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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I didn't think that Spirits Within was particularly well written on its own either. I didn't like the cookie-cutter characters and I felt like the plot was a rehash of FF7, which I felt did the whole Lifestream thing better.
  2. hey guys windows more like winblows am i rite
  3. From a storytelling point of view, yes. You have to do things differently in a game than in a movie; adaptation is an art, and a tricky one at that. The problem was that Spirits Within really wasn't Final-Fantasy-anything. For God's sake, it took place on Earth. Earth! In the future! Seriously? These are the people that gave us worlds like FF6's and FF7's, and the best they could come up with was post-apocalyptic Earth invaded by alien ghosts? Where was the medieval/steampunk fusion world? Where were the crystals, where were the black and white mages, the airships? Where were the brave, sword-wielding warriors? Where were the chocobos? I wasn't really looking for any kind of adaptation of an existing game, but I was hoping for something a little closer than a pretentious scifi B-movie. Square slapped "Final Fantasy" on the product to sell it. And yes, I realize Advent Children didn't have black mages or white mages or crystals, and honestly, no, I don't remember any Chocobos in it, but you know what? At least it didn't take place on Earth and at least Bahamut wasn't rampaging through New York City. I liked Advent Children because like every Final Fantasy game, it removed itself from our world.
  4. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20464
  5. Well, Spirits Within was very much a B-movie that was trying to be A-level. The only thing it really had going for it was the visuals.
  6. Spirits Within wasn't an anime movie. It wasn't good either.
  7. Yeah but...it's not in-house. Gamestop doesn't make games. They can't have a biased magazine. They make money regardless the game you buy.
  8. The name of the game is in the song title. Songbird's quicksearch will allow you to just search for "kirby"+"oc remix."
  9. Too small do convey anything meaningfully. And I'll die before I say YES to animated avatars.
  10. Using sprites is heavily encouraged! GO GO GO!!!
  11. Well, wait until the scout pack comes out. I think we'll see a boom in players again.
  12. Why'd you put an accent on the e?
  13. Sonic Heroes had great ideas that were executed so poorly. It was a technical fiasco; wonky camera, bad collision detection, etc. Total crap. The idea of using formations and controlling a team of characters? Fantastic idea! The implementation? Horrible! I was actually excited for Sonic Heroes. I bought it the day it came out. What a waste of money; such a disappointment.
  14. Two years is a long time to go without practice. If you're a dude like Cloud who's torn up over the death of a friend, you probably spend those two years releasing all that frustration through training.
  15. What did everyone think of last night's single-class rounds in Halls of Death? The All-Scout round was hilarious, but the All-Soldier round we did after that was amazing! Props to anyone on RED during that round; I can't figure out how you guys managed to dodge so many rockets and cap the intel 4 times. Or how anyone stayed alive long enough to kill me with a shovel. Really wanted to go through all nine classes, but the map changed. I'd like to do a ROSTER-ROTATION night sometime; set the map to Halls of Death and then go through every class.
  16. Nice. The word you're looking for is "recognition."
  17. This. I can forgive an attempt at "innovation" and different gameplay styles, but the biggest problem with Sonic games in this day and age is that they are just poorly made.
  18. Hey, I can understand liking Sonic 2 more than S3&K, but seriously, shit game? Come on; three playable characters, massive zones, branching paths, epic storytelling in the later zones? That was a great game! I agree, but SPP was still a good game.
  19. Homerun Bat. Long-wind up, but when you hit, you hit for some crazy knockback.
  20. Looks cool. Album releases by non-posted artists go in the Works: Non-ReMixes forum though. Moved.
  21. I wasn't talking about a specific game. My point is that the subject being discussed is "top video game moment of 2008" not "top video game moment of last week when I played L4D and lost that one campaign." "Think back to January," meaning, "Go back to January and start from there, because a ton of games came out this year and I'm sure you can think of something better than losing a L4D campaign."
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