stuff is a lot better, but none of that is really that special either =P I dont even have any dj equipment, I just used Fruity Loops 3 to make it. Oh well, at least there's a lot you can do with that program^_^
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