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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. To put it another way: Why just make lots of money (PS3 version) when you can make more than lots of money (Wii version)?
  2. Gonna lock this. You already tried and failed to make your point before. No point in resurrecting a thread in order to rehash your tired, flawed arguments.
  3. Link redirection from clicking a post? No thank you. There's way too much potential for abuse with that kind of thing. Plus I'm not even sure vB could do that. I will look into embedding MP3s
  4. Awesome news, but I'm just jumping in here for the obligatory public service announcement. No posting links to ROMs. No asking for where to get ROMs. No hinting at using other means of communication to exchange information about ROMs. Keep it off the boards.
  5. Thread renaming was possible in phpBB. It's not a default feature of vB for regular users. It was a very useful feature everywhere and I was sad to see it go. The problem is that vB stores Thread Titles separately from Post Titles, whereas phpBB just uses the Post Title of the first post as the Thread Title. Not really sure how to give permissions to normal users to change titles for only their own threads.
  6. Nice delurk. Yep. The official press release for SoM mentions "1-3 Players." And Nohbody, PotS is right. It's called ethics and having morals. People pay for SNES games on the Wii because they want to buy them. Or are you suggesting/advocating piracy on the forums? Be very careful about that.
  7. They're not being released concurrently. Humans first, and the other two are expansions that are coming out later. First one is still going to have full multiplayer, and expansions are going to add new units.
  8. Yeah, I'd read about something like that before. Someone was saying it should take a while for you to sap and you can't move while you're doing it. The only problem with that is: how do Engies counteract a distance sap? It's not as simple as whacking a sapper off with a wrench.
  9. You can use classic controller on MH3t~; no waggle necessary. And come on, this is one of Capcom's flagship franchises in the Japans. They're not gonna mess it up.
  10. Hoboka, I'm going to say this as nicely as I can. Knock it off, please.
  11. The sense of entitlement held by Blizzard fans is unparalleled. It's not your game. It's their game. You just get to play it. Anyway rather than working yourself up into a frenzy speculating about details you don't have, why not wait until there's more solid info before turning on the waterworks? And anyway, come on. It's StarCraft. This isn't going to stop anyone from buying all three versions. Science fiction fans are notoriously obsessive-compulsive, and science-fiction fans who are gamers are even more so.
  12. Sure. 1) Yes. I've never had a problem finding things, even when I was starting out here, oh so long ago. 2) Just a general opinion. I don't really use the WiP for feedback, just for releases. 3) I don't really review. I don't have a lot of time too, plus I'm a Judge so when I do find time I prioritize the queue. 4) I think people just need to try to use this place more; I think the open, normal forum aspect of it hurts. People would give more feedback if they had a more structured system to follow, and that's something we're looking into staff-side. 5) A few things: I don't like it when people say "I don't comment on the WiP board because I don't feel like I can give good feedback." There's only one way to learn how to do that, and it's to just sit down and do it. It's alright if you can't articulate yourself well in the beginning; you'll learn how to do that with practice. I also don't like it when people use the WiP board to post their work for feedback, but at the same time criticize OCR, its standards, and its staff (i.e. the Judges Panel). That's very rude. OCR provides this forum as a courtesy to you so that you can get your music out there for the world to hear without having to wait. You can dislike the site, the staff, the standards, or even certain individuals, but please, if you're going use this forum, keep it to yourself. In other words: if you're invited to someone's house for dinner, don't go there and eat the food, but insult the cook and host. Show some courtesy and appreciation. People should respect the wishes of the original poster and make sure they read what the original post says before listening to the song and posting away. Few examples: if I say "This is a release, I'm not working on this anymore, please enjoy," don't reply with a list of things I should change; I said it was done. Another: If I say, "This is only halfway through the song; that's not how it's going to end; it's going to be a lot longer. I'm just looking for feedback on style, soundscape, and production," don't tell me, "The ending just cuts off! You should write a real ending!" Please pay attention to what the artist wants.
  13. I got PMed with an invitation to join this project. I'd like to respectfully decline. Sorry. Good luck.
  14. Honestly, unless they're all really similar, just pick one and perfect it. There's no rule that says you can't submit multiple remixes of the same source tune. As long as they're all very different from each other, we have no problem posting them. I mean honestly, if you really wanted to, you could submit 10 different takes on a source tune, and if they're all great and all different from each other, we'd post 'em.
  15. Sorry, what was the point of posting all that? This is a thread about improving the WIP review process, not to crap on the Panel.
  16. I've read a bit of the manga, it's a very fun series. The anime is shaping up to be great.
  17. I wouldn't mind resetting my stats. It'd be fun to go back and earn everything again. xD
  18. Yeah. I apologize. Lots of stuff going on in my life right now, particularly a new job. Having a splitting headache since Saturday is not helping. Trying to minimize my computer time. I will try to mail out the proper stuff today or tomorrow, depending on how my head feels.
  19. Kannagi. When she eats the taiyaki. Adorable.
  20. Bleck's been banned for a month for posting "in before lock" in a thread. No, that's not harsh, that's what we're doing, so don't do it. He asked me to change it so you guys can email him the votes. I've edited the first post with his email. And before anyone asks, yes, I have a grudge against the FAC which is why I keep banning the organizers. Carry on.
  21. Don't post your release in Community. We have a Works-in-Progress & Releases forum of this stuff.
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