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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. It's generally not a good idea to exaggerate in a feedback thread.
  2. See, I knew that some wise-ass was going to make this comment.
  3. Synergy isn't a futuristic FPS. It's a mod that allows you to play single-player Source games like HL2 in a co-op mode.
  4. Seriously, stop fucking whining about crits. Go play Counter Strike or something.
  5. Hey guys next time just leave the thread alone and let a mod take care of it, okay?
  6. I really recommend Minerva: Metastasis. It's a brilliant single-player HL2 mod. So brilliant that the maker got hired by Valve.
  7. I love the idea of just having cloaked spies running around not doing anything.
  8. This forum is for requesting video game remixes.
  9. The sense of entitlement some people have in this thread is annoying as hell.
  10. No, see, stop that right now. There was way more to this press conference than just the DSi. Look at all the games coming out for DS and Wii this year and next. Especially with stuff like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, where DS players can play online with Wii players. If you've played Ring of Fates for DS, you'll know that EoT is going to be fantastic. Phantasy Star Zero = PSO for DS, online Co-Op! Sin and Punishment 2 for Wii, Punch-Out for Wii? Arc Rise Fantasia? Takt of Magic? RYGAR?! There's lots of games in the pipeline for the hardcore. This is hardly a confirmation of what people were feeling after E3. I'd go as far as saying it refutes that sentiment.
  11. I bet they have a pretty suite life LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! MIT = awesome.
  12. You're not being punished for anything. You've had a DS for years that you've been playing! You want the DLC? Upgrade. Anyway I'm really excited about all the Wii stuff they revealed. Sin and Punishment 2 looks AWESOME.
  13. Storage solution: you'll be able to play stuff directly from your SD cards next year when they roll out the a firmware update. http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2008/10/02/nintendos-storage-solution-load-items-direct-from-the-sd-slot/
  14. That's not Street Fighter, that's Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Tatsunoko is an animation company in Japan responsible for a lot of old-school anime like Speed Racer and G-Force (Gachaman).
  15. http://gonintendo.com/?p=57999 Biggest news? New DS iteration called DSi, which includes, among other things, a DS Download service. Other highlights include Punch-Out for Wii and a sequel to Treasure's Sin and Punishment rails-shooter. These are exciting times.
  16. That kind of thing is controlled by the forum software. To implement a feature like that is to actually dig into the source code for forum itself which is something you really don't want to mess around with. It's not as simple as just copy-and-pasting. vBulletin does have a plug-in system. If any enterprising programmer wants to take a stab at creating a plugin that allows people to ignore specific users' sigs, have at it. http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=198 But please keep in mind that such a feature is probably not worth implementing in the first place. If a signature just annoys you, suck it up and deal with it. If a signature is actually offensive, then it should be changed, in which case you should talk to a mod about it. But stuff like the Nohbody's sig, while potentially annoying to some people, isn't offensive and is perfectly fine as far as sigs go.
  17. Please stop posting in this thread if you have nothing useful to offer.
  18. Then don't. This isn't really up for discussion, you know. The point is that people make sigs that are too big. Large sig graphics are annoying and break up the flow of conversation. It's stickied in Community where most forum related announcements go. It's reasonable to expect people to check out the stickies once in a while. If you don't change your sig, you'll be asked nicely to change it. If you don't change it, we'll change it for you, and if you continue to break the rule, you'll just get banned. Please keep in mind that 250 pixels tall for just graphics is pretty generous.
  19. No simple way to do that short of editing the template itself, which probably is not on Dave's priority list.
  20. He didn't get banned because he posted a picture of the Joker. He got banned because he posted a picture of the Joker eating popcorn, which says "Oh boy oh boy I can't wait to see where this thread is going I'm gonna sit back and watch the ensuing flame-war." It's a post that contributes nothing to the discussion. If there's anything that OCR needs, it's less of a peanut gallery. And given that he just got unbanned for posting single image replies, what was he expecting? He's been tempbanned countless times, and he's still doing stupid crap? He's lucky this one wasn't permanent.
  21. Why did you post this in the competitions forum? This is nothing more than a request. Please post your threads in the proper forums.
  22. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/profile.php?do=editoptions Go to Thread Display Options. You can turn off sigs, avatars, and even images altogether.
  23. The combined height of vertically arranged graphics in your forum signature should not exceed 250 pixels. Thank you.
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