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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Indeed, cool intro. Will it be justified with a good overall song? Doesn't look like it. Guitars are pretty poorly recorded. Oh wait. They aren't even real guitars. Flute and accompany has pretty much the wrong reverb settings. In addition, the song loops a great deal, and does not go anywhere. Aside from that, its the mastering that pretty much kills this one. NO
  2. LAUGH MY ASS OFF HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAH unlike that robovoice crap, this actually rhymes. Anyway, NO
  3. I like the rhode chords, but aside from that, this is just a cover. Everything is simplified, and concentration is definately on soundquality. Drums have pretty cool compression that makes me wanna ... go try somethings right now.. but I'll finish first here. I'm not hearing anything but a cover here. accompany changes slightly towards the beginning, but later on its pretty much verbatim. Towards the end some variation comes in, really nothing specially. This mix was pretty much like an intro to a more interesting song. Pretty short-lived at 3:30, and a meh ending. Whole thing sounds nice and chill, but does not seem to want to make it over that bar. NO
  4. Cover piece with drumloop and sharp, unpleasant synths. Please go for an actual remix, rather than a cover. NO
  5. Oh, man. Memories! I love this game. Definately a lot of arrangement in this track. I really like how it was put together. Later on medleyed with the good ole title theme. Everything is good about this song except two major points: 1. Production, everything is lo-fi and grungy. If I want to turn up the volume, the bass floods everything out. Gotta go for that clear sound in the higher registers and focus more attention on mastering and sound quality. 2. Arrangement/Drums. Arrangement provides lots of variation, but its not perticularly good variation. It kinda just fumbles all over the place. Drums are cumbersome and rough. Better samples/mastering would help, but really it needs to be done better. NO
  6. Wow, I didn't even vote on the song yet, and already DarkeSword knows what I'm going to say. Am I really that predidillyictable?
  7. ReMix: http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01213 ReView thread: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1009901#1009901 Some of the judges feel that this song should not have made it onto the site. So we will do a recall vote in hopes that it may be subjected to the same scrutiny as every other borderline submission. As usual, it is solely up to dave on what to do with this thread. Please Vote YES or NO. -------------------------------------- So basically, I would not have passed this as it is ridiculously close to the original. Allowing these kinds of songs on the site basically opens the door for midirippers, and other such people who generally do not want to contribute originality and would rather take credit for the work of others. This is not saying that the author is any of these. Given, there is a little variation in this song, but its so minimal, short, and ill conceived that it hardly matters. Other problems include ridiculously high amp, high note bass that makes the song very anoying to listen to, fade out ending, campy rnb loop that does not change, overall lack of progression and activity. The chant of 'Lets not mess with what is already good' is not very convincing or justifying, and does not change my mind on what I consider a subpar remix. NO
  8. Yep, you're absolutely right, bro. I apologize. Let's be friends. You spelled "definitely" wrong, faeg. Shut the hell up.
  9. No, there's definately variation, but it hardly matters cause the song is still pretty bad.
  10. stfu judgefgt
  11. Always liked Krazy Komets. This one's in the same league. Cool
  12. Poor recording quality, average mixing, violin playing is sub par. Weak/simplistic drums. Guitar gets better later on. Basically as binnie and vig summed up already, this song lacks in tact, sound quality, and performance. NO
  13. I'd like to see less YES votes based on what we hope the remixer may do in his next submission. Been seeing that a lot lately.
  14. Decent percussion, lots of cool breaks, lots of cool sfx, nothing special on the remixing side. Very groovy. Cool stuff! YES
  15. So I always liked this song, but recently I listened to the original soundtrack. It was very disappointing to discover that this remix is scarcely anything more than a cover. Its basically the level1 and boss1 music put together with live guitar. Everything else is note for note with minimal changes. A fine upgrade, but alas, nothing more than an upgrade.
  16. Fray and I had a long talk and I think we worked out the problems in his original song. This is the new song. Please revote.
  17. I noticed that the first time, but I can't even concieve why the artist would choose to do that. It ruins the feel for me completely. It feels like a deliberate flaw to ruin someone's fun. Its the kinda thing that surely will have people slapping their mp3 player against the wall again and again. Just can't accept something like that. This is on ocr for good, you know. NO
  18. I like the song. Very environmental. BUT WTF happens at 3:45??? is it just my file? seems to totally cut out. If thats intentional, I dont know what to say. Almost sounds that way. File I downloaded was 4 minutes exactly and 5.49 megs.
  19. I'm assuming the chimes are supposed to be non-harmonic and simply for percussive/environmental purposes, but that does not make them any less annoying. As for the rest, repetitive, builds a bit, but does not vary at all. Repeat Repeat Repeat, and always present are the nails-on-chalkboard chimes. NO
  20. My issues are basically thus: The whole mix is trite. Lots of emotional this and emotional that. Piano, woman singing vocal, slow pad strings. I would really really like to see such songs rise above such typical and simplistic nature. Theres much that could have been done with this song. NO
  21. Again vig hits the head on the nail. The whole mid section lacks any coherent structure. The drums loop throughout the whole mix. Little changes, and everything is chaotic with swirling off key pads ever present. NO
  22. That out of tune guitar is out of tune throughout the whole song, unacceptable. Fix it and resubmit. I always liked this song and really want to see it finally get on this site. Just master tune the guitar up a tiny bit and everything should be good. NO
  23. Biggest issue with this song is that the lead is so damned quiet and muffled. Drum samples are good, and unlike many rock submissions, it actually has a bassline! That lead is really annoying me, so I'm rather borderline. At some points I can barely hear it at all. Borderline NO because such a small problem shouldn't have been overlooked in an otherwise good remix. __________________________________________________________________ Had a talk with snapplefag. Apparently he agrees but deleted the work files. Can't be fixed now, so YES
  24. So like, doesn't vary from the original very much, but it does expand on the original a great deal. Excellent celtic mastering. Excellent style. Bit short, bit repetitive, but definately not enough to withhold giving it a YES
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