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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Having MAG in the off-season is how they get good rates at the hotel. Try planning MAG in the summer; it'll cost twice as much, at the very least, for everyone involved.
  2. FYI you can post links to patches. Don't post links to patched ROMs.
  3. I love FF13 and I try not to bother too much with arguing about it. Anyway the fact remains that it was—relatively speaking—a critical and commercial success, and like it or not, Square Enix's modus operandi with Final Fantasy is (and has been for a while now, so people really shouldn't be surprised) to treat each numbered Final Fantasy game as a base for a franchise. They did it with VII (Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus), X (X-2), XII (Revenant Wings), and even IV (The After Years). XIII was conceived as a franchise from the start; they even gave it a fancy name: Fabula Nova Crystallis. Seeing as how the main game was successful (i.e. made them money) and they know what to do to make a better one, it's kind of a no-brainer to make a direct sequel.
  4. Stay on topic or I'm rolling this into the main FF thread.
  5. Actually there are quite a number of "classic" works of art that aren't appreciated until long after they've made their debut. "Instant classics" are extremely rare in any form of media. Also it's fine if you don't like Final Fantasy XIII, and it's fine for you to express that, but please stop pretending that your opinion is everyone's opinion. Your "pretty simple concept" is all based on subjective criteria. And yes, I realize that I'm basically saying "BUT LIKE, THAT'S JUST YOUR OPINION, MAN." It's still true. __ Anyway I'm looking forward to FFXIII-2. I liked the first one. Hopefully Hamauzu does the music again, because there simply isn't enough Hamauzu music in the world.
  6. Sure, but the fact remains that there is practically no information about PSP2 out there. Let's leave comparisons for when we can actually reference facts, not what someone told you.
  7. Technically that's a Sting RPG. Anyway I pre-ordered my 3DS today. Gonna be good.
  8. Who's been playing Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light for DS? It's quite good. Brilliant graphics and soundtrack, really old-school (NES-era) style gameplay.
  9. Did he sign yours with "smith?" Because he signed mine with "smith" because of a joke that happened right there on the spot.
  10. That was a good game. I ought to finish that one.
  11. More like they can't just reuse sprite assets from previous games, am i rite?
  12. I'm making this the Final Fantasy series thread. If you want to make a new thread for a specific Final Fantasy game, feel free to do so. Just be aware that if that thread turns into a series discussion, it'll be rolled into this one.
  13. Your sig is too tall. Please resize it. It needs to be under 250px.

  14. Yes please to a MagBall. I'm always looking for an excuse to dress up nice.
  15. Yeah I hit a magic elevator that dropped from 30 to L, no stops. WEIRD.
  16. It's quite possible that I have the only copy in existence signed by Danny Baranowsky Smith.
  17. It was a pain in the ass because if you just needed to grab your coat or something to go out to eat it'd seriously take you at least 15 minutes, which compounds when a LOT of people are trying to go out together to get food or something. Overall I liked the hotel; it was a very pretty place with lots of nice, open areas, the rooms were good, and the hotel staff, from the few that I encountered, were very nice. I just think that Mag just might've been too big for them.
  18. Using the stairs all the time is not really a viable option when you're on the 26th floor.
  19. Next year we will have a PROPER Kamen Rider party.
  20. So I talked to Wes at Magfest and we thought it'd be cool if we just threw the entirety of the GMRB remixes into the torrent along with Maverick Rising, the MMX project that's coming out this year. We don't even necessarily need lossless versions; it's alright if we just do all the MP3s that I already have. What I need from all the mixers is PERMISSION. Your mixes technically won't be a part of Maverick Rising, just distributed alongside the album in the same torrent, so it's not much different from me uploading a ZIP file.
  21. I love Aion's music. Ever seen this?
  22. The highlight of my MAGFest was playing Naruto GNT with a deaf/mute girl who typed stuff on her phone to trash talk me. ~ QUIET NARUTO GIRL, IF YOU ARE OUT THERE, PLEASE SAY HELLO ~
  23. I had a great time guys. Seeing everyone again after such a long time was really nice.
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