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Posts posted by Souperion

  1. 1 hour ago, The Vodoú Queen said:

    ...Now I am just itching to start on the new MnP. >.> You picked a good one, even if sadly I never finished Secret of Mana, haha.

    That's the spirit! It was a hard call between the ice fields and the ice palace. And the snow fields from Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana/ Secret of Mana 2. Looking forward to hearing takes on the song.

  2. 19 minutes ago, TheVideoGamer said:

    I think this whole conversation has turned into at least 5 dollars worth of discussion haha...

    I'd buy ya both a pizza for such an enlightening dialogue. I'm sorry that things were a little rough for ya this round, Vodou Queen, but stick with it. I remember the first time I brought a track to the workshop, almost 3 years ago. It was a hunkajunk made with the free website soundtrap, and I asked for an evaluator's review. At the time, it was my favorite homemade mix, but I can't even listen to it anymore without getting hypertension. Thankfully, Timaeus222 was able to gently shatter my paradigm at the time. My point is that music is a (sometimes painful) growing experience. I don't think your preferred genre and style are an issue here. Keep mixing and listening to composers who do the stuff you like, bits and pieces of improvement will come, and the hobby/career will become more rewarding. 

    This may seem a bit conceited, coming from a goob who just took 1st, but I think we all are familiar with compositional frustration.

    1 hour ago, The Vodoú Queen said:

    I literally had to input each note and adjust its length manually, with a mouse, and no keyboard.

    Also, I am massively impressed with your accomplishment in transcribing the piece under such conditions.

  3. Loved all the pieces here, it was a treat to hear so many Metroid mixes in one voting-sitting. Flattered and astounded at a win. If I gotta pick December's source, I'd better go find some nice wintery toon, eh?

    54 minutes ago, TheVideoGamer said:

    Souperion was bang on the money, he get's a full cookie.

    I prefer chocolate chip XD. You really had me reeling on that thing. I was going through Metroid OSTs, racking my brain.

    See you all next mission?

  4. Took me a bit to get time for a good listen again. So, what I got on the med-high sounds and the like: I think the first 3 minutes only needs a short breather somewhere in there to keep the sound fresh, ya know? Maybe around 1:07, where it repeats the melody from the beginning. Change in instrument for that segment up to 1:27 (up to the part where the synth goes nuts) might be a good break, not too long but enough of a change. If you haven't already been working on the matter. I feel like those first 3 minutes are probably where the variation in sound is needed the most, so the rest of the song will probably be fine. Does any of that make sense?

  5. I like that Spitfire piano. It's nice to have specialty vsts for projects like these. What do you use for the rest of the orchestration?

    Conservative pieces aren't necessarily a bad thing in evaluation, as far as I can tell. If you want to speed up the process, go to https://ocremix.org/community/topic/42695-what-is-evaluation-and-when-do-i-use-it/ and direct message one of the evaluators, and they'll probably get back to you in a week or so, good folk. If the verdict comes back as too conservative, I'm sure you could ornament it up nicely, slow pieces have lots of room for that. Good luck!


  6. Soundcloud being weird can't stop this mix! I'm digging the energetic yet chill vibes of this piece. The lead doesn't stand out too much, which kinda makes the whole soundscape blend into one nice gravitational field. I might suggest looking at that lead if you wanted it to be more center-piece, layer it or do some tweaking to make it demand more attention. A good relaxing piece though, and it took you less time to make than for me to beat the game (platformer problems!). Good work here.

  7. 11 hours ago, The Vodoú Queen said:

    Yikes... The competition is fierce from the looks of things...

    Guess I've got my work cut out for me. Makes me feel like I should withdraw or work on it more, but at the same time feels like I can't do much more with it.

    ...Really jealous of Soup's now. :/ If I had more skill I would've done Phendandra Drifts or Chozo Ruins in a similar tribal motif... >_<

    No! Stick around, please.

    I'm flattered, but I understand. It is intimidating to have your work standing with other mixers. Comparison is rarely kind. Last year, I worked with Wassup T to make something for the OCR Christmas album. We had fun, but there is/was some seriously impressive stuff there. But please, don't let the comparison stop you from mixing. Keep moving forward, make new songs, learn little by little. You'll keep getting better. 

  8. I don't know the source, but this is a sweet piece. The slightly muted piano creates a lovely, warm atmosphere. I particularly enjoyed the woodwinds. I'm hard pressed to find things to critique, but if you spend any amount of time in the workshop, you'll learn that's pretty common for me. Still. You made something good here, keep it up.

  9. Julien! Good to hear your work here again. This thing takes the listener by storm, gives me a combination of vibes from Mega Man X and Tales of Symphonia (is that weird? That's kinda weird.) Stellar performance. You did good with those variating segments (organs, harpsichords, oh my!), it nicely breaks up the soundscape of the guitars and synths.

    Perhaps it is an element of the genre, but I wonder if it may be beneficial to try changing the guitar's sound through the piece, as it is fairly consistent all the way through (the actual timbre, not performance. I like the performance.) The mid-high favoring lead is slammin, but it does hang around that mid-high for most of the piece. Maybe there's a segment that could do well with a lower tone (drop an octave, EQ the 'tar to favor more towards the mid for a part, something like that.) Of course, I'm about as much an authority on guitars as Aristotle was. Still an awesome piece, go get yourself a milkshake. Or smoothie or something.

  10. 3 hours ago, HoboKa said:

    Oh hey, I caught something robotic that u may want to fix

    Appreciate that catch, I've been having a hard time making things more... organic. Maybe I'll get better at it this pass. It's probably all over.

    3 hours ago, HoboKa said:

    Also, what Orchestral Library(s) are you rolling with?  

    I use Eastwest's Symphonic Orchestra, mostly. Got the strings, piano, and oboe from there, plus an Irish Low Whistle from Ra and the Bawu from Silk (both Eastwest.) Thanks for the listen!

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