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Everything posted by zircon

  1. You can use the sidebar on the left to search for any game in our database that has been remixed. Unfortunately, we don't have any from the Deus Ex series.
  2. Damn, doing that Declaration of Independence quest was hard. Sydney died basically right away. Protectrons aren't that hard to kill, but Mr. Gutsy and Brainbots/Sentries are. The only way I got through was by using pulse grenades.
  3. It would be easiest if people just created guides and had me move them to the Guides & Tutorials forum.
  4. I've been having fun with it... no idea if it really makes much of an actual difference though. I wish you could reset your character somehow to try different things without replaying the game. I'd love to try a different stat setup.
  5. You can still do the Ninja thing, but remember! Ninjas were also proficient at assassinations using simple firearms. You can still do melee stuff, but carry a scoped Magnum or something to round out the package.
  6. Well, the drugs are antiretrovirals, not chemical treatment a la chemotherapy. While there are potential side effects, it's nowhere near as drastic as completely eliminating all your white blood cells.
  7. A "ninja" type character would probably have high Stealth/Sneak and Lockpicking. If you're going to melee things, that is a bad combination - your chance of being detected while sneaking is higher as you get closer, so you're not gonna be able to get an effective sneak attack. You're better off specializing in a ranged weapon of some kind with higher accuracy, such as Small Guns (pistols, rifles) and perhaps the perk that lets you get greater VATS accuracy with one-handed pistols. I will say this... even with low Melee skill, it's still kinda fun. I got a chainsaw weapon (the Ripper) that tears up Super Mutants pretty fast even though my Melee skills is <20.
  8. We actually do have treatments for HIV already in the form of drugs that attack it during different stages of its normal propogation throughout the body... however, even these treatments usually just force it into "hiding" outside the blood stream (ie. in lymph nodes) so they are not completely effective.
  9. The tutorials are also accessible from the navigation (About -> Remixing.) I know a lot of people have read the stuff I've written, though it's getting a bit dated at this point.
  10. This game is fun as shit. Probably my top game of the year, so far, perhaps tied with The Force Unleashed. I already have ten hours logged and I only got the game a few days ago which is EXTREMELY rare for me. Unlike most RPGs, which feel tedious, Fallout 3 is very engrossing. It's also deep without being cumbersome... Mass Effect had a similar level of good presentation and even a somewhat similar combat system, but was weaker across the board than F3. Thus far, my character is basically an all-arounder. I have high Science and Medicine skills, with Energy and Small weapons being my items of choice. I have a big inventory of guns, a house in Megaton, and about 1,100 bottlecaps to my name. At level 7, I'm able to waste Super Mutants with decreasing difficulty (thank you Hunting Rifle & Combat Shotgun!) but I've definitely died a lot. I don't regret getting the 360 version - no install times, no need to worry about HD space being taken up, very smooth FPS throughout (basically no slowdowns ever.) Graphics look great to me. My only gripe is that aiming is more annoying, which means I use VATS most of the time and do a lot more strategic retreating. Trying to pick up specific items from a big rack is also a little challenging, whereas with PC I could sweep the whole screen a little more easily. I think the game would be improved for console if they made the cursor a little sticky/magnetic when it came to moving over clickable/attackable items/characters.
  11. If there are questions that get repeated a lot and people want to write a guide for them, summarily answering the question in a simple manner, make a thread and let me know. I'll move it to the G&T forum. Then, anytime anyone asks a question on that topic, I can lock it and direct them to that forum.
  12. Well, that's the point of the "guides and tutorials" forum which is easily searchable. This way, every question/topic gets its own discussion thread and can be readily edited by individual topic creators, instead of relying on a single person to maintain a post.
  13. Congratulations, Jordan & Jade!! Jill and I are both very happy for you
  14. Yeah, Metroid is one of the worst offenders when it comes to repeating the same powerups, IMO. Of course people would otherwise start to complain "But you can't have a metroid game without _____________".
  15. They might end up somehow creating metroids based on her DNA.
  16. Geforce en7600gs. Yes, I know it's not amazing, but it does play TF2 very well and I'm not on the minimum settings with that either. Q9450 processor too (4x2.66ghz)
  17. Well, I've only played it for about 15 minutes, but L4D seems AWESOME so far. My only complaint? It's too damn intensive. My computer more than meets the recommended specs, video card aside, but even with rather minimal settings I get a laggy mouse control. It was almost unplayable when I was with Atmuh (single player it wasn't as bad.) Really a huge letdown in that regard, especially since Tf2 runs like a charm.
  18. You can never have too much processor for music making applications. However, as long as you get a minimum of a 2.4ghz Core 2 Duo you will be fine, generally speaking.
  19. Nah, I wouldn't say "most of us" because there are hundreds of ReMixers on this site. But there are a bunch that do, such as myself, tefnek, Rellik, Steffan Andrews, bustatunez, Audix, Tweek, sgx, and Siamey to name a few.
  20. Seconded... $2000 is more than you need for a killer music box. I would wait for i7 prices to come down too, then invest in a model that's towards the top of the line, eg. in the $300-350 range. Solid state drives may be cheaper as well.
  21. If you're recording multiple vocalists then of course you will need multiple mics, but the key is to find the right balance. More mics creates more potential phase issues because each mic is picking up audio from the same sources, but at fractionally different times. You might try four mics to start with. Three mics on the stage, not far from the choir (~10ft) and spaced evenly from each other. A fourth mic could be placed farther back to pick up the ambience of the room, assuming you're in a nice hall.
  22. It's nothing like RPG Maker, it's closer to something like C++ - definitely a programming environment. Also, you kind of HAVE to use XNA to develop for Xbox Live/Community Games, so no point in really saying not to use it. Anyone who wants to develop for that platform has to.
  23. If you don't stop making bad posts I'm going to give you a little vacation from the forums, just like Hausdog.
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