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    Vancouver, WA

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    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

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  1. All critiques and feedback received in the spirit they are intended! I genuinely appreciate it all, I don't really know how one could improve at this otherwise. Or I can at least say that for me. I work in HR and not even my wife is very interested (beyond the, "that's nice dear") in my little hobby after the kids go to bed, where else am I going to learn how to be better? :) That pan was too hard, I agree, softened it a bit. Also dialed down the delay, but only slightly, I'm rather fond (maybe overly so) of delay. Sometimes less is more though! Also added one additional note/measure to the end, and I think that was a good idea! Lastly, listened to it in my beater car and the high frequencies were just too strong so tapered that off in mastering subtly. It's always interesting how songs sound differently on cheap speakers. Here's goes nothing!
  2. So I don't know if this happens to anybody else but I got a little fatigued working on this one and submitted it as a cop out. Thankfully it was rejected because there was still work to do. After a few diversions I tried to incorporate the feedback. Dialed down my inclination to FILL certain frequencies and sounds while trying to better distribute the song in it's sonic space. Simplified some parts, axed the ending (yeah, it's not you it's me), and created an intro of sorts so it's not so much BAM! Curious for any additional feedback!
  3. Well said. Often this to me is the fun part! Bringing a song from 80% to the metaphorical 100% is sometimes my least favorite segment. I hope it was indeed enjoyable!
  4. Oops, now fixed! Made and edit and didn’t realize the link would change. Sorry about that.
  5. Another home brew mashup, always interested in feedback of all kinds! Song: Sources:
  6. Just another one of those random playlist discoveries that gets added to the library.
  7. Oof, totally missed that! Sorry, now public. Thanks!
  8. Back again! Did some pretty heavy rewriting of several aspects. Totally new drum tracks, I gave up trying to salvage the old samples. Added some other elements and surprises while trying to add some diversity to the synths. Still a noob at mastering, but interested in any and all feedback! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qCBK-dJSA2oP2ZNyov58rBZ0r36UQhBW/view?usp=drive_link
  9. As always, Hemophiliac, your feedback is much appreciated. You are a generous scholar. Noted about the compression, I feel like mixing and mastering are what separates the novices from the advanced and I am still very much in the former category with lots to learn. The drums are actually sample and were the closest to what I had in my mind's ear after trialing so many different loops. Problem is the sample comes with that strange compression fade out on a few of the kicks and snares so I'm kind of up a creek there. I have no doubt I'm making it worse, but I think I may have to revisit what I want out of the drums in general. You are also correct that the Chrono Trigger song is the back seat to Shinra here, which was sort of a natural evolution as I laid things out. You are not wrong. Time to get back to work, and thanks again!
  10. The song: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EGDWfQjtGDokMKyxyQhw573JVoTlUe51/view?usp=sharing A mashup of two songs: FF VII, Shinra Corp & Chrono Trigger, Memories of Green Some classic Vangelis styles themes were in my mind, at least initially. Who can say what happened after that... Would love any and all feedback!
  11. You are right A Link to the Future needed to happen, like, yesterday! This was a fun, futuristic and synthetic. Retro chip-tune-esque bass and instruments, but some comfortable reverb and polish to make it clean and bright. Cool interpretation!
  12. Really enjoyed this one! A high quality production, you can tell. I didn't play DKC 2 much but it still is a great song. I liked how you included some of the sound effect elements from the original track in subtle ways, added to the experience. I also liked the choice of synths, smooth and dreamy. Maybe some of the spoken word went over my head but that's just a personal opinion. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Thanks so much for the feedback, Hemophiliac! It takes time and experience to provide this level of critique and it's absolutely appreciated! This is my first foray into making music like this so I have lots to learn, and without these sort of comments, I'm not sure how anyone could get better. Thank you! I was too married to that drum line I decided, so I forked it and went in a different direction, for better or for worse. Also tried to be a little more intentional about the dynamics, but whether I went far enough is up to the listener. That and some other minor changes. I welcome any and all feedback! Updated version:
  14. Oh that was fun! And what else are we doing this for?
  15. Great work here, H36T! It is a very rich song with lots of really high quality tones. I could really see this as a legitimate soundtrack straight from a movie/game because of the first rate vocals and instruments. Solid mixing too, for the most part, I felt like it was well balanced and the sound was nicely distributed. I actually don't mind the soft drums but it's the transition that was too harsh for me maybe. I get that it might be intentional as nightmares and transitions can be just that, but coming from such a smooth sound it seemed too strong. Just my personal opinion though! I also do not understand the ending, though I can see what Hemophiliac is saying. All in all, I walked away feeling like this was a really great ReMix that felt as if it was lifted straight from a solid movie soundtrack, but accidentally took some of the SFX of the movie with it, rather than just the song audio. Not sure if that makes sense...
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