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Everything posted by Protricity
The part at 0:56 is on a completely different key than the rest of the song. For a song that follows the original melody nearly exactly, save for the bass line and such, I'd expect at least the melody was correct. Interesting effect at 2:00, but it doesnt really cover for the lack of melodic strength this song seems to have. Work on the melodic aspects of the song. It was a nice idea. NO
OCR01032 - *YES* Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Bottled Metro'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Wow. Quite an impressive arrangement of this song. The flute-age had me from the beginning. However, I notice that a lot of the accompany brass is off key. Its not too noticeable. A few sections like at 1:08 are the obvious ones. The rest isnt so obvious. This is some real ace arrangement though. Sample quality is in the gutter, but BitMap Pulls it off quite well. The off sections are rather negligeble and very hard to spot, so YES -
Nice synthy intro. decent starting groove. Was afraid it was gonna be repetitive until 1:24 when that nice stylistic piano comes in. Nice so far. Now its starting to get repetitive again... The synth continues to progress and change, but it doesnt hide the fact that its getting repettitive. Nice velocity effects at 3:00. I'm borderline on this one. Try to kill the repettitiveness with some variation on the style/melody/progression, anything. Just too repetitive. lack of variation from the original. NO
OCR01030 - *YES* Ninja Gaiden 'Ninjitsu Groove' *RESUB*
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
I heard this a while back. I also heard a LOT of bitching by dan, nearly every night, for hours upon hours.. day after day... week after week... WHEN IS MY NINJA GADIEN REMIX GONNA GET ON THEH PANNEL? THIS IS SO RIDIULOUS OMFG I HATE YOU I HAT DJP I HATE EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!! OMFG IM GONNA COMMIT SUICIDE IN 2 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so forth... it was fucking agony. Just to spite him, I'm gonna vote NO on this mix. YES This is solid and clean techno. Lots of varied drums.. lots of varied melody, progression. A very nice groove played out with the phaser synths. Nice accompany piano. Only bitch I have is the awkward moment at 2:50.. seemed ... awkward.. exactly. But it fits. No notation problems that I can see, and the mastering/compression is rather solid. KEWL -
The beginning isnt so much music as it is lots of sfx and roar. Gets interesting at 1:43. Then it quickly goes back to the four on the floor simple beat with cut/res synths playing out the original melody. I would like to see more interesting percussion on these types of songs, as well as some more variation on the melody. The style was well done, but did not bring the song beyond its original melodic aura. NO
First things that strike me are the moff-chords at 1:23+ Second thing is that this song is extremely repetitive. The most it has going for it are key change. The percussion goes all over the place and doesnt solidify into any kind of groove. The delay squares are extremely loud next to the other instruments and rather out of place. Work on mastering, percussion, chord structure, and progression/variation. Cool ideas though. NO
*NO* Super Mario Bros. 3 'Little Red Divin' Plumber'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
The problem here is that while this remix is rather moving and active- My leg was bouncing the whole time - the melody does not stray at all from the original. It has a lot of nifty sound effects and such, but the simplistic beat and lack of originality get this a NO. -
That guitar and trumpet are very obviously fake and its damn obvious when the miss-notes are hit on the keyboard. Samples for guitar and horn are pretty damn good. The percussion wasnt nearly at that level though. The arrangement style was decent at least for its genre, but the guitar and trumpet could have been played much better. Finally, it repeats three or four times, fades out, and is rather short. Work on a better percussive base, better mastering (the volume levels on the guitar and especially the trumpet were way loud). The arrangement aspect was decent, but you need to edit out those miss-notes at 0:09 and such.. Good ideas though. NO
NO OVERRIDE This is an spc rip with off key piano.
I dont have patience for these ridiculous waste of time submissions. If anyone actually finds whatever song was submitted can you post the link here somewhere? thx.
Its just too much of the original melody repeating over and over. I like the variations. Very nice, but the arrangement as a whole is following the original way too closely. Secondly, the sample set might need some updating. The drums and instruments sounded very GM and thin. The drums never changed much. NO
*NO* Ninja Gaiden 'Tranquil Heart of a Ninja'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Could develop but didnt. Just repeated until it finished. Please make longer, develop into more... NO -
*NO* Final Fantasy 10 'TO ZANARKAND (M.A.E.L remix)'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
The piano is pretty much exactly the same as the original with a dance beat over it. This song loses its momentum completely when the piano comes in. None of the intro or outtro I can remember from the game. Either way, cant just use the piano melody with drums over it. Someone let me know if the rest of the song was from the game or not. NO -
OCR01028 - *YES* Super Metroid 'Norfair (Frailty Awaiting)'
Protricity replied to m68030's topic in Judges Decisions
In all honesty, as I very much do enjoy the remix, I do have a problem with it not significantly based off the original. To be fair to others, I must give it a NO for that reason. I'm sorry if this is surprising, but I dont want to look like a hypocrite. Looking back.. and listening back.. I was.... quite wrong.. so, YES Note to Cotmm: I pmed you info about my paypal account, you can send me the 10$ whenever you want ^^. -
*NO* Donkey Kong 64 'Frantic Factory SSBM Stage'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
This is cool except... The drums are as simple as they can get. THe orchestration and arrangement is ace, but I have to hear the original. -
*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Wind Scene Hurricane Mix'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Quite note for note until the ending. The distortion could have been used better. Hats are way too loud and the percussion lacks in the lower frequencies. NO -
Um... drumloop D: Repetitive. Please dont rely on drumloops to make your beats. Try to make your own beats. NO
*NO* Super Metroid 'Brinstar in Distortion'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
This is quite minimalistic. The straight away problems are: lack of drums..continuous drumloop Repetitive simplistic synth completely covers up the lead. Repetitive nature of the song. Theres a line between minimalistic and repetitive:D Sounds nice, but needs more. NO -
Wow, I really like the synthitude goin on here. The style at 1:00 is really nice. The beat is pretty damn good. Breakin away from the lame kick + hat crud for once. I really like the kick. Something thats active and dancy without waking up the neighbors This would have been a yes from me, but there is definately an amount of off key goin on. NO Please work out those off notes and resubmit. I'd like to see this get on oc. Its nice!!
Poor drums/ instruments to start this one off. Pretty low qual up until 1:40. It gets more interesting then. However, the synth quality is still sort of grating. Not much of an ending... Put more though into the instrumentation and arrangement, and make better synths . Also, make a good drum progression. This could go somewhere with more patience and effort... NO
OCR01024 - *YES* Secret of Mana 'Drifting Towards the Stars' *FT*
Protricity replied to Israfel's topic in Judges Decisions
HOLY CRUD!!! EVARYTHING IZ OFF KEY!!!!!!!!!! No, j/k, not this time... This is more a case of extreme dissonance, and not blatant off key sections... I know the original rather well, and I must say that I liked distorted star FAR better than this one . That song had some real style to it, aside from the problems. This one lacks any real style aside from 'slow' and 'downtempo'. Regardless of how this does fit as dissonance rather than 'off key' there are several sections that completely lack any musical structure and are little more than lots of sections playing different things at once. Secondly, nothing is happening aside from repetitive keychimes and strings. I'm kind of borderline. I'll give this a NO for now and listen a few more times later. -
In the light of discodan's discovery of the psf I've changed my vote to NO This song is indeed the original with far more simplistic drums and sparse variation.
*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Yuffie's Sing Along'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Exactly the same as the original so far. Lets see where it goes... Uh.. I dont think so. This is exactly the same as the original save for 1 or two tiny modifications and some simple drums. NO -
OCR01013 - *YES* Ecco 2: The Tides of Time 'Drift' *FT*
Protricity replied to Israfel's topic in Judges Decisions
NICE JORB Anyone know which song this is on the ST? I didnt recognize it at all. no need for a review, you'll get plenty of those YES -
*NO* Legend of Zelda 3 'Theme of Courage'
Protricity replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Theres quite a bit of off-key going on here. Aside from that, there is virtually no variation on the melodys of the title/main theme of zelda. Thirdly, theres an extreme amount of repetition here. Theres just no reason to have a 7 minute song with 9 or 10 looopings. NO