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Rotten Eggplant

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Everything posted by Rotten Eggplant

  1. Omg... Totally forgot about this track... I'm cringing so hard on how awful this sounds to me now. That being said, I now want to finish this. I'll finish my Duck Tales remix first, though.
  2. Well, I mean, this is more of a cover than a remix, at least by my understanding of OCR's definition... That being said, I always comment on EQ, as it was the hardest for me to learn. The track is muddy and cluttered. The way around this is using the stereo spectrum and note frequencies to your advantage. Try to EQ instruments different from each other so that they're not fighting over the same frequencies. If it turns out two instruments require the same frequencies, place one more in the left ear and the other more in the right. Balance is key! Also, keep in mind that low mids is the enemy of a lot of instruments (what tends to make an instrument sound "muddy"). Not saying all, or even all the time, but generally speaking, keep low mids to the bassy instruments and ditch them for the high ones. Remember, its all about balance.
  3. Good dynamics, good EQ, excellent arrangement. Only complaint I have is that some of the instruments sound too mechanical. Not your fault per say, just the nature of the samples used. Good luck with your eval!
  4. They may be hard, but that's what practice is for. Arrangement wise, I don't know the original, so I'll comment based on your arrangement alone. I know there are times when freestyle playing creates better emotional music, but pianists can spare a foot to keep tempo. Organists, not so much. My advise would be to get a silent metronome app or something to help you keep tempo. I also suggest either get a stereo mic or mix your mono so that it comes through both speakers. Audacity might be for you. Other than that, I love the arrangement. Very soothing.
  5. So, I enjoyed this. Only complaint I have, and it's been mentioned, is the drums. They're too wild and random, almost to the point of wondering if the drummer is even playing the same song...
  6. This style of music may be a little out of my element, but I can critique that for which I can. Or rather, if I can. To be honest, I really don't find much that needs work. Maybe cleaning the EQ a bit, but it doesn't need much. I really enjoyed the atmosphere you created. Very good listen.
  7. Might I suggest some EQing and more variable note velocities. The drums sound clean, but the orchestrated instruments are too muddy and stiff... Also maybe some more note variations. Like, instead of having the strings hold consistant chords, try to create melodies for each that maintain the chord, but not hold it to one note.
  8. You know, I always dreamed of doing a cinematic remix of this theme, but never got around to it. Unfortunately, I have extremely high standards when it comes to orchestrated music, so this remix bothers me a little. I'm not leaving at that, though, as this is a forum heavily reliant on constructive criticism. It does have somewhat of a Zimmer sound to it, albeit not completely, and that's alright. May need more strings, brass, and woodwinds to really bring out the potential, but that is a matter of my own opinion. Even though this is focused on a bassy theme, the EQing makes it sound muddy and distant. You can still keep the bassy premise while still giving it sparkle and breath. I hope you consider some of this before you truely consider this complete. I really want this remix!
  9. UPDATE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m3YYVVnYbIgs8ESnUkODWkpYyO4MiEEn/view?usp=drivesdk Finished the skeleton of the song and did some EQing. Overall I like how this is sounding, but there are some nitpicky things with the sound that i want to fix, as well as some repetitious parts. I'm also experimenting with different sounds and effects, so I may add more later.
  10. No, it's a great suggestion. In fact, the reason the song ends where it does is because, tbh, I'm not sure where to take it from there, so maybe I'll try that out as part of a "cool down" after the climatic part the song currently ends at. As far as the style is concerned, my friend stated that so far the remix fits within the realms of his challenge, so I'm going to focus more on content, while maintaining the style it currently is. You've been a great source of feedback, I really appreciate it.
  11. Ah, well, at least I'm in the right ballpark as Goa. The challenge is to make it Goa, so could you help me understand Goa a little better? Maybe provide some examples that provide a good enough contrast from Psytrance? I will also try to include more of the melody in there. Right now, most of the melody is sort of background sounds... It's hard to incorporate the melody without it sounding off or overbearing, but hey, it's overcoming this challenge that'll be most rewarding! Thanks again for the feedback! EDIT: So I talked with my friend about the differences between Goa Trance and Psytrance, and he explained it to me. He said to go ahead with the psytrance thing, as he didn't realize I was going to nitpick about the style. So, psytrance it is.
  12. So a friend of mine challenged me to remix this theme in the Goa / Psy Trance style. Well, I like a challenge. So, here is my first attempt at Goa Trance. Looking for feedback on the style, sound, eqing, everything. I'm new to this genre (and this site), so let me have it. Thanks! Source: Remix: Version 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m3YYVVnYbIgs8ESnUkODWkpYyO4MiEEn/view?usp=drivesdk Version 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThaxpuWI3w2AbRoZ5J-Zn8j7fhK6UlKl/view?usp=sharing Version 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lVEEJimImEZieLtW_kv7oKD7rjkpujs/view?usp=sharing Version 4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16FKnvtGPzqLdfh2TT6qyUOU8T1c6sMF1/view?usp=drivesdk Final Version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XOs1iFAoqR0DeZNrcUoSSCw034gCFDta EDIT: I must add that this song is only halfway finished. Forgot to add that... UPDATE: Link updated. See post for more info. UPDATE 2: Did a lot of fleshing out and some EQing. UPDATE 3: Added some more goodies and did a final master. I feel it's ready for submission. UPDATE 4: Did a complete redo of the mixing. I had to change some instruments to make things blend well. UPDATE 5: Fixed some stuff (the bassline most noticeably)and did another mastering attempt. I think it's ready to submit. FINAL UPDATE: Alright, so I did a final master and sent it off to be judged. Phew, I hope they enjoy it!
  13. Source: Remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7bFwjVuoLa7eExEX2R3YjdxLUU/view?usp=sharing Nemo's House Orchestrated - "A Night at Home" So here's something I started out of boredom. I actually like where this is headed, so let me know what you think so far. Thanks.
  14. UPDATE: Did some mastering, so hopefully it sounds a little cleaner and more balanced.
  15. A buddy of mine told me to post my FNaF World mix on this site, and after doing some research on here, I think I'm doing this right. So, this is an orchestrated "remix" of the Fazbear Hills theme from FNaF World. I guess I have to come up with some kind of original name for it, so I'm calling it "Over the Fazbear Hills". The source is here: Remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7bFwjVuoLa7bnV3dlo5UXNfMms/view?usp=sharing Even though it follows the original a bit, I believe it might still fall under the submission terms. Please, tell me what you think.
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