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Everything posted by richter

  1. ATTENTION ALL PROJECT REMIXERS If you want an email address (despamified) or URL on your name on the page, PM the details to me. I will not go hunting for shit so if I don't get a message from you your name will be plain text instead of an anchor.
  2. They're fucking packed with errors and inconsistencies. Some hilarious, all maddening. If we make any changes, they will need to be made on our mirrors as well. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  3. Malcos, you silly silly man... Another fix for mirror providers: It's Damien Kraus, not Kruas. Also the space in his filename should be an underscore. Thanks guys. I'll try to contact you individually about this, and I'm sure we'll get flooded with comments about it where it isn't fixed after launch.
  4. Anyone providing mirrors please change the space in the Balrog mix to an underscore (_). Also Sixto Sounds' song had no id3 tags. Please hit me up and I'll get you the updated mp3. Thanks!
  5. We are, but every project in the past has done both mirrors and torrents. The expected http traffic would probably kill my server within the first week, but with the mirrors we'll be fine. We could do torrent only but I think that may turn off a lot of casual downloaders. Your and Shael's call.
  6. Oh man. I just heard Akumajobelmont and BrainCells' track, because I'm cooler and more privileged and more awesomer than everyone else, and I gotta say it's unbelievable. I missed Robbie's music so much So forget about the pictures. Thanks to those that actually sent them in, but this whole process is taking ridiculously long. We want to release sometime this month so we're doing something else (though we may still use what few pics we got). Anymore mirrors? Axe yer friends.
  7. It's Diggi Dis, so you know it's dead sexy. firstpostiwin!!1
  8. I'm more than a little concerned about the shocking lack of photos in my inbox. C'mon, nerds. Hop to.
  9. DUDE I love you! I had this idea sometime early last year but didn't want to do it myself. ROCK ON!
  10. No, the sends are independent of each other. But you can chain them manually via the rear plugs (lol). Isn't that something you'd be able to tell right away?
  11. That's really more of a general question than a Reason question. No, Reason does not support audio recording. You'd need an external application to combine both. For example, I recently purchased Cubase, which supports Rewire. Now I can record guitar into Cubase, and still use Reason instruments. Typically guitars are routed through a mixer and into your sound card's input. The only way use MIDI or USB when recording guitar would be if you had a MIDI guitar or some kind of weird USB audio output.
  12. Ok, so everybody ditch the show and watch Dane Cook on SNL instead. Not that SNL is any good, but Dane Cook is hilarity. Forget about Larry; Dane COOK! PS. Larry for President of the Internet.
  13. This is the ultimate in hawt. Josh and po! together is musical bliss. Stellar work guys, professional grade.
  14. Yup. You can load .wav files into ReDrum or the NN-19. Might be some new stuff in 3.0 that I'm not aware of (?), though I think 3.0 is mostly mastering tools.
  15. This should be in the links > radio drop-down in da navigation. [/nitpick] Bye!
  16. Wow, what a mess. Way too many random ideas and conflicting instruments. The tossed-in beats were entirely too filtered for the rest of the atmosphere. And good lord too much high-end. I had a really hard time even finishing this one. The whole thing just really really didn't work for me. Yikes... well... I wouldn't want to follow 'Dragon Song' either...
  17. What's funny about that back-and-forth earlier is I have personally been generating lots of omghype over Mr. Morse's latest track (telling people to download it etc). Niiiice. So yeah Harmony ridiculously good. I'll download everything you ever do from now on. Consider yourself stalked.
  18. SWEEEEEET! Don't like it personally. Boring and inappropriately artsy. Pretty good by itself, but what's it gotta do with urban (and other) remixes of music from a game featuring people in costumes beating each other?
  19. Good call, thanks. Fixed. Looks like the Travelling Through a Dream link is broken on the Supertux mirror. I'll get in touch with Aubrey about that.
  20. WOW! You the MAN Larry! This is cool as hell. I'll post a link to Wikipedia page on the HH front page when I get home.
  21. Bottom line Shael, you do what you think is best. This isn't an official Site Project yet, so nobody can really tell you how to do anything. There have been some good suggestions so far though. Suggestion from me: at this point, individual deadlines may be more appropriate than overall deadlines (due to lack of mixers). If you told me I have one month to get at least a minute more into my track (or something), I might have found inspiration by now. IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M SO STAGNANT! Just kidding.
  22. Since sithlord/KFC's are pretty straightforward I assume you mean Jeffrey's. Yeah, it looks likes it gives you some choices. I have little to no experience burning CDs but here's Jeffrey's profile. He can help you out: Jeffrey M. Roberts
  23. FYI... The recent Slashdot exposure caused 8,000 hits in like... what 8 hours? Not bad! Plus it made me realize the primary mirror was down. So that's fixed. There might be some site-wide downtime soon but if there is it will be remedied quickly. Also thank you everybody for all the great feedback! Sorry for the bump. That's all. Now back to Dark Side of Phobos!
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