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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. That's obviously some kid trolling for responses. I mean seriously, parinoidlady@gmail? The word isn't even spelled right. Your response is also pretty stupid. Locking this.
  2. It probably just pulls information from Last.FM's artist profiles.
  3. Except that irony isn't just something unexpected occurring; it's something occurring that contrary to what is expected. If Satriani himself had plagiarized "If I Could Fly" from another artist, that would be ironic. "Ironic" and "unexpected" are not interchangeable terms. That the discussion of where tracks come from goes towards video game music on a video game music site isn't ironic; it's coincidental. Is it unexpectedly amusing because this is OCR and we're video game music fans? Sure; but it's not ironic. As for "If I Could Fly" and "Viva La Vida" being inspired by a Legend of Zelda song, that's total bullshit. I can't thing of a single song from Zelda that sounds like "Viva La Vida."
  4. No it doesn't. That definition you linked doesn't say anything like that.
  5. Well, the place it's being discussed really has nothing to do with irony.
  6. The rest of the song is different. It's only the first few notes of the melodies and the chord progression that are the same. If using the same chord progression as someone else is plagiarism, then you can throw pretty much every songwriter since the 1950s into prison right now.
  7. They're not in it. This movie is solely Chun-li's story, which is one of the plot threads that's been around since SFII/SFA. There's more to Street Fighter than Ryu QQing over the Dark Hadou.
  8. Oh please. Your opinions are not "just opinions." They're insinuations. "Capcom did this because of they were just trying to cash in on a dying franchise; you guys picked these mixers because they're your BFFs; this game won't do that well because it doesn't appeal to mainstream gamers; this will happen because of that reason." You're not expressing opinions. Your insinuating facts, and you're way off-base. Street Fighter isn't a dying franchise: it's very much alive, considering Street Fighter IV comes out next year. HD Remix isn't a cash-in either; a lot of hard work went into all areas of the game: redrawn graphics, remixed music, rebalanced gameplay. This isn't a quick-and-dirty port dude, it's a labor of love. Extra people weren't picked because they're "good friends with the top guys." They were picked because they can deliver the goods in a timely fashion. They're known for it. They have track records. What it basically boils down to is that you don't really have a point. You're basically "pissing on the parade" for the sake of pissing on the parade. Why? To express your "opinion?" That's a bullshit line. You're just getting worked up over what you think happened, when none of your "points" have a leg to stand on.
  9. On that note though, I'd love to see a mod that drops Pyro into L4D against the swarms. Rampaging through a campaign as four pyros would be hilarious.
  10. Pyro in L4D? Too easy. FWDAFWDAFWAAA~!
  11. Really? You can guarantee it? How?
  12. Seriously? I mean, we are talking about a high-definition remake of Street Fighter II, right? Quite possibly one of the most influential and beloved games of all time? Right? Right?
  13. Except that with Batman and Superman, they don't ignore everything that happened. Especially in the case of Superman, they talk about that stuff all the time, and the Doomsday character is always coming back in different incarnations, most recently in last month's issue of Superman. Before that there was a Kryptonite-laced mutated Doomsday soldier created by the US Government called "The All-American Boy" in the Kryptonite arc of Superman/Batman. Characters reference Superman's death all the time; Batman had a great, bitter line in Infinite Crisis a few years ago about how the last time Superman inspired anyone was when he was "dead." Yeah comic book deaths are never permanent, blah blah blah, but don't act like these stories never have any lasting impact. There are tons of things that came out of the death and subsequent resurrection of Superman that still reverberate today. Likewise with the Knightfall storyline. I mean come on: Bane. An excellent addition to the rogue's gallery. Elements of the character were even utilized in the buildup to RIP: one of the three "Replacement Batmen" was a dude pumped full of Bane's venom; a hulkish monster-Batman. Don't forget that Jean Paul Valley's Azrael: Agent of the Bat series ran for eight years and only ended five years ago.
  14. Of course not. Batman is one of their top-tier characters.
  15. In an effort to get new readers, publishers often have "jump on points" for readers interested in getting into comics. Writers will keep references to past storylines to a minimum; the affects are still there, but you only have to have a general idea of what happened before, which isn't hard to glean. Right now is not a good time to get into Batman. It's way too confusing for a new reader. I'd recommend waiting until all the Battle for the Cowl stuff blows over and all the new ongoings start up. That actually applies for pretty much all of DC right now. We're in the thick of some pretty big storylines: RIP/Last Rites in Batman, New Krypton for Superman, War of Light for Green Lantern, and Rise of the Olympian just started in Wonder Woman. Your best bet for a jump on point would be sometime in March/April: DC's starting up a lot of new series and switching gears in a lot of titles.
  16. Well like I said in #ocremix, comic books are the one thing that can get my nerd-rage going.
  17. Moved to requests. There's nothing "offtopic" about asking for a video game remix on a video game remix site.
  18. Oh of course. There's no way that DC will be able to maintain a non-Bruce Batman for long. I mean with characters like the Flash or Green Lantern, yes, you can do it. But Bruce Wayne's Batman is a top-tier character; he's on the level of Clark Kent's Superman. He's absolutely irreplaceable. That's not to say these stories don't matter. These are still important stories that are going to contribute to the mythos. But seriously, Bruce will be back.
  19. Dick Grayson is the only one at this point who's really good enough to be Batman. Yes, he's a hero on his own, but honestly, all the Bruce/Dick drama is over and done with. They've reconciled their differences long ago. Dick Grayson is the linchpin of the DCU. If there was ever anyone to succeed Bruce as Batman, it has to be his "first son," Dick Grayson. Besides, the Nightwing name is being shifted back to the Superman line. Rumor has it Tim Drake (or rather, Tim Wayne, since he was officially adopted by Bruce) is going to take on the Red Robin costume for the new Red Robin series. The other new rumored series is "Batman and Robin;" I see this being the series where Batman (whoever it is) will be training the new Robin: Damien. Should be interesting, considering Damien is such a total douchebag. McKeever's bringing in more Titans in an upcoming storyline because the ranks have kind of thinned out. There are really only four core Teen Titans right now: Robin, Wonder Girl, Red Devil, and Blue Beetle. There's an issue coming up where the Teen Titans will be having tryouts, a la the Legion. There is a plan in place to lock in a team for the Titans and keep it that way so that McKeever can get back to telling actual stories rather than shuffling the roster around all the time.
  20. You seriously can't formulate an opinion on Batman RIP based on a fucking IGN article. The fact that the article is on IGN's "Stars" website, instead of IGN's "Comics" website (a site that generally knows what it's talking about) makes it even worse. Here's a spoiler guys: Dr. Hurt doesn't shoot and kill Batman, as that article would lead you to believe. It's actually not even known yet if Bruce Wayne is "dead." Batman is alive and kicking in the page right after the one they have in that article. In order to get the full story, you have to actually (heaven forbid!) read the storyline, starting with Batman & Son, a storyline from like two years ago. Batman RIP is the culmination of two years (possibly more) of writing by Grant Morrison. Hell, threads of the storyline started in 52. DC isn't "fucking shit up." Pick up a comic book and read it. The entire last issue of Batman RIP showcases how incredibly badass Batman actually is. His fate is very ambiguous at the end of the issue, and the storyline is nowhere near over. There's still Last Rites, Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?, and Battle for the Cowl. DC is doing big things with the entire Batman family, and as a guy who drops anywhere from $25-$40 a week on DC titles, I have to say that it's a very interesting time to be a DC fan. RD, that's not part of the issue. That's one of DC's "DC Nation" pages. Those two characters are Nightwing and Flamebird, from the New Krypton storyline going on in the Superman comics. The name "Nightwing" originally comes from the Superman mythos: Nightwing and Flamebird were masked heroes who patrolled the city of Kandor. Evidence points to the Nightwing featured in the latest issue of Action Comics to be a resurrected Conner Kent, formerly Superboy. After the New Krypton storyline ends in the Superman titles, Action Comics will no longer focus on Superman, but the new Flamebird and Nightwing characters.
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