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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Quick aside... FL Studio might not multithread properly (yet) but the next update will have multithreaded FX support - more importantly apps like Reaper are excellent at multithreading, pretty much utilizing each core perfectly. Believe me I'm pretty tired of FL's plugin handling engine at this point.
  2. $900-1000 can get you an extremely good quad core computer with 4gb of RAM, a great video card, 750gb (or more) of storage, DVD RW/R, gigabit lan, and basically anything else you would need. That's more than enough. For example, a Q6600 would be an ideal processor. Quad 2.4ghz, easily overclockable, $190. 4gb of DDR2 ram from Corsair or Crucial will run you no more than $80. A Geforce 9800gt (seems like a great gaming card) is like $130, so you could even potentially pick up two. Huge hard drive is less than $100. etc.
  3. I currently use a Geforce en7600gs video card. It's fanless and does everything I need, but I want to upgrade to make Team Fortress 2 a little smoother - also, I think some of my plugins are running a bit slow because my graphics card is having trouble keeping up. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500019&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-14-500-019-_-Homepage Would this be a good buy? Would I get a decent power upgrade?
  4. Pezman: What version of Photoshop CS is that? Original?
  5. I don't know... $150 for the pair? Pretty good deal IMO.
  6. Revised version posted: http://www.zirconstudios.com/dropbox/fzeatyourowndustvbcf.mp3 Please check.
  7. Whoops, I should have mentioned the company address is admin@impactsoundworks.com - using the "Send Money" function will work just fine.
  8. I doubt either the Spy or the Engy update will create any balance issues. After all, did the Medic, Heavy or Pyro packs (minus the overpowered Backburner which was fixed) create balance issues? No. Half the time I don't even use the weapon "upgrades" because they're mor like sidegrades or alternatives. Generally Valve doesn't make items that are obvious switches over existing ones, unless they are very situational - eg. the Axtinguisher or Ubersaw.
  9. I did play all of StarCraft - eventually - but I'm pretty sure I needed a guide, and ultimately the staying power of the game for me was, by far, the multiplayer.
  10. I have no problem with this really. If they want to make the single campaigns really long and epic, all the more power to them. They probably figured out by now that the longevity of Starcraft didn't come from it's amazing single player, but its multiplayer. Assuming you can do all the fun campaign/map building, online play, and "instant action" stuff with just ONE of the packages, this is all the better for someone like me who doesn't care enough to play through every campaign to its finish.
  11. Yep - on the 20th you'll receive a download code via email that you'll use to download the library one part at a time (there will be four parts, as otherwise it would be a very big file.)
  12. Looks like you somehow dragged the "clips" half of the playlist over your patterns... just drag it back.
  13. Well, all Castlevania games since SotN have had alternate gameplay modes. You usually can play as Richter or somebody like him; no experience points, no levelling up, no items, just old-school Castlevania whip-n-burn gameplay. That's par for the course at this point.
  14. www.soundtempest.net which is no longer a site for that, but a music business newsblog and resource. Same owner, though. If you're looking for music for your game(s), OCR is a great place to post about it.
  15. Impact: Steel is actually about 400mb. Slim, but highly edited and focused with great patch programming.
  16. I'm fairly sure Squidfont was hacked together from hardware workstation samples. Legally a gray area at best but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
  17. Correct, I sold my GBASP when I got my DS.
  18. ifirit, the whole issue of copyright is meaningless when we're considering if the song is valid for arrangement. The ONLY criteria is whether that song was written FIRST with the express purpose of use in the game. If the game ends up getting released after, that is not relevant. It is not uncommon to see game soundtracks get released before the game anyway. Here's another way to look at this: would the song have been written if NOT for the game? eg. Was the primary motivating factor for its writing the inclusion in the game's soundtrack?
  19. No, I'm not more likely to keep it rather than eBay/trade in. I would definitely sell it. I'm extremely cheap. Would I buy the DSi if it had a GBA slot? Yes, though not right away, I would wait until the price came down.
  20. Since we're not doing full-on physical manufacturing, would you mind if you received a burned DVD-R instead? Same content, of course. We'd be happy to do that for you. Just add $5 on to the $99 preorder price to cover the cost of shipping and include your full address in your Paypal order.
  21. I don't think it's that ridiculous. Of course, this is a forum so my emotions aren't really getting across. I'm not literally mad The issue is that I do want the functionality of the DSi. I'm a *current* customer of Nintendo's, being a DS owner (I've owned basically every one of their handhelds since the original GB) and upgrading has always been straightforward. GB -> GBC, sell the GB. GBC -> GBASP, sell the GBC. GBASP -> DS, sell the GBASP. But now, I can't sell the DS before upgrading to the DSi. I have to give up functionality OR essentially pay a premium, as I can't sell my older hardware. Imagine how mad people would be if the next version of Windows just dropped support for all DirectX 9 and below games. Yes, new games are being made for DX10 and it's probably better that way. But we'd still be pissed about it because we'd have to keep an install of an older Windows just to play games that aren't that old.
  22. Quite fun! Spent about half an hour playing... got to stage 3 of the salt factory.
  23. No, they don't have to have anything to do with the game at all.
  24. Yes, it's ridiculous to discuss our opinions of products!
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