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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I like HLStats. It's nice to be able to check how I'm doing once in a while. I don't really pay attention to them in-game. Is it possible have it run, but make it so people can't see it while playing? Sort of like a silent mode?
  2. Skies of Arcadia's battle system is poops. Grandia II's battle system is far more fun.
  3. I just want to say that this is a really nicely constructed metaphor.
  4. So...why are you posting in the thread?
  5. Glad to see someone who knows the deal.
  6. I moved this to Site Issues because I felt it was a valid concern dealing with the title of a track that already has three remixes here. I thought we already had the source tune listed in the db as "Midna's Desperation," as that's the title I used in my submission email for Tattered Slippers. Guess we didn't add it. OH WELL
  7. I think the series will end with Dick Grayson as Batman and Damien Wayne as Robin. Dick is more Bruce's son than Damien could ever be, and the dynamic between them will be interesting to read, especially because we haven't seen a lot of them together aside from the stuff during Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul, where Dick's inner monologue about Damien was basically just making fun of his costume.
  8. Don't make a new thread for the same topic. Post in the thread that exists.
  9. I don't like it when people play with stats in mind. I do like stats being there so I can see how I'm doing afterwards.
  10. Just to clarify: he runs his server, not our server.
  11. It could happen! Spoiler's actually getting some attention in Gotham Gazette; she's one of the four characters that's being focused on. Robin told her to quit being spoiler in the second-to-last issue of his solo title, because he doesn't want her in danger. But you know Steph. She can't stay out of trouble.
  12. DC doesn't provide a legal digital option for reading their stuff. Sorry. As for summaries not doing the story justice, that's not the point. The point is that you can get by reading Battle for the Cowl just fine if you have a general idea of the premise, which I already explained. But if you're really interested in reading it all, go back to the beginning of Grant Morrison's run on Batman, starting with issue #655 and read from there. It'll give you everything you need to know about the Club of Heroes, the Club of Villains, the Black Glove, William Hurt, Damien Wayne, and the Replacement Batmen. Get Paul Dini's 5-part Heart of Hush storyline, starting in Detective Comics #846. Read Final Crisis as well. And to understand Final Crisis you're probably going to have to read some JLA issues that lead into that and all of Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers mini-series. Oh and reading Ininite Crisis can't hurt either, because that sets up Final Crisis, in a way. And in order to understand Infinite Crisis, you should probably read all the mini series that lead into that... Do you understand what I'm getting at, dude? Yes, reading the original story is the best way to get what you need, but once you read one, you have to keep going back to read more and more to get an even fuller story. Comics are a serial medium; they're always building on what came before. Eventually you just have to say "screw it" and do a quick skim of a couple of wiki articles. But hey, if you're willing to read all that (and much, much more), more power to you.
  13. Batman: Battle for the Cowl As most of you who frequent #ocremix know, I read a lot of comic books, mostly of the DC superhero variety. I wanted to make this thread to discuss a big event that'll be going on for the next three months or so in the Batman-corner of the DC Universe. What is it? Batman: Battle for the Cowl is a three-month-long event that DC is publishing that comes out of the events of the recent Batman RIP and Final Crisis storylines. The main series is being written and drawn by Tony Daniel, who's been the artist on Batman for the past year or so. What's it about? Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman, has been "killed" by Darkseid and is no longer with us in the present day (the actual truth is a little more complicated; readers know that Bruce is alive and simply presumed dead, but let's leave that aside for now). As a result of Batman's "death," Gotham City has been thrown into chaos. The city's criminals are trying to take advantage of the Dark Knight's demise to make powerplays and seize control of the Gotham Underground, and Batman's family of heroes, led by Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, are doing everything they can to keep the city under relative control. What everyone will soon realize is that Gotham City may not survive without a Batman, and this will be a major point of contention between Batman's three "sons:" Dick Grayson--the first Robin, currently Nightwing--believes that no-one can or should take up the Cape and Cowl and that the heroes of Gotham should do what they can as themselves; Jason Todd, the gun-toting hot-headed back-from-the-dead second Robin, believes that he has the absolute right to take up the mantle and become a newer, more vengeful Batman; and Tim Drake, the third and current Robin, believes that Batman isn't dead, and is going to use all of his skills as a detective to find out what really happened to Bruce. There are a lot of other major players in the story, inlcuding Catwoman, Hush, Batgirl, Huntress, Oracle; the list goes on and on. Needless to say, a whole lot of hell is breaking loose in Gotham City. What should I read? In addition to the main Battle for the Cowl series, there are two companion mini-series and a slew of one-shots hitting every week that'll fill in what's going on with different people in Gotham City. Here's the schedule, taken from DC's Battle for the Cowl checklist: MARCH Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? Battle for the Cowl #1 (of 3) Azrael #1 Oracle: The Cure #1 Battle for the Cowl: Commissioner Gordon APRIL Battle for the Cowl: Man-Bat Battle for the Cowl #2 (of 3) Azrael #2 Oracle: The Cure #2 Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum Battle for the Cowl: The Underground MAY Battle for the Cowl: The Network Azrael #3 Oracle: The Cure #3 Battle for the Cowl #3 (of 3) Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive? Generally speaking, with events like these, you can get away with just reading the main series, but that sort of takes all the fun out of it. I'll be grabbing every issue each week. What this thread is for: This thread is for talking about Battle for the Cowl and its related mini-series. By extension we can also discuss other Bat-stuff going on right now in the comics, like Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? storyline that's had it's first part published in the latest issue of Batman. We can also talk about what's coming after Battle in the comics, as DC's revamping their Bat-line with eight--yes, eight--ongoing titles. I'll post that list if it comes up during discussion. What this thread isn't for: I really want to keep this thread focused on the comics. That means no discussion about Batman: The Animated Series, The Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, the Batman movies, other non-Batman comic book related stuff (DC's other big stuff like Green Lantern and all the Superman stuff going on, Watchmen, Marvel Comics stuff, etc.). As much as I love all that stuff and could talk at length about all of it, I want to stick to BftC here, so stay on track! But DarkeSword, comics are too difficult to get into! I wouldn't even know where to start! I'd get confused! There's too much history! To that I say, "Bollocks!" In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to jump into comic books, because you can easily look up something you don't understand on Wikipedia or fansites. Give it a shot! Be a nerd with me! Do you have more information, like pictures or previews? IGN Comics has a great mini-site up for keeping track of everything going on with this event. They've got five-page previews of some issues already, so hit them up. ____ Where are we so far? This list will be updated as new issues come out. Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? - 3/4/09, released! Battle for the Cowl #1 - 3/11/09, released! Azrael: Death's Dark Knight - 3/19/09, released! Battle for the Cowl: Commissioner Gordon - 3/25/09, released! Oracle: The Cure - 3/25/09, released! ____ Join us at ComicShop on IRC to discuss weekly comics! I think that's all you need to know for now! Please join me in reading what promises to be a really great event. Thanks!
  14. Not sure if anyone's familiar with this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/apelad/collections/72157603486269567/ The conceit: a comic strip form the early 20th century about a pair of vagabond felines--with a twist.
  15. Ditto. Some people just hate resource management. I liked the demo for Halo Wars, I'll probably grab the game when it hits.
  16. Honestly you already have what you need. A flashcart at this point? A waste. Don't bother. Just get a fannypack.
  17. The only one of Sirlin's points I disagree with is where he talks about how quick recovery from being knocked down should be automatic, making staying down the conscious decision.
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