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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Damn this mix gets way to repetitive. I checked my timer and I was like, "Damn this thing has been going for 4:40 already and nothing new happened." Vocals are sloppy and amateurish; there are some intonation issues that make me cringe throughout the mix. Vocal tricks don't work; I can see what you're trying to do, but they don't work. NO
  2. YIKES CLIPPING!!! Lets get this fixed and go for a resubmit, shall we? Look at levels, balance, and general mastering issues. The clipping is annoying, but the arrangement is good. NO (Please Resubmit!)
  3. I believe it stands up as an addition. It's got a nice, groovy, laidback feel. Sounds are very sharp and clean; a trademark of ziwtra's work. I like the arrangement too; progresses nicely with some good variation. Nice. YES
  4. No balance on the sounds! Bass is overbearing, and things blend together way too much. That lead is detuned boredom in audio form. Some nice percussion stuff WAY later down the line, but it starts repeating itself, which kills the charm. The whole thing just has a very amateur sound. The percussion for the most part is the same tinny hat sound cutting through the whole mix. Gets annoying after a while. Pay attention to the balance of your instruements. I don't know what to listen to. NO
  5. Repetitive, boring, and unoriginal. DO SOMETHING with the song. There's hardly anything here of merit that I can't get listening to the original. Relies way too much on source material. NO
  6. Nice concept, nice execution. Nice work. Can't get much higher praise around here than that. YES
  7. Arrangement feels too repetitive for me. Some nice drum work, but some of it's a bit loopy. Hi-freqs could use a boost. It's a nice take on the source material though; bass stuff is really tight sounding. Overall its a very groovy piece, with some overlookable issues. Borderline YES, but I'd feel better about it if we could get a re-EQed version.
  8. Eek clipping! Some nice guitar playing, especially around 2:16, good stuff; too bad there's clipping. Gotta work on production values man. Arragnement needs to vary up a tiny bit more I think too. Resubmit please. NO
  9. Not true. The concept of the album is character themes. This isn't a full soundtrack remix album. I have already stated that two or three times in this thread. We can't have two mixes that are both "Theme of Great Ace," for example. It does not make sense. Alright so I just realized that both Rellik and KirbyMixer are mixing track 22. I just talked to KM, and he's going to mix Fountain of Dreams as Water Drop instead.
  10. Peer review means I would more mixers to work on the project, but still keep the original amount of slots for the tracks. For example, lets say I want to work on the track for Water Drop, and you also want to work on the track for Water Drop. We would both make our remixes for it, and then at the end of the project, everyone would all vote on the mix they would most like to be on the album for Water Drop. If your mix won, it would be the on the album, and my mix would not. Either way, we'd both get a good mix out of it. One of the reasons I'm leaning towards allowing more tracks and going into a PR system is that some guys have expressed interest in working on the project (Darangen, Zircon...MYSELF , but I don't have any slots open for them. As for politics, I don't think I'll have to worry about it. We'll just have to stress that the music must be the only thing that is reviewed.
  11. I've toyed with the idea of implementing a peer review, but at this point, I don't want to hurt any feelings. If all of the remixers are okay with it, I'll devise a Peer Review process. The problem with auditions was that I accepted people as they applied, so it went more like a first come first serve. In retrospect I should have waited for all of the auditions and picked the cream of the crop. Everyone please add your thoughts; should we do a Peer Review? I'd like to hear some arguments.
  12. I'm having a hard time naming all the quotes in the guitar at the end of Beneath the Surface. I got Frog's Theme and Kraid. Any more?
  13. Analoq, thanks man. Glad to have your support. Kye-U, sorry, but this project is for Kirby's Adventure songs only. Dreamland songs won't be included. Alright guys, I set up a chatroom: #kaproject on irc.enterthegame.com. irc://irc.enterthegame.com/kaproject Please lurk and chat whenever you can. If you're a mixer or backup for this project, msg me and I'll voice you. Keep the chatter clean; it's not #ocremix.
  14. Very impressive, however, all of my slots for tracks are filled up. You have three options: 1) Be a backup. If someone drops out, you could take over. 2) Convince someone here to collaborate with you. 3) Wait until my next project. Sorry man; your stuff sounds killer, but it wouldn't be fair to bump someone. Anyone willing to collaborate with Darangen?
  15. Perhaps you can trade with someone? RELLIK MAYBE?! I get a bunch of different vibes from Rellik's WIP; its kind of light, but also a bit epic, with those vox synths. Maybe Swift Hunter would work. I'll see about this later today.
  16. Well I want this to succeed, so I'm not interested in rushing things. Setting reasonable, attainable goals will help this project reach completion, even if it takes a while. Just so everyone knows, my target completion date for the whole project is around either the beginning or end of January. Also, I was thinking about possible titles for the album; what do you guys think of 'The Adventurers'? It's a nice throwback to the title of the game, as well as referencing the fact that we're doing character themes?
  17. Ellywu, go ahead and do 18 as Dream Warrior. Based on your audition piece, I think you could pull that off. KirbyMixer, could you please try to remix track 22 as Water Drop? Starky, I didn't see any mention of a rank, so I put you on Swift Hunter, if that's alright. Alright people, here's what we look right right now: KirbyMixer - 22 - Water Drop chthonic - 3 - Son of Wind Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller Dj_StarChild - 33/34 - Swift Hunter Rellik - 55/37/22 - Star Herald Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General Sir Nuts - 13 - Great Ace DJ Ikronix - 14/15 - Final Star Destiny - 56 - Hero of Lore DarkeSword - undecided/backup mixer If you guys wish to trade ranks with anyone else, simply post here and we'll try to work something out. That last bit about me basically says that if your work is not upto scratch, or you have to drop out for whatever personal reason, or you piss me off and I kick you off the project, I'll be taking over your track assignment. (not being up to scratch basically means that if i'm not satisfied with your mixing ability, you're out, so do good) I may also do a bonus track for 'Super Star' a rank which was only attainable after beating Extra Mode, but I want to worry about the real project first, then any extras. Anyway, our track selection phase is, for the most part, DONE. Everyone, please begin working on your mixes. The first Work-In-Progress is DUE on Sunday, October 31, 2004 DO NOT MISS THIS DEADLINE. IF YOU DO, YOU RISK REMOVAL FROM THE PROJECT First WIP should have at least 1 MINUTE worth of material. Substantial material. Source tunes must be prevalent, and the style must fit the rank (I won't be TOO harsh on the style, however). I highly recommend you post WIPs before the deadline, so that your fellow remixers can provide you with worthwhile feedback. Let's do this, team. Good luck. edit: changed the WIP length requirement to 1 minute; I think that's reasonable, eh?
  18. I think 33/34 would be great. It's a great song. Will you claim it?
  19. Sounds good to me, since 14/15 is the last boss music. The ranks I listed on the first post are all of the ranks from the game. I haven't listed any explainations for the ranks, because I think that they're pretty self-explanatory. If anyone has any questions about the ranks feel free to ask.
  20. I know that, I was just asking, wishful thinking, no? No.
  21. I think you mean L'il Traveller. This isn't the request forum dude. This is the thread for the Kirby's Adventure Remix project.
  22. I did. You need to claim a specific track NOW, and tell me which rank you're writing the theme for.
  23. TRACK SELECTION IS BEGINNING! All mixers, please state the track you wish to mix and the rank you have chosen to do the character theme for. Example: 1/2 - Dream Hunter Ground rules: Green Greens is not choosable. Track 56 (the ending theme) is not choosable, since I specifically asked Destiny to do it. This will be Hero of Lore. If you choose 14/15, it MUST be Theme of Final Star, as it is the last boss theme. The list of ranks is available in the first post of this thread. Lets try to get some discussion here so we can work out conflicts and start working on WIPs.
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