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Everything posted by TheChargingRhino

  1. Tunnels is basically the same as the introduction piece where the carrier is heading towards Corneria and that ship flies straight at the screen, except it doesn't have that sudden crescendo at the end, and instead keeps on looping. I have the "Tunnels" Midi.
  2. ....I could help somewhat. What tracks other than these two are you planning on doing? Help depends on what you need, I can't record stuff right now, but I can give you advice and notes/how to play some themes. I have perfect pitch, so I can usually pick out what note is what in a song.
  3. ...I'm not listed under artists. Do you have to have a track on the site to be listed? Also Hans Zimmer is on here?! Has he done anything? Like track wise?
  4. Working on another version of Corneria. It can be a bonus track, but it sounds pretty cool. I'll post it here or in that message thing when it's complete. Or somewhat. Still haven't decided if I'm gonna do just the boss roll or the whole SHA-BANG. Boss roll AND the actual credits. ...I'm gonna do orchestral. You know what? I'll just do a different "original" version, and we'll go from there.
  5. ....Uuuuhhh....I kinda need a Midi to do anything.... Which I don't have, since the site that I use doesn't see to have a version.... sooo..... I'm thinking of doing a note by note rendition of "Tunnels/ the introduction part, then have it lead into that deep pad note, then go from there. If I could just get that Midi....that's be great.
  6. Replying cause I forgot something. It is not the Venom Boss Phase Two (SB LIVE!) midi that is on the site. That is Phanton Phase two.
  7. X is for Xenoblade. If this has been done already for past times, then Y- Yooka-Laylee
  8. pretty much. Kinda surprised there's no Midi yet...Let's see what you can do.
  9. ....Hopefully I can get SAC for Christmas this year.... Got it imported to FLS... I could do lots of stuff with it. I just need help with pitch-bending. Anyway, congrats on getting this done.
  10. Like I said. I NEED THE MIDI! VGMusic.net does not have it, and that's where I get all my midi's from. I'm gonna be part of the 'EVERYONE ON THE WHOLE ALBUM' track for the SF album.' So...care to help me out?
  11. ......The pics aren't showing up....?
  12. You ever see that Return of the Jedi poster where Luke's holding his lightsaber above his head? And only his upper arms/hand/wrist are shown with the weapon? I copied the hand positions, but did a different version of it. (Link holding the Master Sword in the Temple of Time) But I have no idea how to show it on here.... Soooo.... I've done other stuff, too.
  13. Hey, DS, is this the version you're doing for the album? If so, AWESOME!
  14. ....This seems like forever ago. You told me to listen to this, Nika, I did, obviously, but I forgot what it sounded like, so I'm re-listening. =). I actually really like this A LOT.
  15. ......There's no midi on VGMsuic.net for Andross.... (SNES version) T-T. Anyone care to help me out?
  16. Good morning...I just discovered that my high school has this site unblocked. Yay.
  17. Dibs on the theme from SF. Let's beat that one track from Double The Trouble! for number of ReMixers. And, YES! DO A VOICE OVER!!!
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