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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. i live in northern urban sprawl, and go to school in southern urban sprawl
  2. I've messed around with levels and compression and stuff, and recorded a live vibes solo! Is the recording quality and stuff okay? I hope so http://drumultima.googlepages.com/mysticcave.mp3
  3. Rail and Koala. All you need to know. And LuiZa And Pixietricks Though neither of them is available Yeah, and even if we were, I think we're in a different category than those two. A less... "outgoing" one. Still, wingless, if it'll entice you to come, I promise to give you a sweet little peck on the cheek.
  4. Shnabubula, yo necessito practicar mi espanol, si quieres, puedes hablar conmigo en espanol
  5. I gave people: 15 dollar itunes card a diet coke and a box of mentos 2000 wiipoints A zip up hoodie earrings a wallet I got the flu right before christmas and was dead so i couldn't really put much thought into my gifts this year :[
  6. I got clothes, scarves, a rattle, a vcast phone and an ipod video! :D
  7. i like this idea. I'd like to participate, but probably wouldn't be able to until the summer.
  8. shnabubula kicks heavy amounts of ass and holds that groove like hes wearing overalls rock on, sam. edit- props to djp for the hiromi plug. unfffff
  9. I REALLY like this :DDD Congrats to DragonAvenger as well--if you're reading this DA, I was so close to showing this to Jay from Hartt, he was just over. This is a really sweet arrangement, it makes me smile :DDD Congradulations!
  10. just to finalize some stuff, for those of you who don't know who VRemedyz (or Doug [his name is doug too]) is, he's the guy who drew my sig pic
  11. GOD DAMMIT I HATE THEM BOTH see u at the meetup bahamut!!! <333
  12. okay so you want the strongest cadence. well that doesn't exist. if you want the strongest cadence according to the baroque/classical standards, go PAC. Perfect Authentic Cadence. because that's PERFECT. What you do with that V chord doesn't really matter. Go ahead and put a 7th on it, make it a 6/4-5/3 suspension, but all that matters is that you resolve that V so both the soprano and the bass are playing the tonic. That, i'm pretty sure, is a by the books strong-as-fuck resolution. But that's a couple hundred years old so if you don't do that in your techno/funk remix then don't worry about it
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