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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. If anyone DOES want to take my old remix and update it with better sounds an expanded arrangement, let me know. I'm totally open to that.
  2. Marriage is a sham. Don't come crawling back to us when it ends. (congratulations)
  3. It only takes 3 NOs to get rejected.
  4. Death Metal is definitely not my cup of tea, and I imagine that of the Viking persuasion isn't either. Nevertheless, I shall endeavor to render fair judgement unto you. Let's get one thing out of the way, right off the bat. I think the lyrics sound goofy. Not the screaming scratchy stuff. That actually sounds cool. But when you do that fake sounding deep voiced stuff, like "A cloud of Weeping Lilly pollen is unleashed," it just sounds silly. Maybe that's how viking death metal is supposd to sound? Not sure. Oh, I absolutely love when you say "rrrrrrragnarok!!" Awesome. I think though, that the voices are sitting in a weird place in the mix; it sounds like you recorded them in an empty coffee house or something. I don't know, something about the reverb makes it sound like it's on a stage in a small room. Anyway, as for the actual arrangement of the source music, I think you did a good job. The guitars rock out pretty hard, and the percussion keeps the energy strong without getting old. Nice. Perhaps other Js will have production qualms, so I'm going to reserve my final vote until then, but for now, call me borderline YES. I've been letting this ruminate a while and I've decided to change my vote to NO, resub; I'm just not completely satisfied with how those vocals sit in the soundscape. Vocals like these shouldn't sound so cramped and small. Oh, and I just want to add something as an aside here: when a piece of music is described as being a miniature world, that is what people perceive through the music on its own. When you truly create a piece of music that transports the listener someplace else, you don't need to write out a back story for it for people to read; you don't have to explain the music. Let the music speak for itself. Just my 2 cents.
  5. I don't think that the continuous rhythm is a problem; it serves as an anchor to everything else going on and the way it's played evolves and shifts throughout the piece, from delicate to bombastic to delicate again. I love the sound to this; it's very dark and intimate. YES
  6. The world needs more Kirby mixes. This is my firm, unwavering belief. Such a simple source tune, but you've managed to really trick it out. I love at 1:34 where it gets a little busier. Very chill. Slowdown works surprisingly well considering it comes out of nowhere. Nicely done. I like it. It makes me want to drink coffee in null gravity. YES
  7. Yeah I gotta agree with Andy. A damn shame I actually have to NO this. More source please; it's not like the parts of the song didn't use are bad anyway; I'm sure you could find a way to incorporate more material. NO, resub
  8. Well, he didn't CHANGE the tags, he stripped them. If anything, he oversimplified...
  9. ... Okay so instead of apologizing, you just changed the filename so that it doesn't have my name in the tags anymore? You know what? I was ready to let it slide but now you're really trying to steal my work. Not cool at all dude.
  10. It's tweek posting under an Alt Account. Unfortunately Tweek is not nearly as notable a mixer as me (wow that sounds really conceited even though it's not meant to be), and the ID3 tags don't give anything away, so it's definitely not as LOL.
  11. Well the gameplay is 2D to preserve the "strategic" Street Fighter feel, according to Ono. As for vets being turned off because of a roster change, I say eff 'em. They not only had SF2 but the Alpha series as well for all their favorite characters, not to mention HD Remix is on the way. I just feel like this is a step backwards. THREE finally got us past the tired old Shadaloo storyline and gave us a villain with one of the best lines ever ("The mark of dignity shall scar thy DNA." Seriously, you can't top that.). I'm sure people missed their Blanka and Sagat, but clearing out the roster made room for a lot of fun fighters like Ibuki, Dudley, Makoto, Yun, Yang, etc. Hell, people have a hard time enough moving away from playing Shotos! I just feel like any new characters in IV are just going to be peripheral to the "main cast." I dunno, call me crazy, but I've always been a fan of the Street Fighter "storyline" (hell I've got Udon's Street Fighter Ultimate Edition comic sitting on my shelf), and I was really looking forward to seeing what crazy new heroes and villain Capcom would come up with. :\
  12. zyko hit the nail on the head. Theory is about giving you a vocabulary and about giving you a framework with which to approach music. In the end though, composing has a lot to do with what 'sounds right.' I'm a huge proponent of people learning basic theory. My advice to anyone trying to interpret and arrange music is always this: learn basic chords, intervals, and keys. Knowing these things will facilitate translating what you hear into what you write. With enough practice, composing and arranging in this manner becomes second nature. To Cree, the original poster: your mode of thinking is right on. Learning major and minor scales and keys will help you out. I was a trumpet player too, and I took a basic theory course in high school where I learned all the ins-and-outs of keys, scales, intervals, chords, and rhythm, and meter. Not only will it help you compose and arrange, but it'll help your playing. The piano in and of itself is an excellent way to learn basic theory (although I never went that route), because all of the relationships between notes on a piano are visible. You can instantly see what is meant by a whole step and a half step; you can count out the intervals for a major chord. You can count out the notes and go through the circle of fourths and the circle of fifths and see why they're circles (omg spoilers). Bottom line is, like most other folks have been telling you, you can't go wrong with familiarizing yourself with the basic principles of our western major/minor system.
  13. Well, new game play mechanics are to be expected; it's Street Fighter IV, and they should be doing new things. If they pull out parries, fine by me, parries pretty much define SF3. My primary sticking point is the roster rehash, which at this point is pretty unforgivable.
  14. I read a bunch of stuff about how they're trying to make this the Second Coming of Street Fighter II, and that they're going to try to get as many SFII characters into the game as possible. If there's any truth to these rumors, I'm just gonna skip this. I want to play Street Fighter 4, not Street Fighter 2.5 in 3D. I'm really annoyed that we're gonna be stuck with pretty much the same roster that we've been stuck with for years. Part of the reason I liked SF3 so much was because it had almost an entirely new roster, and they weren't clones of the old ones; sure there were similarities and shared move-sets, but they were still different enough to feel fresh. I'm sick of M.Bison's grin, I'm sick of Guile's hair, and I'm sick of Yoga Flame. I'll pass.
  15. Shitty Wingroove samples, bad encode, and not nearly long enough. Don't even bother submitting. Seriously though: ROFL Dude, you say you've been an OCR junkie for 3+ years, and you didn't think that people would notice you posted someone else's mix as your own? Especially when that someone else is a Judge and OC ReMixer with almost 20 mixes already posted on the site? Just because it's not on OCR doesn't mean nobody's heard it, and hell--you didn't even bother changing the ID3 tags! XD This attempt at plagiarism is so hilariously inept that I'm not even angry at you; on the contrary, you've brightened my day. Thanks for the laughs. Just don't try anything so stupid again. Take care. ROFL
  16. I almost wish it'd been submitted. It would have been an absolute joy to be able to call him out in a judgement thread.
  17. Wait...what's going on here? I'm at work and I can't download MP3s.
  18. Percussion is really repetitive throughout, and is lacking in any kind of strong kick element. I think that's really important in the case of a beat like you have here. 1:54 note choices are really bad. I see what you tried to do with moving outside the major key scale, but you've layered it over the melody and notes just clash. You're lacking in bass instruments too; your strings and pads are for the most part mid-range stuff, along with your piano melody, and you haven't really found a balance in the sound. Synths further crowd the soundscape as the piece progresses and you really start to lose focus around the 3:00 mark and then just continue repeating over and over again until the song ends. I think you got caught up in the layering approach, but didn't really give a lot of consideration as to how the layers actually interacted with each other. As the composer, it's very easy for you to filter out the layers that were introduced early in the arrangement because you understand what you're listening for, but the listener isn't part of your composing process; they just hear the end product with all of the layers mashed on top of each other. You have to keep that and mind and try to strike a balance; lock things together rhythmically and don't crowd the soundscape. NO
  19. Oh man! The beats in this are pretty hot, and I love all the funky keyboard stuff. Great groove with a lot of variation for such a short mix. Speaking of which, only 1:50?! BOO. Anyway I like this. I think it's a nice take on the source, if a little short. YES
  20. I can see you're kind of going for that spacey electronic Metroid Prime sound, but ultimately I think you just didn't interpret the source tune enough. Take out the SFX and you're essentially left with very little in terms of actual arranged music. You can't let the SFX do the heavy lifting for you here; making them the whole focus while allowing the music itself to become peripheral is gimmicky. You need to beef up the non-SFX stuff in here. Try to make stronger melodic and/or harmonic statements, chord movements, do something. Bring up the volume too; it's quiet. NO
  21. Hey man, I'd like to throw in my hat too, this looks pretty pro. I dunno if I could commit to a whole soundtrack, but if you're looking to round out a few tracks, I could throw down. Click my sig for a list of remixes I've got here, and also check out http://darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack for some older original stuff I've done. I realize it's not all exactly what you're looking for, but if you need some "story" tracks, I think I could come up with something.
  22. Lookin' great Dave. Just want to throw this in to anyone who's going to reply to this thread: Don't be a douchebag when giving your opinion. If you have any kind of problem with the new lists, talk about it intelligently. I know Dave's been working on this for quite a while now, so keep that in mind.
  23. I read the books, and I wouldn't take this bet. The fact of the matter is that by the very definition of the word, "God" cannot be killed. It's impossible. If you believe that God is all-powerful (which is pretty much one of the things that makes God God), then you'd know that. If whatever they're calling "God" can be killed, then I guess it wasn't really "God" in the first place, right? I guess people take more issue with the notion of theocide than anything else.
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