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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. admit it, being able to fly said cheated plane (albeit being less badass) is Rule of cool.
  2. hello sexy Lady, or should i say belle demoiselle?

  3. posting in your message box

  4. i'm in your shootbox posting message.

  5. posting in a legendary thread....or not

  6. saying hello to another Perry Rhodan reader :^)

  7. indeed it protect us from the creation of a great american novel

  8. hello my name is doulifée and i love you. [/massive pun intended]

  9. *insert french maid pic here*

  10. Posting in the coop Message box.

    YO wolfie. Keep up the awesome nice work ;-)

  11. Saying Hello to my good old pal Sir Arek. Hi Nick, even if we don't talk that much.

  12. Tales of Daytona : Legend of the sacred tire?
  13. 1. France 2. 436Kb/s 3. a little less 398
  14. Various solutions possible: play the problematic area: 1- on another PS2 2- on a ps3 3- try to flip the ps2 (like we did with the ps1 many year ago) it's hard to answer your question, because it's usually a problem linked to the DVD and the console. Game can work fine in a pS2 and not in another.
  15. i want to add... the new lyrics for goldeneye ..it made me laugh.
  16. SNES: buying Super mario kart on friday afternoon, and spending most of my WE playing it with friends. PSX: a Micromachine friday afternoon with...two multitaps (and thus 8 players) Ace combat zero..the last fight with a mig21. Also Need for speed 1 and F-zero (Snes) two game that i spend time with my friends beatting each other time trial.
  17. Nice OST Audix. also i replayed the beta. good old memory. i still know where are the guns.
  18. good ol' Freescape engine Driller, Total eclipse and castle master.
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