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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Yep. Every version of the library comes with a massive folder tree of 3,500+ WAVs. Then, you pick the format you want the PATCHES to come in. You load the patches in a sampler so you don't have to manually map all those sounds yourself. In theory you can use the WAVs even if you don't have Kontakt, EXS-24, NN-XT or Halion, but it will be a pain.
  2. But all the work was basically done. And he WANTED to do the project. If he didn't want to be involved he could have stepped out, but now you're telling me he made more work for himself dealing with this PR nightmare?
  3. Seems like no one on any other site thinks that ZeaLity would do this himself. It really doesn't make any sense that he would, either.
  4. http://www.vizzed.com/chrono/remixes.htm Check the "Lyrics" link for Schala and the Queen.
  5. I use Kontakt, though the Reason version is pretty awesome, and if I used Reason I'd use that for sure You do need the FULL version of Kontakt, not just the player, to use external Kontakt libraries though. Another format possibility for you would be sfz when we finishi that...
  6. If you have Kontakt, I would definitely recommend the Kontakt version since it's already completely programmed. We don't, as of now, have an FPC-specific version. Programming the FPC isn't too hard - it can do multiple velocity layers no problem. However, I don't THINK it can do round robins.
  7. Very cool stuff. Your voice quality is kinda tinny for some reason, might be worth it to invest in a better mic or EQ up your bass, but otherwise, I like it. Only problem now is that FL9 is introducing a new method of sidechaining...
  8. Thanks, guys. We'll probably do some sort of cut down free version at some point once I recoup my initial investment, maybe just some really simple soundfonts.
  9. How to get rid of writer's block: http://soundtempest.net/guides/how-to-get-rid-of-writers-block/
  10. Yep, the library in ANY format comes with all the WAVs, properly named and categorized by component. For example, the hierarchy of a snare rimshot looks like this: [Groove Bias] <-- Library name [samples] <-- Container for all audio [snare 3 Rim] <-- Container for kit component samples Snare 3 Rim v1 rr1.wav <-- Filename Very easy to use in any other sampler. As for sfz, it's planned, but not implemented yet. I'm working with the guys from Chicken Systems to get the conversions down.
  11. My senior project at Drexel University was the design, recording, editing, production, marketing and sale of a sample library. I settled on the idea of a vintage drum sample library in particular, since, well, I love phat beats and I use old drum samples all the time. Why not make new recordings of old-school sounds through old-school gear? So, after nearly a whole school year's worth of work, ludicrous amounts of time spent in REAPER, Wavelab, and Kontakt, plus a hefty investment into studio time, the library is just about released. It's called "Groove Bias: Vintage Drum Sounds". Props to Kanthos for the title - neither bustatunez/Will nor myself could think of one (the two of us comprise Impact Soundworks, the company releasing the library.) The samples were made in Kontakt 2 but I've also done patches for Logic's EXS-24, Reason's NN-XT, and Steinberg's Halion 3. This is the biggest project I've ever done by myself, pretty much, and I'm VERY proud of it. Sixto, SnappleMan and Harmony all helped test the library (among others.) Harmony and Virt are doing demos for it, too! Anyway, I have an OCR-only preorder going on right now which you can find in the Workshop forum and the thread below. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23125 I gotta say, Drexel is an awesome place for having a degree like Music Industry that allowed me to do this and actually get credit for it.
  12. OCR-ONLY GROOVE BIAS PREORDER OMG!!!! Preorder your copy CHEAP today and receive your download link before everyone else does! Just click on either of the below links to order via PayPal. Kontakt 2 / Halion 3 / EXS-24 Version - $99.99 Reason NN-XT - $89.99 (16/44.1 samples instead of 24/96 to save memory) This deal ends May 25th! Don't miss out on 3,500+ samples and gigabytes worth of hella tight vintage drum sounds!
  13. I've never stayed up more than 32 hours, and my last all-nighter was when I was a freshman in college. It's kinda interesting how it works though. Once you hit about.. 15-16 hours awake, you start feeling quite tired. 17-22 or so, you might be drifting off and ready to go to bed, but then once you hit 23-24 you get a weird feeling. For me, I basically feel completely awake... almost too awake. I can talk to people, work on projects, and generally seem fine. I just feel 'off' somehow. Then, after maybe the 28-30 hour mark, another wave of exhaustion hits, and that's when I given in. Usually, that mark happened when I had finished my classes the day after staying up all night. I remember going home, excited about a new version of FL Studio and watching some tutorial videos. Or maybe it was Stylus RMX, or something. Anyway, I couldn't even stay awake sitting up in my chair.
  14. I'm not at home but I'm 95% sure that multithreaded processing is an option in the Kontakt engine even as a plugin, and I remember it causing problems for me when I had multiple instances.
  15. If rendering modes don't change anything, try turning off multicore processing within Kontakt.
  16. Haha, pre-set team classes. That's awful. However, I'd love to play some 'serious' matches. I'm a pretty mean demo.
  17. Wow congrats guys! I had no idea you were doing preset design. Very cool, hope it goes well for you.
  18. Have you ever played Silver Surfer or TMNT 1? They actually are that frustrating, if not more so. Yeah, the AVGN is a character, but it's funny because we all can empathize with playing (and being disappointed in) shitty games. Quit trying to be cool by hating on popular stuff.
  19. Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you meant the value of GameStop itself had plummeted, which it hadn't. I agree with you on the PSX games issue, of course.
  20. How do you figure that their value has "plummetted" if they have a greater market share and are earning way more revenue than ever before? I don't have any problem with GameStop, personally. It's a store, for games. No big deal.
  21. Phew... just spent all day working on Reason patches (they're pretty much all done) and tweaking the final Kontakt patches. Here are some screenies;
  22. I'm a big fan - it was great seeing him at MAGfest. His reviews definitely aren't serious. The AVGN is really a character, not HIS personality.
  23. Impact Soundworks (http://www.impactsoundworks.com/) is releasing a new sample library soon entitled "Groove Bias: Vintage Drum Sounds". You can read about the library and what the concept is here - http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23125 We need three designs for the sample UI. Here's the format - you can see how the 'skin' right now is just a blue/greenish solid. I'll need three separate TGA files, one for each 'size' of patch, shown below. Here's what a skinned product looks like: And here's our product logo, so you get an idea for a feel of it. For Groove Bias, you can see how I left room to the left of the knobs for some logo text. The rest of the texture can be whatever. Something retro, vintage, music-related maybe. Contact me via AIM (zirconmusic) or IRC (zircon on irc.enterthegame.com) of if you must, email/PM.
  24. Very cool, but it's a shame they're doing it based on the Arcade version, not the Home version which had more content. The arcade version is like 30 minutes long.
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