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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. Oh, hey, it's sephire. Sup.
  2. "Simply Amazing".
  3. I like it much better than the original. Can't say I'm a huge Paramore fan, but I'm adding it to my library just the same.
  4. bleck's not a troll guys okay, just so we're clear: people with opinions different than yours aren't trolls.
  5. hb Nicole, you rock my socks.
  6. I'll take Satellite Soundwave over Boom Box Soundwave anyday. I mean let's face it, Soundwave let his minions do all the dirty work in the cartoon, too, so his alternate form doesn't have to be battle-ready. In fact it never was. There WERE two robots that totally blew it though, and they were the RC truck and the Decepticon "Doctor." Why? Goofy comic relief characters. Jetfire came close I suppose since he kept falling down and falling apart and had a ridiculous accent, but at least he was a real character. I love the way they did Arcee, though. I'm not sure if the bikes all combine into one or what, but it's the best I've ever seen her character presented, I suppose... considering she did next to nothing besides look feminine in the cartoon.
  7. I wonder how long ago the first she thread was... maybe around the time Chiptek was released?
  8. I just saw it last night. I think Bleck's right. I liked the parts of the movie with the actual TRANSFORMERS in them, but everything else was terrible, terrible bullshit. I left the theatre with such a bittersweet taste in my mouth, like "oh man I really wish they weren't making a 3rd one now." Because Micheal Bay is now more awful than ever. I mean I even tried to enjoy it at the "popcorn flick" level, but nothing could make me enjoy Megan Fox's nonacting (and I'm still shaking my head over her plastic surgery) or the other worthless human characters (latino pussy, sector 7 guy, the parents... the soldiers at least were tolerable). Also The Fallen sure didn't end up amounting to much at the end, did he? All that buildup and he barely puts up a fight.
  9. I wish I could add this post to my sig, but alas, I will have to remain content to merely quote it. However... The people commenting on the film's length and and the sheer amount of "forgettable/unnecessary" material aren't too far off I'm sure.
  10. I'll always remember him for "Billy Jean," at least.
  11. I didn't know that they released CD soundtracks for Gameboy games at all, but then what do I know?
  12. I don't think a Pokemon game will ever manage an "awe inspiring" scope now, at least to us. I've been playing this damn game since 1996 or whatever, and it's evolved little by little, but so have I - apart from it and together with it. Because of this, and judging by the snail's pace at which Pokemon's "single-player" grows and expands over the years, I suspect that it would take a radical departure or a total graphic overhaul to really inspire and amaze me. I'm fine with the way they go about things as it is, but I'm not going to deny that the untapped potential of the Pokemon world easily exceeds all the other Nintendo IPs put together. That they're content to simply refine the "same game" has resulted in a truely polished & streamlined experience, but it also means that we get a lot of lackluster side games that try to sell themselves on the kind of innovations we all wish we could explore from the beginning; things like the microphone in Hey You Pikachu, the racing in Pokemon Dash, the exploration of natural Pokemon society & the deeper story present in Mystery Dungeon, the terrain control in Ranger, the darker side of the underworld in Colosseum, etc.
  13. I'm not sure whether I should laugh at you or agree with you anymore. I just don't know.
  14. The sad thing is, every time they revamp the basic system, they don't allow you to import your old monsters... That's gonna be a bummer when it happens, since I've trained more Pokemon in DPPt than ever before :/ But then again, I don't mind starting off fresh too much I suppose. Just so long as they give us more than 150 monsters to use before the main quest ends... Diamond & Pearl feel so bland, having played Platinum.
  15. I agree that the IV/EV stuff is a pain in the ass and more hassle than is necessary at times, but removing them would mean a total overhaul of the system. Right now, there is so much hidden math built into every Pokemon that a lot more than just Hidden Power would no longer work in "Casual Mode," let's call it. See, stats in Pokemon are dynamic, in that every time you go to look at your Pokemon's numeric stats, the game calculates them from scratch using an algebraic formula. If you took out the "random attributes" (or shall we say, "unique attributes"), all Lv.50 Sandshrew would have the same stats, save for differences in Natures (since you wanted those to stay specifically). There's nothing inherently wrong with that, since a lot of RPGs handle things that way... and in a way, I'd enjoy the security in knowing that my Sandshrew was just as powerful as the next guy's Sandshrew. But I'm content with what we have. EVs are simple to deal with if you use a resource like Smogon to grasp where allocating them is most effective for your Pokemon, and they don't take much time to finish either, once you have the "Power" items and the Pokerus (which I'm blessed to have and always willing to spread). If anything, keeping count is the biggest hurdle, so I always keep a pad and paper near me when I start. IVs suck though, no bones about it. Sometimes I'll breed for good ones, sometimes I won't. They're only good for 31 points at Lv.100 in each stat, whereas EVs can make up as many as 63 in two stats. If anything, I think you should pay attention to the Speed IV for your faster Pokemon, since you're not going to want to find out the hard way that your Espeon is slower than your opponent's Infernape when it should be faster, etc.
  16. Now that's a sad story. I've never met anyone who complains about his opponent EV training... sounds like a sore loser who hasn't been weaned off the anime mentality yet. If you ever get some wifi, look me up. I like to think I'm pretty accommodating. I hear a LOT of people asking for this kind of game lately. My guess is that something like that won't happen until the next handheld is out for a while and Gen V is fast approaching. Maybe even Gen VI. It'll probably accompany a game engine overhaul and new storage media.
  17. "Overmilked franchise"? Ha. No more than any other Nintendo IP. Pokemon's always had something to appeal to most people. I do know a lot of people who love the art who don't even play, though, so you're probably right to single out the design more than anything else.
  18. I enjoy both, myself. That is to say, I like to play through the main story with a new team idea from time to time, and I really like raising Pokemon for battles with friends as well. We had a little tournament of sorts at Remod recently, and I had a lot of fun with that (even if it died out before we finished it). The one thing that bugs me is that Platinum is so much better than Diamond/Pearl, but I can't restart my Platinum because then I'd lose my Secret Key for my Rotom :[ I went through Pearl recently with your Rival's team from Pokemon Silver, and had a lot of fun with that, but it would have been better in Platinum. It gets pretty boring with so few species in the wild... Hopefully you won't need a Secret Key to change Rotom's forms in HG/SS... Maybe there'll be a room in the Team Rocket hideout where they stash the appliances? Hopefully. Also... about the "I hate to battle people because all my favorites are UU/NU" thing. It's not a big deal, seriously. Most people who are really into Pokemon battling (like myself) have an UU team they can pull out against people who don't like to use the biggest or best just to win. I mean I think Mawile is one of the coolest Pokemon in the whole game, and look at how weak it is. They better evolve that sum'bitch next time. And Sandslash? AWESOME. Who doesn't like pangolin? Cute as all get out.
  19. Did the "megacollab" for DK Rescued not pan out? Is it open now, or are you waiting for things to play out first?
  20. seriously, lighten up mr. grumpy pants
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