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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. This site is already famous for things much more substantial than an article on ED, Protricity hasn't been involved with this site in years, and you're an idiot if you think that a silly article on that site is going to get us spammed, flamed, and raided. OCR has weathered much worse.
  2. Aren't dreams the whole point? I'd love to have you on the project, Jeremy.
  3. Thanks Trenthian. That's a really nice sketch, and a very good example of where that song can go, and the kind of adaptation I'm looking for.
  4. Edited. Also, my point about lyrics was meant to be separate from my point about the genre. In any case, if you want to do Lost Woods, then go ahead and do it. I'll reserve judgment until I hear the track.
  5. Here's the thing though; I don't really care if the song has vocals or not. My personal preference is and always be instrumental music, but I'm willing to set that aside for this album. I just don't want people to get the impression that this is supposed to be an album of Vocal Love Songs.
  6. If you can make it work as a song about Saria and Link, then I'm all for it. I'm still skeptical about Freezepop's style in terms of instrumentation and texture and how that will fit into the context of a love song. Regardless the genre choice, I definitely want to avoid tongue-in-cheek, "cheesy" lyrics for any song that will have lyrics. As much as I love Funky-Monkey Love, that's not the kind of song I'm aiming for, especially since I don't think any of the characters would really fit with that. The mixes on this project aren't just remixes of themes, they're remixes about the characters.
  7. Not sure about Freezepop's style in terms of a love song. Seems a bit cheesy, if you know what I mean. :\ As for Wind Waker, nobody's really applicable. I'd thought about it, but nothing really there. And Tetra = Zelda already. In any case, I'm not looking to add more tracks to this, and it's by no means the definitive album. If it's successful, maybe I'll organize a sequel album with more themes, but I want to avoid letting the project grow to the point where it's going to be a pain to organize.
  8. Hm. Well, I was mostly going for non-platonic love, but I suppose sisterly love is good too. I'll mull it over a bit.
  9. For everyone that's interested, I need to see examples of work of your work. Current work.
  10. I just want to say that people who are interested shouldn't start working on anything yet. I haven't made any decisions as to who's even ON the project yet, and we certainly haven't gone through track selection either. Gotta wait till everything's set before mixing begins.
  11. No thanks. Despite my description of Link as a pimp, I'm hoping for a more serious album. Not looking for lulz here.
  12. Dhsu, I loved Nayru's Love, so it'd be great to have you.
  13. Yeah, we do. But I have this idea man, it's gonna be awesome. SERIOUSLY. -- As for Malon: A friend of mine suggested that to me, but I do want to keep the tracklist down. Plus Ocarina of Time already has two themes. If this thing really takes off and we make progress really fast, I might consider adding a track or two.
  14. I know what you're going to say. "DarkeSword, don't we already have like, a million projects going on?" Yeah, we do. But I have this idea man, it's gonna be awesome. SERIOUSLY. All joking aside, I was mistakenly sent a PM the other day from TheThoughtfulOne, who wanted to do or get the ball rolling on a Zelda series project. Some ideas included a Chrono Symphonic style movie score, or something telling the story of the legend through the ages. I said "Hold up." It's my experience that a remix project should be small and manageable. I came up with a concept for a Zelda series project off the top of my head, and I liked it so much that I decided to do it myself. So let's get started, ok? The Concept Link has women fawning all over him all the time. There are tons of girls in the series that fall for Link, whether it's spelled out explicitly or not. I propose an album dedicated to the ladies that love Link. The Tentative List of Characters and Tracklist This tracklist is pretty much set, and is in no way meant to be a definitive representation of every single girl in the Zelda series, nor is it meant to cover every single game. Series: The Legend of Zelda Main Theme/Overworld/Title Princess Zelda - Zelda's Lullaby Link's Awakening: Marin - Ballad of the Windfish Ocarina of Time: Saria - Saria's Song/Lost Woods Princess Ruto - Serenade of Water Twilight Princess: Ilya - Ilya's Theme Midna - Midna's Theme, Midna's Desperation Oracle of Ages/Seasons: Din - Din's Dance Nayru - Nayru's Theme This gives us about nine songs to work with. I've included the overworld theme because if I'm going to do a Zelda series project, it's a good idea to include the defining song. I made the mistake of leaving Green Greens out of my Kirby project. Not this time. Stylistic Considerations The theme of the project is love, requited or otherwise. I'm looking for each of the songs to be arranged in the style of any kind of love song. They don't have to have lyrics or words (I'd actually prefer the majority of songs to be instrumental), and they don't all have to be sappy ballads, but they should all try to capture the essence of the character and her affection for Link. What I'm not looking for: songs with funny lyrics or joke songs. Timeline Wouldn't a Valentine's Day release be ideal? I'm not going to kid myself, it probably won't happen. Projects always end up taking way more time than initially planned. But it's a good goal to shoot for. I'd like to hit first WIPs by the end of August, Second WIPs by November, and then work to complete. Getting on the Project If you're familiar with how I did the Kirby project, you know that I'm not going to take just anyone. I'm not looking for someone who's new to remixing; this isn't a project to get your foot in the door. I'm looking for people who know what they're doing and have the skills to do it. As such, I'd like to run auditions. If you want in on this project, send me a recent sample of your work, preferably something that falls within the Stylistic Considerations. I think I've covered it all. Any questions?
  15. Why are people always excited about this? I'm not that interesting of a person to hang out with.
  16. Well I spoke with Bahamut earlier, so it's all set. I'll be there.
  17. Since I'm actually between jobs and have off that day, I'd like to attend. Do you guys have extra tickets? I know someone mentioned it during the Philly meet.
  18. This might be a good question to just ask Nintendo. I'm sure Retro would be happy to tell people how long a cycle exactly is, considering the amount of effort that went into writing all of the stuff in the MP games.
  19. If you treat a cycle as a year, 1 millicycle works out to a little more than 8 hours.
  20. Wow, you burned him so hard. I bet he's crying ... Dumbass. As for how "versus" was turned into a verb: it comes from people not ever hearing the word outside the realm of fighting games. The announcer says "LINK, VERSUS, METAL MARIOOOOOooooo" but people hear "LINK, VERSES, METAL MARIOOOOOooooo" as if it's something that LINK is doing to METAL MARIOOOOOooooo. They think it's a verb and start conjugating it for different subjects. I verse, you verse, he verses, etc. I not saying it's right; I agree with you that it's fucking stupid, and people need to learn how to use words properly and stop making shit up. I'm just telling you where it came from.
  21. I don't think you're going to piss anyone off here.
  22. High fives will definitely be in order.
  23. While this is absolutely awesome, I'm really holding out for the OCR3 style.
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