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Everything posted by Forty-second

  1. So the US PW3 preorder bonus is a Phoenix plushie. Discuss.
  2. Best CD purchase ever. I love the stickers (managed to save them and they now adorn my monitor) and the confetti- and mine even had a beautiful birthday message! Never before has a CD purchase made me feel quite so warm and fuzzy inside. Great stuff.
  3. Mine's The Monkey Box. or the Blue Monkey Box. Both refer to its casing, of which I may or may not add a picture later.
  4. wut? 10char
  5. I'm actually starting to suspect that this might be a problem with java... I often get the error "a script has become nonresponsive" with the options to stop script or continue. Could this be a problem related to firefox's lags?
  6. I vaguely remember the Chicago concert I went to awhile ago had a sound technician who did some stuff wrong too... I felt like it needed some sort of equalizer on it, the levels were all wrong =P Also, there needs to be a PLAY! CD. I'd buy it.
  7. That's too bad the old "Tales of Symphonia" got kicked. Will you release the version of that as it stands as an extra track or something? I vaguely remember hearing it in one of the previews and liked what I was hearing.
  8. Send Jill to Japan fund, anyone?
  9. Not a bandwith issue as far as I know. It will just randomly freeze up like when I'm trying to scroll down the page or just moving the mouse around. I used the online symantec virus scan and it came up nothing, plus there's a firewall on the network, so afaik it's not viruses.
  10. I don't know if any of you use the winamp plugin Toaster, but is there a way to have it display the information of an internet radio station that is playing? I noticed that FoxyTunes can do it, but I can't get Toster to work the same way. It still gives a popup when the tags are changed but the popup is blank.
  11. I have this same problem.... firefox just lags for no real reason. This has been going on for awhile now, and I cannot find a reason....
  12. I say go with the USA. It's not that bad of a wait, and it'll tell Capcom to keep bringing them over (since they took English out of the recently-released GS4)!! I hope there's another good pre-order gift for PW3
  13. I'd enter if I was capable of doing that "fan-art" thing. Not even MS paint loves me.
  14. Hoo! Oh, er, of course! I see now! Well, there seems to be no reason to prolong this trial any farther... I hereby pronounce this thread....
  15. HOLD IT!! As the Court Record clearly shows, the awesomeness of all these new avatars clearly contradicts any complaints from the witness!
  16. Take That!
  17. Thanks for reposting that link... I'm a lurker who never got used to this new forum thingy ^_~ (PS. I'm a "she") Atmuh, where did you get the "OBJECTION!"-esque font you used in your sig for the "FAC"? Was that a manipulation or is there an actual font?
  18. I'm really looking forward to this one! I just picked up PW 1 and 2 this past month, and am completely addicted!!! I hope a lot of people contribute! PS. **THE** resource for PW art is [link]http://gyakusai.magical-art.com/index.php[/link]
  19. Darn, the Oracle games are taken.... I'm interested in the GBA / Cable (the thought of another person being able to play Four Swords with me is exciting indeed) and MPH! PM me and we'll work stuff out?
  20. I picked up Phoenix Wright JFA recently and absolutely loved it. I'm absolutely hooked on that series. I ordered the first one the day I finished it, and I'm waiting for it to ship. The writing for that game is some of the best writing for a game I've come across. I recently heard of a game called Hotel Dusk that looks very interesting, along the lines of PW, Myst, MoTaS, etc. Does anyone know much about it? I'm thinking of getting it after I finish my Phoenix Wright binge.
  21. I called my store and they said that clearance items were eligible for price matching, so your results may vary, I suppose. And I went down to my Best Buy but as all these games are relatively old they didn't have any of the decent ones in stock. Hopefully stores with a large game department will be different, so I wish all you luck.
  22. I understand the concept of trading-in, but I was just curious as to why they were calling me asking about it. I really don't buy many games from them so it could just be I haven't encountered this yet.... I assumed it was some special thing, but if this is an ordinary occurance then disregard this message ^_~
  23. I had my copy of the Wii TP from Gamestop preordered years ago, and I picked it up on launch day with no problems. I just got a call from them saying that they'd do a trade-in with it for $35. TP is far too amazing to let go of, but what's this all about? Did anyone else get that call?
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