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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Everyone criticizing the script, just please shut the hell up. Nobody cares if you're indignant that your precious Chrono Trigger has been bastardized. Does the title of the thread say "Chrono Trigger Movie Script Review!!" ? No. The script is merely a framework for the project. So shut up. Repeat. Shut up. (shut up) Anyway, I've got tracks 19 and 20 as of now. Not biting off more than I can chew. We'll see how things go. PS. Shut up.
  2. Vocals are really terrible man. I think Larry's usage of the word 'untrained' sums it up, though even that may be an understatement. Balance between the elements is pretty bad too. The original piece is so strong harmonically in the way everything fits together; in your piece, I don't feel any kind of emotional response at specific hit points in the song. Very weak and lifeless overall. Guitar is too quiet and doesn't mesh with the drums or vocals; drums have timing issues too. Overall a pretty poor execution. Sorry man. NO
  3. Short version: Needs more. Long version: Needs a lot more. But seriously, this is way too short and much too underdeveloped. It clocks in at 1:41, and even then, there's about 25 seconds of actual nonrepeating material. Variation in your instrumentation would be nice to hear; what you have sounds good, but it's certainly not enough. I'd like to hear some highs and lows in the arrangement as I feel that this one doesn't go anywhere, it simply is. Sometimes simply being is a good thing, but not in this case. Comes off a bit boring. Develop! NO
  4. KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop * Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind * Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller * analoq - 16 or 32 - Star Herald - Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter * Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior * Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General * Sir Nuts - 13 - Great Ace DJ Ikronix - 14/15 - Final Star mv - 56 - Hero of Lore - People with stars next to their names are the people I have seen WIPs from. I'll ask that you guys each post your WIP again. I know that mv and analoq are working on their pieces, as I've talked to them, but as for Suzumebachi, DJ Ikronix, and Sir Nuts, I need to see something, otherwise you guys are out, and I'll have to figure out how to fill spots. I'm setting the Final Arrangement Deadline for December 5, 2004. I'll comment on posted WIPs soon enough; in the meantime, please post WHAT YOU HAVE SO FAR again.
  5. Jeff man, you really know your production. Very nice sounds here; everything works really well together. Top-notch production. Arrangement however, leaves a bit to be desired. It's very straightforward, and follows the structure of the original fairly closely. I believe though, that this song has a lot going for it in the execution area, even if it lacks in the concept area; similarly to Rhodes to the Past by Fatty Acid, I think that even with a structure similar to the original, solid trance production coupled with creative use of monkey sound effects puts this mix over the borderline for me. I think that it's enjoyable and well-made; that balances out the arrangement issues, for me. YES
  6. OH MAN I LOVES ME SOME LIVE RECORDER (feel free to quote me on that) Yeah this is great. Great concept, great execution. Balance is perfect, in my opinion. Nice work all around. OF COURSE
  7. I don't know how to respond to that. Not much else can be said here. Anyway. Very chill, laid-back groove. I adore rimshot the way it's used here; nice interplay between hats and kicks too. There's some subtle stuff going on in that kick. The distorted lead fits nicely in with everything too; it adds a nice contrast, without being out of place. Improv is good enough. My only qualm was that I felt the piano was too loud in the opening, but after a while it blended in. Nice work man. YES
  8. That piano is really loud bro. I can see what Vig is saying about the emptiness too; that part where it's just the piano going solo is BERY BERY BORING. Not much besides block chords (fifths?) and the continuo line from the original. Not very creative. Later on down the line, with the oboe, cello, and piano, everything sounds REALLY crowded right there in the mid-range. The piano is really overpowering everything else. This mix has MAJOR balance issues. I'd go back and tweak ALL of the volume levels if I were you. Sorry about your cat. NO
  9. I don't hear Star Stealing Girl in here; just sampled vocals from Bollywood music. As much as I love the homeland, I gotta say that I had a very hard time finding more than hints to the melodic line of SSG. The percussion and flute stuff is great, but I don't like how any of the voice samples were used. Maybe I'm biased because I've seen all of those movies? (Probably; so I'm not going to count that against you.) It's a nice original piece inspired by SSG, but I really think it's way too liberal of an arrangement to be considered a ReMix. Sorry Bhai-sahib. NO
  10. That trance lead in the opening is ridiculously wide and messy. It fills up the whole soundscape and doesn't leave room for much else. Plus it's got so much reverb on it that the notes are just bleeding together. Balance between percussion elements is also terrible; what's with the hi-hat just clicking every upbeat? This mix goes nowhere fast. No development, no innovation, no nothing. It's nothing but a repetitous trance synth on an uninteresting beat. NO
  11. This comes off as sounding very empty. The synth sounds used in tandem with the detache strings (squid?) just aren't enough to fill up the soundscape. The harp and piano bits are pretty nice; but I think that the whole thing is a bit drenched in reverb. The synths are also lifeless and lo-fi, and the bassline is boring. That change at 2:11 sounds so out of place too. NO
  12. holy shit dude!! you asked me how to submit a song to this site YESTERDAY!! HAHAHAHAHA Anyway, like I told you before, it's pretty damn good. Tight lyrics, decent production, great all around. Nice work!!
  13. I'm alive. I'll pick tracks once you guys are all settled on yours.
  14. I do believe that may be a violation of the guidelines. Just want to clarify here for any Decisions readers that it's not a violation, because Elfman's theme is only used sparingly. This isn't a remix of Batman by Danny Elfman with RotJoker thrown in. It's the other way around, so it's okay.
  15. Hadyn summed it up. As for the site, I'm coding myself in HTML/XHTML and CSS. So that's that. I really need to work on it though.
  16. Saying someone is full of himself is an insult, so right away, you started off on the wrong foot. Then, you showed no real understanding of our community when you made the comment about people taking time out of their lives to remix. Remixing is what we do here. Making symphonic remixes of Chrono Trigger music is a challege that a lot of us will have FUN with. Why do you think contests like IMC and PRC are so popular? People have fun remixing, and they learn a lot. Then, you criticize the script, but follow that immediately up with 'I didn't even read the script.' I don't care if you found the 'audacity of the entire project...appalling.' If you're going to criticize Claadou's script, at least read it. He spent more time writing the script than you did writing your post. Then you talk about how movies based on video games always end up sucking, but Claadou has stated many times that this movie isn't even being made. The script is there for his own enjoyment, and its there as a framework to base our project on. Then you make a totally irrelevant comparison to defacing the Mona Lisa, which makes no sense. We're not going back in time and defecating in all of the CT cartridges here. When you adapt a story from one medium to another, changes must be made, otherwise you get something very lackluster. If you were trying to be unoffensive, you did a poor job of it. You said Claadou was full of himself, demonstrated little understanding of what this community is about, criticized the script without even reading it, and then accused us of disrespecting the source material. Just putting a little disclaimer at the end of your post doesn't cut it, when your entire post is filled with stuff like that. Sorry if you think I'm an asshole, but maybe you should have thought more about what you said and how you said it before you posted.
  17. Tried, and failed! Yeah I mean, it's not like remixing is fun or anything. Look buddy; we're remixers; we don't take time out of life to remix; remixing IS life. Read the script. For fun. Yeah, especially since this movie is being made! No, it's not. It's adapting and intpreting a story to another medium, and making it WORK in said medium. Could have fooled me. Here's the point of the project: CHRONO TRIGGER REMIXES
  18. Heh. Pretty neat man. Anyway, one week left for first WIPs. After that, we're going until November 28 for the final arrangements.
  19. What specifically are you trying to do? Because you can't really FADE between FX tracks, unless you use Send tracks. Most things can be solved by actually automating the levels of the effects IN the FX channels themselves.
  20. Just wanna say that this is a great example of what submission emails should look like. All you people reading judges decisions, look at this submissions email and follow Lyco's example.
  21. Clean, spacey, groovy. Very nice. The whole texture is really great. Synths, pads, piano and strings all work really well together. The arrangement is a bit empty at parts, but there's still substance there. I like it. This is a no-brainer for me. YES
  22. Epiliptic is right. This is downright seizure-inducing. Maybe it's just my lack of knowledge about the genre, but I'm not a big fan of this. However, there's some crazy sampling retriggering going on here; really weird and chaotic; kinda cool. Still, the opening really follows the original verbatim, and there's not much interpretation as far as the music goes. It's mostly just the original with similar sounds with creative breakcore loops thrown over it. Not much in the way of a remix, and not much in the way of what this site aims for. Try releasing it on the WIP, or at VGMix; there's gotta be an audience for this kind of stuff somewhere. NO
  23. Yeah. This is basically the original over dance drums. Not even very interesting dance drums. Pleasant enough to listen to, but it's there's really NO interpretation here at all. Not even so much as a countermelody. Nothing.
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