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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. Like I told Schwaltzvald, oekaki art is, by nature, temporary. Most oekaki sites only save the last few weeks/months worth of art, especially the Japanese ones. It's kind of like... sidewalk chalk, I suppose. Most see it as something fun to do while improving your skills at the same time, and not a serious avenue for finished pieces. However, I'd seen so many amazing images go through that place over the years... Anyway, none of the forums I've asked at know anything about the site. It appears I may have been alone in the "English-speaking person saving pokemon oekaki artwork on a Japanese site" category.
  2. No, but I've looked through Pixiv, which is the Japense counterpart to DA. Japanese artists just aren't going to upload their artwork en masse to an English website. I've asked all around on all kinds of forums, but no one else seems to have ever regularly visited Mewheart other than me. Guess I'm just weird like that.
  3. be there or be square jack (I'll all over this)
  4. Ah, thank you. I wasn't sure which word the idiom referred to, and was not willing to look it up. But honestly. Do you have to get snappy about it? I say something slightly negative about your favorite cartoon and you can't let it drop on a friendly note? I mean, if I weren't such an amenable person... Look. Whatever you see in the show, I cannot see. No amount of arguing is going to make me like a show that I feel is not worth my time. Such is the way with television! For instance, House is my favorite TV show, but a lot of people like Dexter better. Both shows have their high and low points, but the characters in Dexter do not engage me on a personal level... And try as I might, I cannot see in this show the level of praise that people seem to lavish upon it. I wasn't a fan of the original Justice League cartoon or the 2000-something Superman cartoon, and Brave and the Bold has continued in their footsteps, in my eyes.
  5. Hey everybody. I'm not sure what kind of luck I'll get asking this at OCR, but it's worth a shot! Are any of you familiar with the oekaki site Mewheart? I used to be an avid visitor to their oekaki BBS, before they closed it to foreigners. I also used to save massive amounts of their Pokemon artwork, as well. However, there's a problem. The computer that used to have my partial archive of their Pokemon artwork has been completely lost, and so... Do any of you have a folder with Mewheart art? If you do, could you upload it in a zip or rar, or post some here? I've completely lost my collection of 2,000+ images, so anything you could find would be extremely helpful! These images are NOT stored on the site itself, and to my knowledge there is no official archive. As such, any of these images would be be incredibly rare and relatively priceless! Pretty tantalizing for an image collector like myself, heh. Anyway, thanks.
  6. I'm sorry NNY, I just don't see what you see in the show. Winder Waker is in a whole other league of atmosphere and storytelling. They're not even the same medium. I guess I'll shut up about it since I've said my piece already.
  7. Guys, I'm not a DC Comics fan at all. I liked Batman Beyond & Batman the Animated Series because they were great stand-alone. They did not lean on fanboyism to be "great," they simply were great. Brave & the Bold is decent, but hardly anything to get excited about. And yes, it is absolutely written for kids. Most cartoons are... but when it's an ACTION cartoon written for kids, it comes off as cheesy. Obviously since I am a fan of Flapjack & Chowder I am not adverse to childish stories & humor, but I don't like it much when it's, "Hey, you got your kiddie in my action! And you got your action in my kiddie! DO HO HO."
  8. the e-reader was probably the worst idea nintendo's ever had.
  9. Well, that was the first one with which they used the Nintendo WFC distribution in the USA. Japanese players have gotten quite a few more wifi events since then, though. In fact, since I have a Japanese version of Pearl, I was able to download that Jirachi they gave out recently. I just have to go pick it up at the Pokemart. No idea why they sleep on the English fans.. We make them so much more money.
  10. It's a show written for people about 13 years younger than I am. I honestly couldn't care less.
  11. No. No I did not. Forget that show.
  12. Flapjack & Chowder are the only shows worth watching on the whole damn network besides any reruns of awesome shows they might air from time to time. That is all.
  13. I don't know, go read the summary.
  14. Pokebeach has a summary up for the Arceus movie. Hot damn this might be the first Pokemon I've been excited about since the first damn one. It actually sounds cool! I hesitate to believe it.
  15. I'm thinking that it won't follow you indoors, though, since the character didn't have anything following him inside Clair's Gym.
  16. It's hard to top Dawn imo.
  17. I'm only being a bit snarky, man. I don't honestly hate the other projects, nor do I think my favorite one ought to get special treatment. And of course everyone has different tastes. I'm just passing the time by being a smart Alec. What could be more appropriate on a forum.
  18. And that commercial is so, so beautiful.
  19. That sounds fine so long as they aren't spread so damn far apart. I mean it's one thing if they're not done, but when they sit at like 99% completion for a year or some such, it gets depressing. Especially when there's such a queue.
  20. Not nearly enough robots imo. I mean ffs, look at all iterations of Transformers before this. Even that shitty one with the 3D animation they dubbed around 2002 or something, which had a good handful of throwaway human characters, didn't have such a garbage plotline.
  21. Will you permit me to just say "ugh"?
  22. For those that don't mind the spoilers (lol like the story in this movie matters), here is a hilarious Q&A session that comes to terms with the somtimes disjointed (read: ALWAYS disjointed) plot of T2:RotF. What's not so funny is how inescapably DEAD ON this is. http://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/06/bonus_robs_transformers_2_faqs.php?page=1
  23. Hello Patrick Burns! You know, I got those guys and gals over at Remod to concede that "this project might be good," so you know they're all waiting to be blown away! Okay but seriously, *I* can't wait to be blown away. 'Cause I know I will be. This is just one of those soundtracks that really speaks to my heart. TELL THOSE FF4 GUYS TO HURRY THE HELL UP ALREADY, we got DKC2 waiting in the wings
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