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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Basically in agreement. The drums actually sound a bit anemic when the organ shows up. I'm not a fan of the piano and organ sharing the soundscape; there's a dry/wet dichotomy happening that's sort of making the soundscape a bit crowded when they play together, and even then like OA said, you could probably put the organ in a bigger room reverb-wise. Those drums need some more punch to them. REALLY. Love that pizzicato string stuff. NO, resub
  2. Yeah not really sure about this one. That bass has really gotta be fixed. It's too prevalent and sounds really mechanical. The development is interesting but the texture sounds kind of sparse, like there's something missing in the mid-range? I agree with OA, the whole thing needs kind of a beefier sound to it. I'm fine with development but this needs some adjustments to the sound structure and levels. NO, resub
  3. Yes, I will be there! Not a dream! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story!
  4. Apparently it is. :\ Well at least we're actually getting the definitive version. I'll get it!
  5. If you're all gonna talk about Pico remixes, fine. If you're gonna make requests for songs, we have a forum for it. A 'challenge' is no different than a request. The Hurry!! thing was a fun, one-time thing, and this is cool because it's from someone actually connected with Sega, but if you guys are just going to post "do this game, do that game, I challenge you!" that's all just very silly. In other words: please stop posting requests in this thread.
  6. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake
  7. This project is the best of all of OCR's projects.
  8. It's an extremely solid trance piece but there are large sections where, like Vinnie said, this is pretty light on source. I'm not really one to stopwatch things, but when an entire third of the mix (2:43~end) is basically just non-source trance filler, there's a problem. As much as it pains me, because I love the source and I love trance, I gotta say NO. edit: resubmit plz
  9. It's a bit Benny Hill, isn't it? Might want to adjust the frame speed.
  10. I have started playing this game with friends outside of OCR (yes, they exist). Currently playing on Gorefiend. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gorefiend/rifaire/simple Good times. Still getting into it.
  11. Hey man make sure you get on IRC and hit us up there so we can discuss release plans when the time comes. That's generally how we coordinate everything.
  12. One more to add to the dancejooj collection. Nobody got my robot dancing on tape?
  13. I wasn't saying that I sit around outside doing the same things I could be doing at home. I'm just saying that a decent web browser is useful to have when looking things up. I used my phone to keep abreast of flight arrival info when picking my my sister from the airport this week; I also use it check my comic book pull-list when I go to the comic shop so I get everything I want without missing certain issues; if I'm out at a store browsing movies/games and see something that looks like a pretty good deal, I like to check prices and reviews. Plenty of other people use their phone's internet for other things besides that. It's probably not important to you (and to be honest, I don't use my phone's internet as much as other people do), but different strokes for different folks, right? In any case, a good, accurate capacitive touch screen is really what you want for those kinds of multi-touch web-browsers. Also the touch screen isn't really just for web-browsers to begin with; it's for touch control for games, so having a really good quality touch screen is probably a good idea. It's not wrong for them to want to have top-of-the-line hardware. People would be mad if they skimped on the quality of the mechanical controls (buttons, sticks), so why would they skimp on the touch controls too? Does that justify the cost? Can't really say yet. The only thing that ever justifies the cost for that kind of thing is the user experience, and since this thing isn't out yet and nobody's really messed around with the software, it's kind of moot to be discussing the justification for higher-end hardware.
  14. A decent browser is useful when you're out and about and feel like looking something up.
  15. I am so goddamn excited about Gokaiger. The red ranger's name is CAPTAIN MARVELOUS and he is a PIRATE. HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG!?!?!?
  16. Your sig is too tall. It needs to be 250px or less. Please resize it.

  17. BioShock always goes on sale on Steam. Wait a bit for the next big sale.
  18. Threads about music and bands don't belong in Off-Topic. This is a MUSIC site.
  19. The business model is fine because it works. I'm not arguing against digital distribution. I'm not talking about DRM and EULAs. Digital distribution for games works. Steam proves it. XBLA proves it. People make money hand-over-fist through digital distribution. It's the preferred method of content delivery for PC gaming. Record companies fought against it with CDs but they eventually adapted by selling digitally and it works for them. They make money. They make a lot of money. They're still in business. They sell DIRECTLY too. They don't give away music and say "pay what you want." That's all experimental and rarely works. They charge a price and people find that price reasonable so they reach that sweet spot and stay in business. They operate the same way. Piracy happens, but they've adapted. I do deserve my money. I put in the work, I create the product, I sell it. This is how the world works. That's capitalism, which is quintessentially American! I'm not repeating any mistakes! Nobody is! The only people worried about digital distribution of video games are the brick and mortar retailers (and they're not trying to pass any laws)! Publishers love digital distribution. Developers love digital distribution. Consumers love digital distribution. Everyone likes it! They just want what they deserve. And you know what? They do deserve to get paid for their product. I make something, I set a price, I sell it to you. This is how the world works. This is how the world works. Piracy is wrong, no matter how you spin it. Downloading a game you didn't pay for when the publisher is selling it is wrong. You're getting something for free that you shouldn't be getting, because you didn't make the fair exchange. If you say any differently, you just want something for free. You're not fighting the system, you're not sticking it to the man, you're not championing the cause of new media or any other such nonsense. You're taking something that isn't yours because you didn't feel like paying for it.
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