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    TheChargingRhino got a reaction from Sbeast in Zelda Metal Medley   
    ....I like it.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to SkyRiderX in On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!   
    Kindly do not post in the remix section. Upload your WIP and please send it to me in a PM. Thank you!
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to SkyRiderX in On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!   
    As for the name change, the theme for the album was the tale of the Hero of Time being passed down "On the Breath of the Wind". Thanks to everyone for their suggestions! Some of them fit quite well actually. I was thinking something along the lines of "Whispers on the Waves"
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to MindWanderer in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    We've seen a little of it.  Some of the Shrines contain Runes, and the way the bombs and the magnet thing work definitely would have put them in true dungeons in a traditional Zelda game.  We've seen bows and the Fire Rod just lying around in random places.  It'll be interesting to see if you need certain items to beat certain dungeons--it could be frustrating to have to track down the one shrine out of a hundred that has the right thing.  The developers have made it really clear that the overworld isn't going to have Metroid-style roadblocks in it.  I haven't played Link Between Worlds yet, but it may take cues from that.
    Because you're right?  I mean, I think it's fun to theorize, but we all know Nintendo came up with this whole multi-timeline explanation way after the fact.  There are a few references in the games that say something about a chronological order, especially Ocarina of Time through Spirit Tracks, and the Vaati/Four Sword stories, but most of the others are either completely disconnected or "This guy used to be the hero in a previous adventure of some sort."  If Nintendo ever does put Breath of the Wild into the chronology in some official way, you know it's something they came up with late into its development at best, and possibly not even before it was finished.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Damned in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Wh... why are you people agreeing with me? Why are you liking my post? I said it was an unpopular opinion! You're supposed to hate me now!
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Native Jovian in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    I'm pretty much with you.  The timeline stuff is completely ancillary to the games themselves and (barring a few obvious links-- er, connections, like OOT -> MM), it's honestly not at all relevant to the games.  (I also think the official timeline is stupid because it requires time travel to work differently than we actually see it work in OOT, but whatever.  That's also ancillary to the games.)
    Personally, I'm looking forward to see how the new stuff in Breath of the Wild is going to change the standard Zelda experience.  Is it just going to be "look for some fruit to eat instead of slicing up grass and smashing pots to find hearts"?  Or is it going to be a more profound change than that?  The various (breakable!) weapons is definitely going to be sizable change, but I'm not sure yet whether that's going to be in place of or in addition to a more standard "beat dungeons, get key items, use in the overworld" Zelda formula.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to MindWanderer in On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!   
    I know it's really late in the game but... maybe you should consider renaming the album?  There will be a lot of confusion with Breath of the Wild with the current name.
  9. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to djpretzel in On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!   
    Few ideas:
    "I'm On a Boat!" (okay lolz... but not terrible) "The Young Man and the Sea" (play on Hemingway) "King of Red Lions" (obvious, but that doesn't make it bad) "After the Flood" "Songs of the Great Sea" (also obvious, but pretty intuitive... perhaps my favorite) "Sailing" (minimalist, keep-it-simple option)
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Slimy in What do YOU want to see at E3?   
    Wake me up for Metroid 5.
  12. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Damned in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Agreed. I know it's not a popular opinion (like.. anywhere Zelda is discussed), but I actually kinda maybe sorta really despise the whole timeline thing. I suspect some flack for it after this, but whatever. Opinions gotta opin.. ion. Opinionate. Opin-... Shit.
    Part of it is the fact that I have never seen any of the games as part of a continuous series. I always viewed them as stand alone games that shared certain elements and characters. So I find the timeline idea kind of pointless. I don't need to know any of it to enjoy any of the game. You can play them in any order and they still work, as a series and as individual games. The overly mixed-up branching timeline mess makes it even less helpful. None of it affects the ability to play the games in any way. And frankly, I find the notion that I have know about timeline to enjoy Zelda to be laughable at best, insulting to my intelligence at worst.
    Yes, there actually are some out there that honestly believe you can only truly appreciate Zelda is you embrace the timeline. If you don't, you're not truly a fan. Personally, that kind of elitist fanboy snobbery pisses me off the most. Like, more than people that don't use their signal lights when changing lanes.
    The other part of it is that I've found the timeline theorist subset of Zelda fandom to approach obsessive, and even cringe-levels of fanboyism. I've seen entire threads, 500 pages long or more, just yelling at each other over how everyone else is wrong and only their particular version works. Hell, even after Hyrule Historia came out and showed the official canon timeline, they still argued over it. "NINTENDO IS WRONG, HERE'S WHY!: A COMPREHENSIVE BREAKDOWN OF THE FIVE BRANCH TIMELINE!" wasn't unheard of for months afterwards.
    Yeah, I get it's fun to speculate and all that, but god damn, the vocal minority of them has ruined that whole thing for me. I can't stand reading timeline stuff even to this day. You guys aren't that bad, but I still avoid all timeline talk when I can. I don't even read any posts about it any more.
    So maybe news about the game goes here, and timeline stuff can go in its own thread. I'm here for news about the new game, maybe even updates on recent games.
    (braces for downvotes/thumbs down/wait do we even have anything like that here/minuses)
  13. Like
    TheChargingRhino got a reaction from Modus in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    We need these quotes in the game. Seriously.
  14. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to timaeus222 in The War is Over "Ending (Staff Roll)"- A Link to the Past   
    Well, while FL isn't the best DAW in terms of what stock sounds are provided, I've been using it for the past 5 years and I've never wanted to switch. I think if you proceed to check out zircon's FL Studio tutorials, you'd learn a lot.
  15. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Nabeel Ansari in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    You're the most disappointing poster on this thread.
    Just kidding.  
    I thought Skyward Sword was the most disappointing Zelda game, personally. Music was weird and whimsical, world felt really empty (I get it was pre-Hyrule history, but like... come on, there's gotta be stuff in there still). I was not very taken with the personalized goal of the game being between Link and Zelda... kind of made saving the world feel like an afterthought. It was different, sure, but it's hard to get captivated by something that's a hybrid between old save world from Ganon formula and new love story with Zelda, especially with a silent protagonist.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Mirby in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Bokoblin Arm best weapon confirmed
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to DarkeSword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Nintendo's finally announced details and has shown off a lot of information and footage related to the new Zelda game, Breath of the Wild.
    I'm very excited about the open-exploration approach to the series. Looks gorgeous, sounds amazing, and looks incredibly fun.
  18. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Drawn by Dai in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Well that was just lovely, wasn't it? Like a mashup of traditional Zelda, Monster Hunter, a smattering of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus and a bit of sandboxing thrown in. All washed in a lovely hi-res semi-cell shaded art approach. I was ready to bail on the big N after all these long patient and forgiving years, but now I'm absolutely hyped.
  19. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to MindWanderer in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Was about to say exactly what Odai said.  While it does seem to be influenced by Monster Hunter and Shadow of the Colossus (or perhaps Assassin's Creed), and perhaps Okami, I wouldn't call those "modern trends."  These are ideas 10 years old at the least.  What is interesting is that they're not trying to go out of the box to do things that hadn't really been done before, like most Zelda games have done.  Nothing novel here, but it does look like a fun combination of things that hadn't been combined.  I've always wanted to get into Monster Hunter but was turned off by its seeming lack of directed progression, and Zelda could be an ideal solution for that.
    What I didn't see a lot of was... well, Zelda.  Other than the doodad that creates objects, the art style, and the name Link, this could have been a trailer for a new Monster Hunter game.  And the doodad is only semi-Zelda-ish; it seems to be equal parts Zelda, Okami, and Minecraft.  The hands-on reports do say that it has dungeons of some sort, though there's disagreement as to how those work.  Edit: I'm watching the Treehouse now, and the gameplay is much more Zelda-ish once you get into the shrines (mini-dungeons).  But the items (runes) you get from them are much more useful than the typical Zelda items.  You can be a lot more creative with them.
    Also interesting is that the game can be played with the Pro Controller.  Not surprising that there are no Wii U gimmicks, since it'll be on NX as well, but I would have expected there to be some elements implemented differently in both.  For instance, object creation and placement with the touchpad or whatever analog controls the NX has.
  20. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to SystemsReady in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    It's basically Wind Waker on land with survival elements and more environmental puzzles, so consider me hyped. Wind Waker's my favorite 3D Zelda!
  21. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to jnWake in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    I love how free it looks. You can climb mountains, put things on fire, ride animals, steal weapons from enemies... Seems like there's so much to do. Graphics are beautiful too, it'll look insane on NX.
  22. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Damned in What do YOU want to see at E3?   
    Minecraft: they just announced cross-platform multiplayer during the conference. They had someone with an iPad and someone with a Windows tablet playing on the same map. So it's unlikely they will announce a sequel any time soon.
    Besides, the game is constantly getting updates and mods, and it has no story, so a sequel wouldn't really even offer anything.
  23. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to zircon in Super Audio Cart: The definitive chiptune instrument, available now from ISW & OCR!   
    Here's a little bit about how this instrument came to be. Way back in ~2007-2008, Dave had the idea to do a sample library based on arcade sounds. "Samplecade" was the original title. I expressed some interest in helping, since at the time I had just worked on my first sample library project w/ Impact Soundworks. He recorded some source material but we didn't get much further at that point. We talked about it from time to time.
    A few years ago, after spending some time composing for a game that called for an SNES-style score, I had the idea of creating some ORIGINAL sounds and then making these into a virtual instrument for ISW. We started doing some early tests in 2014. Dave & I began talking again and he shared with me his grander vision; what this instrument COULD be... a definitive collection of not just SNES sounds, but other essential 8 & 16-bit systems as well. I thought it was a great idea and set to work slowly but surely assembling elements of the library. 
    PROTODOME recorded the C64, NES & Gameboy sounds and designed some early artwork. Seeing some gaps, Shaggy (theshaggygreak) contributed more C64 material. Neblix has been the lead engineer on the project doing a monumental amount of engine programming. 
    By my count that is 10 people from this community that have contributed to Super Audio Cart in some form... Not counting people who have, and will, write demo songs too. 

    Of course, the entire community of OCR did not contribute - but we don't have hundreds of ReMixers on any ONE album project either. They're still OCR albums, made by the community. And it really bears repeating that, as djp said, a portion of the sales will be going directly to support OCR. Just like the proceeds from Patreon, site funds support things like printing physical copies of albums, putting on awesome panels at conventions, hosting/bandwidth, working with freelance developers for various projects related to the site, etc. 

    In the literal and direct sense, the entire community benefits from this!
  24. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to zircon in Super Audio Cart: The definitive chiptune instrument, available now from ISW & OCR!   
    Cost: Yep, as mentioned in a YouTube comment reply it's going to be in the $100-150 range. I think it's going to be a pretty fantastic value for the money purely for the MODERN sounds alone. That's the big difference between this and other retro/chiptune type plugins; this has hundreds upon hundreds of presets made by layering the systems, adding effects, modulators, envelopes, and filters. A pad made from SNES strings mixed with Genesis sweeps and NES arpeggios? Sure! The factory library features contributions from OCR's own community: bLiNd, Timaeus222, Flexstyle, Sir_NutS, and Big Giant Circles, along with myself and djpretzel to name a few!
    Kontakt: ... Is not the most elegantly designed plugin in the world, but that's OK because we created our own interface and engine from scratch. So you're not really using Kontakt's UI, but our own thing that just uses Kontakt as the backend. All the graphics, wallpapers, knobs and other stuff are totally original. I'll be making a multi-part tutorial series on how to use Super Audio Cart, too. Starting with the basics of navigating the factory library, then moving on to basic sound layering and mixing, envelopes/filters and portamento, arpeggiator & sequencer, FX, and the mod matrix.
    SNES: For the SNES, for copyright reasons we couldn't sample the actual games themselves. Instead, we created our own custom bank of 400+ sounds to the same specification used by actual SNES games, right down to the same bit rate reduction (BRR) encoding. These samples could be dropped into a ROM file and loaded on a real SNES - and in fact we did that just to make sure they sounded correct! You'll find a huge range of sounds including strings, pianos, guitars, basses, ethnic instruments, FX, ensembles, and drums, with lots of variations for each. There's also an FX module with the classic "SNESVERB" sound that you can tweak and toggle at will.
    MegaDrive: Another tricky one, since FM synthesis has infinite possible patch combinations. However, most of them suck! So we ripped the TFI (FM synth patch) data from actual soundtracks and, using a Model 1 Genesis and GenMDM hardware, multisampled about 120 of the best patches from my favorite games. Classic instruments from titles like Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Toejam & Earl, etc. Oh yeah, and several hundred FX taken from sound tests too (non-PCM fx, so again, no copyright issue!) On the PCM end, we did use the Genesis' lo-fi DAC to record some custom drums + percussion for lovely Genesis-style 707, 808, 909, rock, metal, and hybrid kits, plus about a dozen others.
  25. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to nitrozsz in Battletoads - Behind the Music   
    Battletoads (the NES version at least) was a pretty damn good looking and good sounding game for its time. Of course we have David Wise, and incredible composer in his own right, to thank for the sound. I wanted to share this because this video has David Wise talking about the process of how the Battletoads music had to be recorded, and the limitations he faced when composing music for the NES (such as how many notes David was limited to). And you also get to see him playing some Battletoads music on the piano at the end
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