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    TheChargingRhino reacted to shadowpsyc in Soundfont issues/questions   
    Genesis used FM synthesis rather than samples, there is VOPM though
  2. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Necrox in MnP 66: Twilight Princess - Beast Ganon Battle   
    Check the vote end date. Think I should get back into competitions.
  3. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Zorrakh in MnP 66: Twilight Princess - Beast Ganon Battle   
    Just a quick tip, a 5/4 measure sneaks in at the fourth measure/there's an extra beat added to bar 4, which isn't reflected in the MIDI. And as dizzying as it sounds, I think everything else stays in 4/4.
    I have to give credit where it's due: my wife picked this source track. She really wanted something from Twilight Princess, so I gave her a list of what I should pick, and she said this one.
  4. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Starphoenix in Soundfont issues/questions   
    As far as I'm aware, most of the instruments you hear in the Donkey Kong series are derived from KORG M1 soundbanks (either that or Wavestation). There is actually a VST-version of the synth KORG offers as part of their KORG Legacy Collection. With some instrument layering and modulation you could probably come up with near identical sounds. 
    As for contacting David Wise... He is on Twitter, but whether he responds or not I could not tell you.
  5. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Mordi in Seagull Sonata [Stickerbush Symphony] (Donkey Kong Country 2, SNES)   
    I think it's finished. I think I'll submit it to OCRemix today or tomorrow.
    Edit: Finally submitted, as "Seagull Sonata"
  6. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Really? That's awesome
    I'd like us to be done with the recording sessions as soon as possible so I'm gonna hunt down a drummer next week -- if anyone in this thread can provide drum though, show yourself quickly before I start my search!
    By the way, Lauren, did you find a way to record MIDI performances with your keyboard? Otherwise, I might need to ask for someone else to play the piano for us too.
    I'm afraid I cannot provide a MIDI of that "Records" cover either -- threw away all the sequences that were replaced by Jameson's performance (only the drums, synths and piano remain)
  7. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    To all of you guys, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best for 2017 and beyond  Let's keep up making this album a reality!
  8. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to djpretzel in An OverClocked Christmas v.10 -- RELEASED!!   
    Now with MIXPOST! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03472
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.10 -- RELEASED!!   
    Turned out to be a nice album this year. We had some familiar faces involved this time, but we also had a new face or two taking part. Gotta say a big "thanks" to everyone who both tried to get something done, and to those who did. Hope everyone enjoys what we did this year
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Dyne in An OverClocked Christmas v.10 -- RELEASED!!   
    It is with great pride and joy that I release the tenth An OverClocked Christmas album today. Thank you to everyone who participated and tried to participate. Thank you to everyone who listens to the wonderful work of every single musician involved. Without all of you, there would be no An OverClocked Christmas!
    Thank you, and enjoy the album!

    Get it here: http://williammichael.info/aocc/index.htm
  11. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Mirby in Game-Art HQ's Pokémon 20th Anniversary Art Collaboration!   
    Sounds cool. But why the (152?) when it would be the 151 in question, considering that Chikorita is 152 in the Pokedex lol
  12. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Damned in Game-Art HQ's Pokémon 20th Anniversary Art Collaboration!   
    Well, considering that Missingno isn't a pokémon at all... In fandom, it may have some significance, but that's it.
  13. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to djpretzel in IGN Declares Blu-Ray Winner of The Format War   
    Had the 360 featured HD-DVD by default, the fight would likely have gone the other way.
    At any rate, this definitely makes my PS3 more valuable.
    I can't WAIT until blu-ray recorders/media get down to sane prices.... the prospect of being able to back up that much data to optical is really appealing...
    BTW, for those who own blu-ray players - HIGHLY recommended: http://www.ocremix.org/amazon/?id=/detail/B000MRAAJM/
  14. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Julien Mulard in Trying to find a similar sounding synth lead   
    If by strings you meant the stab synth (which sound more like brass than strings IMHO), I think you have a good start by using a saw (not detuned) with an almost open filter, and maybe a really short enveloppe on the cutoff of a lowpass filter  (fast attack, from everything cut to almost nothing cut).
    For the bells, try a square in high pitch with a "percussive" volume enveloppe (i.e. instant attack, long decay and release, no sustain). Add delay and/or reverb and play with the filters to adjust your sound (keep in mind you want a brillant sound so try not to touch the highs). You may or may not want to add a saw or a triangle in the mix to add some spectral information (but mixed lower).
    You seem to struggle with sound design, which is a difficult and critical part of music creation (making the perfect sound from scratch, or just copying an existing sound). If you want to learn more about synth sound design, may I suggest you try Syntorial? The software itself is rather costly (around $130), but the free demo (including a lot of lessons) may give you some basic understanding of the key parts of a classic substractive synth (oscillators, filters, enveloppes, etc..). I found this software to be really interesting. I did not buy it though, so I don't know exactly how much you can learn if you do spend some money for it. 
    I hope I could be of some help! And sorry for the bad english, it's not my mother tongue.
    Edit: Typo
  15. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Final Kingdom in I heard a dubstep remix of The World's Smallest Violin, and now I feel inadequate. How do I make my crappy remixes sound like this in FL studio?   
    What Garpocalypse said.
    Another thing to remember is that you can't compare yourself to others all the time. If you are a beginner comparing yourself to a pro who's put in countless hours to be good at their craft, you're only setting yourself up for failure. Comparisons are useful if you're looking at someone else's music thinking "What are they doing that I'm not? How did they achieve that sound?" Look at the art critically, don't just bash yourself.
    I used to feel the same way when hearing other people's music, to the point where I felt too intimidated to even start producing music. The only way I'll get good enough to remix songs as small as The World's Smallest Violin is if I keep making music, learn my software, and push my creative to the limit. Use the experience with your DAW to make cool remixes like the one you just linked!
  16. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Garpocalypse in I heard a dubstep remix of The World's Smallest Violin, and now I feel inadequate. How do I make my crappy remixes sound like this in FL studio?   
    Years of mixing experience, personal experimentation, knowing how to use the vst's and plugins you have, and learning to subtly manipulate the listener to maintain their interest in the song/piece.  
    ...it's gonna take some time. 
  17. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well, it's totally up to you if you want to start a remake project for Star Fox SNES. I personally have no problem with this.
    However, this is a thread for the Star Fox 25th Anniversary Project, so please keep all discussion of the remake project to your thread.
  18. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to CHz in Looking for name of song or game   
    It's an original, fake RPG song by that person Liontamer linked, M.S. As the animation says at the bottom, the title is just "An Encounter."
    Archived download: http://web.archive.org/web/20051226105149/http://sgd.sakura.ne.jp/mus/ms_88_enc.mp3
  19. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Theory of N in Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars - History   
    Tracks are 98% done, the art is PHENOMENAL, and everything at this point is on DaMonz, me, and staff. It's been a long road, friends, but WE'RE ALMOST THERE. Thanks for all your hard work everyone =)
  20. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Theory of N in Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars - History   
    Put together a teaser of some of the music on the album. Check it!
  21. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DS394 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Merry Christmas, crew For your 20XXmas pleasure, listen to the best Star Fox remix of all time IMHO: 
  22. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Oops - I thought I had done that already. Sorry, Rhino - now updated to Synthbeat verision.
    Awesome, Ron - thanks for the gift!
  23. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Ronald Poe in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Merry  Christmas Eve, OCRemix. To celebrate this time of giving, I'm giving you guys the first demo. I made it today and hope to get a little feedback on it (It's a little repetitive and was mixed by me but I think it sounds nice). 
  24. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to avaris in Selling some Old Plugins (Slate, Fabfilter, Waves, Soundtoys, Izotope, etc...)   
    Yes they all work with FL Studio.
  25. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Gario in Castlevania - Bloody tears remix   
    Actually, a perfectly fair question; it's difficult to put into few words. Fortunately, someone actually asked me the exact same question yesterday (because of my comment here, no less!), so I'll share what I explained with him (with a few edits, for clarity):
    "Plain, unimaginative and/or boring sound design" is what vanilla generally means. There's some subjectivity to it, of course, but it does have some objective base to it. It's helpful to think of it using a basic litmus test: 
    A. Is it an easily recognized, overused preset (like Supersaw) or a pure waveform (saw, square, etc.)? If so... B. Is there a particular reason for it, like trying to emulate a particular sound (squares to emulate NES) or style (Supersaws for old school electronic music)? If not... C. Is there anything in the texture that makes them otherwise interesting (Quick arps, gating, etc) that might be muddy or messy with more complex instruments, or against itself? If the answer to the first is 'YES' and the other two is 'NO', doing something with the sound design of the simpler instruments will objectively make your music sound more rich and complete, without losing something in the arrangement in return. Do know, though, that this does NOT mean use a different sampler/synthesizer/etc.; it means do something with your tools (envelops, layering, etc.) that makes the instruments more interesting.
    Consider two of the three points in that litmus test in some detail: if you're actually going for a particular sound, then that not only justifies the use of simpler sounds, it may even require them ("8-bit" and "Fake-bit" is a genre that requires square waves for that sound, for example). Also, sometimes the use of pure sounds is necessary in order to apply more complex textures: doing hyper-fast 64th or 128th note arpeggios with virtually anything other than basic square or sines WILL sound like trash with more complex instruments.
    One final point that sums all of this nicely: Above all else, make your choices sound intentional rather than incidental. If it sounds like the composer made a purposeful choice on the sound design/synth/instrument rather than chose an instrument/synth just to carry the notes, it'll probably sound correct.
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