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Everything posted by Jorito

  1. Okay, I'm having somewhat second thoughts. My overly busy schedule has become a bit less busy and a bit more predictable. I'm happy to take the back seat here and give any other takers or leavers priority, but if you're closing signups with an odd number: sign me up with Wicked Child as a source.
  2. I was actually considering to join and place that one at the top of my list (and add in Wicked Child somewhere too). But unfortunately the coming weeks are pretty darn busy and unpredictable already so I'm unable to join Pity, because I like the choice of game a lot!
  3. Interesting theme for sure! I wouldn't mind entering myself No brilliant arrangement ideas just yet, and I'm not gonna be the one that collabs with live instrument (apart from human whistling)
  4. What I'm curious about is if anyone actually won OA-as-a-dog BTW, pretty interesting to see all these reviews popping up in the new timeline feature. Great job everybody!
  5. Mid January; gotcha! I'll see what I can come up with *edit* I got off my lazy *** and finally started on my WIP. About 1:30 done so far (not bad for a 27 second source) and good ideas on how to progress.
  6. I did this track originally as a test track in Bitwig, back when I first got it, promoted it to an album track for the now-defunct Hometown Heroes album, and with its demise I figured it'd be good to finally finish it properly and submit it to OCR. It's the town theme from Dragon Slayer 6 - Legend of Heroes, by Falcom. It's a JRPG that I played extensively on the MSX home computer. Here's the source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r9Xnbfo57w It features performances by furilas (mouth harp), Chris ~ Amataseru (violin) and XPRTNovice (trumpet). Overall I consider it done from an arrangement perspective, but from a production perspective (my bane!) I wouldn't mind some feedback! http://www.jorito.net/files/ds6town/Dragon%20Slayer%206%20-%20Feelings%20Of%20Hometownishness.mp3
  7. Might be able to participate, but the beginning of next year looks like an especially busy time for me. I'll give it some thought but might have to bail out. A pity because I like Castlevania's music a lot and it'd be fun to join in a compo of which you actually know the music
  8. Heh, guess I should get off my lazy butt then and start on my WIP. What's the cutoff date? I work better (more focused) when I have a date to work towards, and since I didn't hear about any dates yet I used that as an excuse to procrastinate.
  9. Sure thing! Hit me up when you've got an idea. Maybe some Gradius?
  10. No use beating a dead horse I guess. I liked working on VVIII a lot, so if you have new album ideas, feel free to reach out to me.
  11. Did anyone notice the subtle brainwashing tags that OA used for this topic? Nice li'l touch. Anyway, great initiative and glad to see it's met with such enthusiasm. Hope to find a bit of time for some reviews myself!
  12. I bought myself a Kindle Paperwhite just a week ago, to replace my iPad for reading (reading on a backlit tablet = eyestrain to me). Very happy with it; digging crisp display, the battery life (when compared to a tablet) and the form factor (even though it initially felt a bit small). It ticks boxes 1, 3 and 4 but I'm not sure about box 2. Not a problem for me anyway since I'm invested in the Kindle store anyway.
  13. Depends on what other stuff you've got. OE1 is a good starter kit, whereas OE2 expands on that. For me, I mostly end up using OE1; I only use OE2 for 3 patches that I love (epic horns and 2 sweet legato patches). I'd go with OE1 myself if I had to choose. Check out this video for a good comparison of the two:
  14. I might chip in with a 3rd track, we'll see how it goes
  15. Love your pro active attitude in the tracklist (saw my name already there) . But sure, I'll bite; sign me up for a Kairi / Treasured Memories combo track. Let's see if I can get some of teh feelz in there. It's always great to work on some moodier stuff if you usually do upbeat energetic tracks
  16. Sweeten the deal with an (as of yet unlisted?) KH track in the same vein as Kairi and I just might bite and remix the 2 together
  17. Count me in on Timaeus' quote; did check the tracks but only Kairi inspires me and that one is a bit scarce in material to work with. But I'm happy to collab if people need me. Maybe I should just bribe Eino and Tuberz and do a Maverick Astley collab
  18. Did some work on my track yesterday; the spaghetti western style is coming along nicely. Next hurdle is actually adding bits of Yafutoma Dawn now; hope to spend some time on that this week.
  19. Since I remixed this song for the recently released Vampire Variations 3 album, I'm quite familiar with the original (even tho I never played the game). I think your take on it is more of a cover than a remix, but that's mostly based on the backing track which sticks closely to the original. I did like the original parts that you added quite a bit, it definitely sets the right mood. Well played too I did feel however that it was a bit too long and maybe a bit close to the original, but other than that an enjoyable track!
  20. Wow, a claim within 12 minutes of opening the project Somewhat tempted (Dearly Beloved is calling out to me...) but not gonna claim anything myself at this point. Got 3 other album claims open already and tempted for a 4th one, but will definitely keep an eye on this.
  21. I think I used a MIDI only once or twice. I mostly do things by ear, and use the same trick as timaeus for the very fast passages. Transcribing by ear takes practice though. So if you can find a MIDI it can give you a good start. Another trick is using an emulator that allows you to write down the channels to individual channels, so you can listen to them individually. Very helpful for older games that use non Redbook stuff. Think NES, SNES, Genesis, GBA, that kind of stuff, basically any system that didn't come with a CD/DVD drive.
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