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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Well I didn't see it in 3D because I don't really care for that kind of gimmick. 3D or not, it's definitely worth seeing in the theater on a big screen. It's an absolutely gorgeous piece of work.
  2. I believe it was a collaborative effort of Pixar and Disney folks, seeing as how Pixar is basically a part of Disney now.
  3. Nothing's been decided. I just pre-emptively registered #ocremix on a couple of servers.
  4. I just got back from seeing Disney's Tangled earlier this evening. I have to say, this is one of the finest Disney fairy tales I've seen in a very, very long time. It's quite honestly on the level of The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast, and a massive improvement over the disappointing Princess and the Frog. The animation is jaw-droppingly beautiful, the songs were memorable, and most importantly, it was an extremely well told story, with actual character arcs and development and villains with motivations that made sense. I said this earlier to my friends, but as soon as this movie started I was transfixed. I haven't felt this way about a Disney movie in a long time; I thought for sure that they just didn't know how to make a fairy tale anymore, but they proved me wrong. Brilliant.
  5. Guys. Stop complaining about Bluefox. Bans are going to carry over so he won't be showing up whichever server we move to. He is not and should not be a factor in server choice.
  6. There is no reason to run and administer our own IRC server when there are plenty of good, reliable IRC servers out there.
  7. Needs more YES-kun and NO-kun.
  8. ViVA Girls Christmas EP is on sale as a digital download for $3.49. http://www.domocast.tv/2010/11/viva_girls_album_digital_music.html My original piece "Dream" is featured on this album. It's quite a lovely album. If you're interested, please purchase. Thank you.
  9. Remixes are not removed for being far from quality standards, they're removed for not falling under our definition of a ReMix (not meeting specific arrangement requirements). is a Kong in Concert track. Album tracks are not always posted to the site's catalog of remixes.
  10. Bumping this. Let's get some more pics of the ladies (and YES-kun and NO-kun).
  11. Your sig is too tall (over 250px). Please resize or adjust your sig graphic in accordance with the 250px height limit.

  12. Espernet or synIRC is fine with me. ETG is pretty bad. No nickserv, ridiculous security measures, netsplits, can't register a channel without talking to an ETG admin DESPITE having a CHANSERV. Let's go.
  13. It's not gonna be a redesign. It's like going from PSX to PS2.
  14. Cool electronic stuff at the beginning; I dig it. Nice percussion and stutter effects, but I think you gotta make that lead a little more exciting. Don't just rely on the motion from the phasing effect to get you through those sustained notes. This loses energy around 2:30; I think you need a little more going on, some more variation. It's playing things very straight with the eighth note statements. Doo-doo-doo-dooooooo. Doo-doo-doo-dooooooo. Doo-doo-doo-dooooooo. Over and over again. Gotta bring the grooviness. Good start, but needs work. NO, resub
  15. Pretty much everything Andrew said. The lower register stuff is getting really muddy with the reverb you've got going, and it all mooshes together. :\ I don't think the brightness of the piano sample you're using helps either. Sequencing is kind of mechanical too. This is supposed to be dramatic solo piano; it shouldn't sound like a saloon player piano going through a roll. The constant reiteration of the theme begins to wear thin around the 3:50 mark. Need to tighten things up a little I think. NO, resub
  16. Too much reverb to start, and the rain is gimmicky. Flute is mechanical and fakey, needs more humanization. Everything sort of gets messy in the high frequencies; you need to balance your instruments better. Great ideas when the percussion drops, but this is still lacking in a strong bass element, and there's just this wall of sound coming from the strings. You need to back off on the strings and let your instruments work together, rather than fight for attention. NO, resub
  17. Really diggin' the SFX usage. Very smart. Melody and beat is sufficiently groovy. I love those major key sections. I usually associate Scrap Brain with a very dark sound, but this feel bright. Rock out. YES
  18. Pretty damn solid playing, great straightforward take on the piece, but I think it's too repetitive. There's reiterating a section, and then there's just copy-and-paste, and the second iteration feels a lot like the latter. Needs some subtle variation to keep it fresh. Otherwise pretty rockin. NO, resub
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