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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. The guitarist sounds pretty good! I think the delay might be a little too heavy, and i think there could be more highs in the equalizing of the guitar. However, he sounds like a solid player. The live element is definitely quality, nice job
  2. i want to remix but I don't know how to use programs i know i'll make live solo remixes!!
  3. here's another video of a partial improvisation on 600 ad (you've all heard something like this before). I'll try to record a version of this for ocr if you think it's ocr worthy!
  4. yeah man, I love the changes so far! It's definitely getting there. As to the drumset you use, however, I think you may benefit from a different soundfont/sampleset. Your snare and bass sound good, but your hi hat is a bit staticy. Go for something a bit more metallic? Also, it could use some compression or something, something to get the snare hits to really pop out over the texture. In the bridge, there's a bass drum hit a 16th note after the fourth beat of every other measure (starting on the first measure) that throws off the flow of the groove, other than that it's great. I think you could even let the drums fill into sections a bit more--especially into the bridge (where it goes into two) A nice triplet based fill will set that up nicely. Also, don't be afraid to lead the volume in the same direction as the drums... when things build, make it a touch louder I like the bells, nice Any chance of opening up a section of this for your guitarist to shred a sick solo? Maybe like right after the bridge or something, ride on that energy. I think it would do this song a lot of good. Anyway, NICE WORK so far and keep it up!!!!!!!!
  5. I made "DrumUltimA" up in like 4th grade, a combination of the instrument I play and an element of Final Fantasy VI, which I had just discovered. It's stuck since. I am the only drumultima on the internet
  6. seriously dude that was like my biggest problem throughout this whole thing because I couldn't find a balance between it sounding too much like the original and not enough the lead is supposed to be BASED on the piano line before the strings...I tried to put the bass line in there too. The intro was not included in this mix. Another problem is that most of it's in 4/4 when the original was in 6/8 :[ I relied mostly on the chord progression in this one.
  7. All right Master Nutricious!!!! I really love this game and i really love this song and i really love what you're doing with it! I'm looking forward to hearing a real guitar there, that's gonna be sick. However, I do want to speak with you about your drums. I understand that this type of feedback can be frustrating, especially after one's made a conception for their piece in their head. But I think your drums need to meld with the setting of the music much better. Lemme take this piece by piece. First of all i really love the strings in the beginning. Let that high suspension come out, that should soar over the chords, like a fuckin opera singer or something. When your drums lay down the beat at :53, I disagree with the choice for a 16th note pattern in the hi hat. At this point i feel like it should not feel like it's moving quickly, but should lay down a solid grove. I'm thinking like open hat or crash or just cymbal quarter note pattern with snare on 2 and 4 and whatever you want on bass drum. Right now you have more "speed", I'd like to have more grunge. I think the groove at 1:33 is great. However, at 1:40 (or essentially, the bridge of the original), I'd love to hear a great solid 2 feel groove. I'm talking, crash on the 1st beat of each measure, snare on 3, bass drum filling in the gaps down low. At 2:28 I'd like to hear the first groove i brought up for like 4 measures, and then fill and crescendo to the groove you currently use. I think it's a great groove! But I think it's too busy to start with. If any of this is confusing to you and you're curious to understand better, please let me know and I'd be happy to play/program you an example of what I'm talking about. Also, the high bells playing the descending major 3rds in the beginning, those are class. I would definitely bring those back for the end of the piece, and maybe even put them in the middle somewhere, when the texture gets thin. Pixel's use of the major 3rd seems to be an accidental motif of Cave Story, as it seems to hold major harmonic responsibility throughout the soundtrack. Also, it will help with the continuity of your own piece as well. Anyway you chose a kickass song to remix and you're doing great so far. Please heed my advice! I was dancing around the room listening and I got all passionate, I am not messing around! I think this could be really something. Good luck!
  8. What I Can't Use Ken Ardency Drums I Don't Know What To Do
  9. Woo! I just won 50 bucks for this! http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/showthread.php?p=92046#post92046 anyway plz give me more feedback before i submit to ocr!!! :ooo
  10. after reading this i can only conclude that both would help metal playing in equal amounts only in different ways
  11. rofl i'd love to see somebody try to pull a /b/ tard stunt, but irl.. see them dragged away by the police yelling "BUT I DID IT FOR THE LULZZZZZZZzzzz..."
  12. HOOORAY ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and go encylopediadramatica too HAY PASSIVEPRETENDINGNESS CAN I BE IN UR ARTICLE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. zohar i just started listening to wind song, and this is quality. I'm probably not going to say much different than anyone else... but the reverb does make things a bit too muddy (especially in the lower registers!) I'd also like to hear some more higher frequencies (eq-wise), it sounds pretty fuzzy now. However, the arrangement, technique, performance... it's all beautiful dude. Stunningly beautiful. You've definitely got a great gift, thanks for sharing it with us
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