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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. nice stuff. It's now my winter wallpaper.
  2. that's or grenade. Or a critical plasma rifle hit (especially when Col Autumn is the target) Other game: GTA IV, Magical Starsign and Mother 3. Also smash bros brawl.
  3. you don't own the program, you bought a game, not quite the same. you don't distribute? what are you doing on the web? sharing stuff with other people to mod the game, quit the world wide web and go modding in your garage like in the 80's. Ok you don't sell it, right, but piracy don't sell anything, they distribute.
  4. what are you doing here? weeping because your site is down and not ocr?
  5. indeed. before the visit of good ol' santa. this is the result: Our Winner is: Good ol' Sir Nuts 2nd: Gario 3rd: (but not far from 2nd place) Hoboka. See ya next year for the first 2009 ORC.
  6. -is it a girl or a boy? -No James it's something else.
  7. after all it's a SWORD not a KATANA (those are wielded by Crono)
  8. Here the Masamune is now named the GrandLéon
  9. badge will come soon. The page code work, except the freeform. Should i add them under freeform or under their particular category? (check the new page to see how that work) I'll handle picture and color later (right now it's the default ocremoved CSS)
  10. From big town it's pretty straigth west.
  11. evil guy with mephisto moustache here
  12. 1) depend on how you handle thing. 2) Your mileage may vary. 3) it take 30s at worst for a mod to clean a thread and cast a ban. is that worth it? 4) An hungry troll is busy finding food, so they don't troll. 5) Except when there is a condition about your first newborn. 6) You forgot one rule: Good is lame and Evil is Badass (or sexy) 7) there is U.S and the rest of the world. 8 ) i call the grammar nazi card for this one. 9) What else? Nespresso? Lurk More maybe? 10) that's why you are in a forum where you type and don't shout at people. anyway welcome on board people.
  13. Good, no need for me to change title again and again in Compet.
  14. http://www.doulifee.com/WritingCompetition everything i have is there. I need to write a proper code to display a user-friendly page now.
  15. Mine is in perfect condition, but it still freeze from time to time, i now play the game via the hard drive and it's better (still crashing but ocasionally)
  16. http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9499/magnetiul4.png http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/3106/taupiqueurvo2.png i was bored tonight. credits goes to andyjane (from the avatar thread) for the small pkmn pics.
  17. but the box is soo beautiful... also yeah i don't replay okami for the soundtrack, i replay okami for the game AND the soundtrack.
  18. Aaa red canyon, nice stuff it keeps the red canyon spirit. like someone else said the bassline is a real killer, also the 2.05 - 2.35 part is excellent.
  19. i though about that yesterday, looking for 12cal ammo, and only thing avalaible around was 10mm, only caliber that didn't match anything i was carrying.
  20. Street of rage 2, but it's fun to replay it too...
  21. backtrack the thread, i think someone already submited those, Larry took some sprite of magus but not this one.
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