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Everything posted by zircon

  1. So... to anyone that got it, what do you think of the mastering
  2. Ah sorry bro, someone linked you to the wrong thread. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15180
  3. Beautiful and expertly-performed. Will showed me this and actually asked if I thought it was worth submitting. C'mon, man! The themes arranged here are among my favorites from the Xenogears soundtrack, and while there are a number of remixes of them already, this one stands apart as a very unique interpretation. Now, let's all bug Will and get him to submit more stuff!
  4. No, but that's not what this topic is about... "creating an automatic backup band" or harmonizing a melody.
  5. Having used both FL and Logic (extensively) I agree with Yoozer that you're comparing apples and oranges. Speaking very generally, it's far easier to sequence anything using FL. No other program lets you get to making music faster, IMO. But Logic's workflow, while more complicated, is insanely feature-rich, so if you need to do some kind of weird editing operation, not only will Logic handle it, but there will be five different ways to do so.
  6. Whoa! Details, man, details. Was the shirt "Voices of the Lifestream"... or "Voices"?!
  7. I'm pretty impressed at your range of styles, Nutritious - this is definitely quite different than your orchestral mixes, but you pull it off well. Very nice processing, solid texture, engaging arrangement with a defined structure. The ending felt slightly sudden, but that's not a big deal. My main production complaint is the kick... it's really low and subby, which doesn't work too well for fast sequencing like this. I would have chosen something with more low-mid and mid presence, so you can hear the attack more, rather than just the "umph" sound. The strings also could have been a little brighter. The sax that comes in around 1:52 is sharp. Turn the pitch down on that by 10-15 cents and it should sound better... use your ears though, as that's not a perfect estimate. The marcato strings are also slightly sharp, so you might want to turn those down. A YES, provided the sax pitch is fixed. This is a creative mix with good production values and a unique interpretation. YES (conditional)
  8. Well, Reaper isn't free, technically. It's $50 or so for a non-comm license and like $250 for a commercial one. It just has an unlimited demo. And actually it scales to CPU better than Cubase/Nuendo and Sonar... so it rocks them pretty hard in some respects.
  9. I may have had all the tracks sitting on my hard drive for the last few weeks, but even though I've spent lots of time with each already during the mixing/mastering process, today is still awesome. BTW, you may notice "Deliverance of the Heart" is the final track - just for the record, this IS legitimately licensed and royalties are being paid... just in case you were curious ps. Earf Day. Plant some green with some green.
  10. Hey, thanks for the comments everyone. This track was a blast to make so I'm glad y'all are enjoying it. artemis, if you were a Pendulum fan I think you'd enjoy this more as much of it is a very direct nod to them, but with far less repetition.
  11. Happy birthday!! You gonna buy any new gear for yourself?
  12. That was before the pudding. I really don't like my stove... it cooks fast, but even at lower settings, any type of sauce just sputters very readily, and because the entire stovetop gets so hot, I have to wait awhile before it is easily cleanable.. and by that time, the stuff is caked on
  13. Hi! I just made some chocolate pudding from a recipe that has been in my family for several generations. Jill and I temporarily renamed it to "VGDJ Brand ReMixer Fuel", which you should remember if you listened to and watched the later episodes of the OCR podcast. Let's go through the process... YOU WILL NEED... http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030855.JPG In case you can't read my awesome handwriting... * 1 cup sugar * 9 tablespoons flour * 5 tablespoons cocoa * Pinch of salt * 3.5 cups milk * 1 tablespoon butter or margarine * A little bit of vanilla extract * A little bit of almond extract (optional) OK, so step 1, put all the dry ingredients (everything before the milk) into a bowl. Stir it a bit. Here's where we're at, pre-stirring. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030856.JPG Next up, add the 3.5 cups of milk. I use skim, but you can use any kind you want. This is what you'll have next. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030857.JPG Now, put it on the stovetop at med-high heat and start stirring. The mixture will initially look like this - very chunky. Don't worry though. Just keep stirring at a slower pace, continuously. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030858.JPG A bit of time will pass - maybe a minute or so, depending on whether you have gas or electric, and you'll see the following... we're thinning out now. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030859.JPG Fast forward a couple more minutes and the mixture should be mostly liquid, with a few little chunks here and there. Use your spoon to crush the chunks against the side of the pot. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030860.JPG A bit more time, and we now have a completely liquid mixture. Very few chunks remain. It might seem very thin, like hot cocoa, but it'll thicken up. Here's where we are. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030863.JPG 2-3 mins pass. Now, the pudding is almost boiling. I had to move the pot because I spilled some pudding into my burner, BTW. You can see it getting noticeably thicker now: http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030865.JPG Once the pudding starts boiling, throw in your margarine and the vanilla. You can add some almond, too. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030866.JPG After it has been boiling for about a minute, turn off the stove. Check it out; nice and thick. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030868.JPG A closer look... http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030869.JPG And the final result. http://www.zirconstudios.com/cooking/pudding/P1030871.JPG Give it a shot! It's very easy to make. As anyone here who has tasted it can attest, it tastes great too.
  14. I'm really liking the mood here. I could totally imagine this as the background music for the last scene in one of those underdog sports movies, among other things. Very uplifting. The combo of well-played acoustic guitar, large percussive hits, synths, and piano makes for a great soundscape. Though the mix is fairly conservative in terms of its style (very similar to the original), there's definitely some solid personal interpretation and original material contributed by the mixers. Good job on that front. The only thing I didn't like about the arrangement was the sort of unresolved ending. I would have actually preferred a fadeout! With regards to the production, I do think the mixing/mastering could be a little better; the EQ isn't really muddy to me per se, but it feels like most of the elements are sitting in the background, and there aren't a lot of up-close instruments, which gives the illusion of muddiness. Pumping up the overall volume and boosting the highs wouldn't hurt either. All things considered, my small complaints aren't enough to bring this below our bar. Good job guys. YES
  15. Because it's not your product, and, within the confines of the law, the manufacturer can place limitations on how the product will be acquired and used. Technically speaking.
  16. I believe it's both. iLike lets you stay updated on what your favorite bands are doing. It even emails you if one of them is touring nearby.
  17. A normal camera or a video camera? We'll definitely have the former, and I know Jill can do some limited video with hers.
  18. Try cracking anything with a current-gen Synchrosoft dongle. There is a multi-page list of audio software that has not been cracked.
  19. Got a commission to do the main theme for a Tim Burton-styled game. They wanted music a la Elfman, and a strong melody. I've been working on it for months, and I think now I'm finally done. Please turn up your speakers/headphones a bit before listening as there is a wide dynamic range. http://www.zirconstudios.com/music/wips/valentine.mp3 Let me know what you think!
  20. That's a stupid reason not to use ANY dongle-based products. You could, for example, say you only want to use iLok. Thus you'll only have one dongle.
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